Chapter 7 - Past is past, or is it?

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Calum kept quiet during the car ride, holding my hand tightly. He occasionally looked over at me, his eyes worried. And I cried. I just cried, the endless fall of tears didn't stop, and my red, puffy eyes hurt.
Pulling into their driveway he pulled me over to sit on his lap, holding me close to his chest and gently rubbing circles on the small of my back. "C'mere, I'll get you inside." I was unable to nod or say anything, heavy sobs shaking my body.
He gently lays me down on his bed, kicking of his shoes and laying down beside me, pulling me in so I was half laying on top of him.
Keeping quiet until I calmed down and the tears stopped, he just held me, occasionally pushing my hair back. As I finally caught my breath, I knew he was about to say something. "What was going on? You guys were pretty loud and it looked horrible to see your fight." "Michael, he- he admitted to having a problem with drugs. That's why he's acting like this." Calum went quiet, then nodded. "I figured. I saw him pop a pill once or twice when we went out, but I didn't know what to think of it. What about what you said though, something like that you've been through it yourself. What was that about?" I closed my eyes and pressed my face into the crook of his neck, his strong arms my rock. "A- a year or two back, I don't know if you remember the time when I went to hospital for like 6 months." He nodded. "Yeah, when you had the complicated knee fracture." "No, Cal. My knee was fine. I was in there to get away from the shit I was doing." "That was when you went out that much, when you got to know Dan." I let him mumble, not interrupting his thoughts. "Dan, who'd you spent time with. A lot of time. You'd get skinnier, more tired, I remember you looked horrible. My god Emilia." Calum's muscular arms tighten around my body, a deep sigh leaving his lips. "What were you in for." "MDMA and cocaine." "Jesus Christ. That's why you're reacting like this. You know what it does." "Exactly." For minutes it's quiet, the only sounds are our heavy breaths, filling the silent room. Calum's arm sits tightly around my waist, my arms wrapped around his neck, both of us on our sides so we could face each other.
We both jump a little as the ringing of my phone cuts through the silence, and as I don't get up to catch the call, Calum does. "It's Mary." He answers the call, exchanges a few words with my sister, then hands me the phone. "Emilia Claire Hemmings!" I twitch and hold the phone away a little. "Mary Rose Hemmings." "Why does it have to be Michael telling me? I was just having fun in the water until he called me and-" "Told you what?" "That you've broken up!" I nearly choke on a cough, making Calum turn around and raise an eyebrow as if to ask what was going on. "We didn't break up?!" "Well, Michael says you guys have. That he's sure you don't want to be with a guy like him." I sit up and and grab my phone tighter, anger and fear rising in me. "How dare he says stuff like that. If there's someone that has the right to break up, it's me." Ending the call before Mary can say anything else I throw my phone through the room so vigorously it bounces off my the wall, making Calum rush to pick it up and I just grab it from his hands, turning around and leaving.

*Little Mix - Towers*

Heading out his door and down to my shared room with Michael, I feel Calum's gaze on my back until it's cut off by the door I slam shut. Michael on the bed jumps up, his eyes and cheeks wet.
I grab my suitcase and begin stuffing my clothes in there, Michael sitting up and trying to take it from my hands. "Hey, hey - HEY. What are you doing?!" "Hands off me, Clifford." He doesn't step back, one hand still wrapped around my wrist, one around the handle of my suitcase. "Kitten, what-" "Get your hands off me!" My voice is loud and shaking, Michael immediately stepping back as the door is thrown open and Celina, Niall and Nessa walk in. "What's going on?" "I'm packing, I'll move to a hotel for as long as we're here." Nessa steps forward and tries to grab my hands, but I pull back. "Are you sure?" I nod, my hands shaking.
"Baby you don't want this. Stay here, I'm sorry we can work this out." I look up at Michael, seeing the boy I'd once given my all for, and there was still so much love for him inside me, but in the current situation, I didn't want to stay here. I was mad at him, mad at how dumb he was, mad at Luke that he tried it with him. Disappointed because my brother didn't learn from my trouble with drugs, and heartbroken because Michael took so long to find the courage to tell me.
I looked up into his mossy green eyes that once held all my world, now they were red and puffy.
"What makes you think you have the right to break up with me Michael? You have absolutely no fucking right. And you don't need to. Cause I'm ending this right here." And with that, I walk out.

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