Chapter 12 - Birthday parties Pt. II

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The tension between me and Michael is filling the air as we walk back inside. "Time to unwrap your presents!" Celina exclaims, Harry's arm on her shoulder. I shake my head, the party animal inside of me waking up. "Shots first." Accompanied by cheers and laughter I carry a tray full of glasses to the coffee table, then grab two for myself. I raise them high up in the air, smiling as I turn around to look at my friends. Luke, Ashton, Michael, Calum. Celina, Nessa, Mary, Josie. Niall, Louis, Liam and Harry. "I want to say a few words before we drink. The past year changed a lot in my life. I grew up, I started my own life. It wasn't always easy to keep contact to you guys, and a relationship with someone a thousand miles away at times, is hard." My gaze wandered to Michael, and I felt a lump form in my throat when he showed a small smile. "I want to thank each and every single one of you, that helped me. This is to all of you, to us. To friendship. To love. To new beginnings." After a small round of applause I down the two shots, then grab my purse and step on the patio to have a smoke.
I don't have to turn around to know Michael is behind me, his presence sending shivers over my skin. "Beautiful speech." I again try to swallow the lump in my throat but it's no good. "Thank you." He steps closer, gently laying a hand on the small of my back. I lean in a little bit. It's weird for both of us, it feels like we're doing something forbidden, even though it was so right.
"Can we talk? About what happened?" I nod slowly. "Yes, sure." He pulls me in, his hand soft on my waist, as we take a small walk through the garden. "Michael, I'm-" "Wait. I'm sorry. For all I did. I used your weakness to lure you in, and that was wrong." "And I'm sorry as well. All that happened was just a dumb fight. I don't want to lose you over all of this. Be honest to me. Tell me your secrets, and I'll tell you mine." He stops us in the corner covered with roses, his eyes sparkling in the pale moonlight. "I promise baby, okay? I love you, Emilia." I feel my heart racing, the shots on an empty stomach already circling through my body. "And if one of us goes down, then we'll go together. All or nothing Michael. I love you. "A smile lights up his beautiful face as he chuckles and nods. "All or nothing."
His well known hands holding my body securely he leans down, waiting for my approval to kiss me. I lean in, my body aching for his touch. Time seems to stop around us, and the million thoughts that filled my head are wiped away. There's one thing in my head, and one thing only.
"Michael?" He groans against my lips, not pulling back until we hear his little sister shout his name again. "Michael you dumbass I can see you guys. Time to unwrap the presents." I giggle and pull away a tiny bit, smiling up at my love. "Come on. We can't keep them waiting."

Sorry this is short, more later !
Ems x

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