Chapter 14 - Coming Down

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* RUNAGROUND - Stars Come Out (RADIO Edit)*

The house got fuller with people, mutual friends that had somehow heard of our party and decided to invite themselves. I didn't mind. Holding on to Harry's hand, I walked back downstairs. "And that's basically what's been going on." He slowly shakes his head, scoffing. "I wish you'd have some time to relax once in your life." I sighed, pushing his hand before I walked over to the kitchen to fix both of us a drink. "Believe me so do I."
Again, the doorbell rang and as I was the closest, I walked over to open whoever tried to get in now.
"This is a private party so-" "Surprise!" I see Luke's happy face as he stands behind a group of girls, behind my friends. "Vanny, Sophie, Leo, Kim!" Spotting two more faces in the back, I grinned widely. "Vani and Meike! Aw girls. Group hug!" Opening up my arms so I can share a big group hug with my friends, I then step aside to let them in. Immediately pulling Vani aside, I hug her once again, and I see the look that she and Luke share, and it takes me a few seconds, then I get it. "You're mystery girl!" "Mystery ... girl?" "Yeah, Luke said he'd gotten to know someone but wouldn't tell me who it was, so I dubbed you mystery girl. How long has this been going on you two? I mean, I haven't seen you in, what, like a year Vani?" "Been exactly a year, I last saw you at your birthday party last year. I wanted to get in contact again and asked Luke for your number since I'd gotten a new phone and lost all my contacts, and we kinda just hit it off." She blushes a little as my twin pulls her in, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Well, then I have to warn both of you: hurt the other one and I'll hurt you. Now go out and have fun kiddos." Shaking my head a little, I watched as they strutted over to my friends, watching on as everyone welcomed the girls. Walking back to the kitchen I grabbed the drink that I'd fixed myself before they barged in, and emptied half of it in a matter of seconds. "Busy much?" "Eh, kinda." Smiling up at Liam, I scoot over so he can take a seat on the counter next to me. "I have a little something for the birthday girl." Raising an eyebrow, my eyes follow his hands as he pulls out a little plastic bag from his pants. "Liam, I don't think this is a good idea." "I'm not gonna force you, just hear me out: this is three grams of pure speed. Not mixed with any shit. Birthday special for Ems." I hesitate for a moment, then I grab it and smile up at him. "Thank you Liam. But let's keep it low, okay?" "Anytime."
Guiding me out the kitchen we walk past my brother, and I can feel his eyes in my back as we walk up the stairs.
Locking my door behind us, I wipe off a little round mirror I used to to my make up with, and sit down next to him on my bed. With shaking hands I spread some of it out, pulling my ID and my credit card from my purse to help build the lines.
Minutes pass in silence until I reach for a dollar note that I roll into a small tube, aiding both of us in inducing the pure white powder.
Liam's head falls back as he snorts it up, and I grin while I wipe the remains off the mirror and lick it off my finger.
"You okay Payno?" He smiles, propping himself up on his elbows so he can look at me. "Superb. You?" "Good. I've missed this a lot."
A knock on the door makes both of our heads shoot up. "Emilia? Open up." It's Ashton. "Give me a second." "Ems?" Now Mary joins him. "Put the mirror under the bed." I whisper to Liam as I push the baggie deep down into my bra, wiping off my nose before I do the same for Liam, then I unlock the door. My sister seems suspicious, Ashton concerned. "What are you doing?" I look at the tall blonde, shrugging. "Talking." "We had a lot to catch up on." Liam chimes in, resting his hand on my hips. I nod cheerfully, grinning at Mary and Ash. "Yup. You guys head downstairs, I wanna freshen up a bit."
Liam follows Ashton downstairs, but Mary doesn't. "Why are you doing this?" "Doing what?" I turn around and step back into the room, heading into the bathroom to refresh my make up. "Emilia I can tell that you did something. You freaked out about Michael, and now you do the exact same." Stopping in front of her at the door, I look at her for a moment. "You're not wrong. But it's my decision. I do what I want, and I fucking please. I love you, and I know you're concerned, but leave it. Just leave it."

Strutting down the stairs I run into Michael who came to look for me. "What've you been doing?" "Having fun. It's my birthday." "Kitten, what did-" Mary walks past us, shooting me an angered look. "She's being a hypocrite. That's it." "Emilia, I don't understand." I look into his green eyes, flooded with worry, but I need to learn to put myself first, so I just shrug. "You don't have to. It's my life."

Hours pass, and Liam and I regularly hide away in my room, the little plastic bag nears it's end as the two of us get giddy and shaky. A bunch of people had left, while we were on our best behaviour, dancing with barely any stops.
It's been at least two hours since I'd last drank something or took a break, as I feel someone yanking me around, making me stumble. "What-" "I'll get you to bed now." "Mike I don't want to sleep. Not tired at all." With a smile I look up at him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Dance with me Mikey." "You need a break, come on kitten." I let him pull me away, like I'm just a little more than a rag doll, following him to the couch.
He pulls me down next to him, and my arms immediately find their way to his neck, my lips attaching to his pale skin. "Mike... can we go upstairs ?" "Not now baby, later okay?" "Please!" I've lost my shame that would usually hold me back from openly making out with Michael in a room full of people, I wanted him definitely, and I wanted him now.
"Baby..." I pull myself up on his lap, grinding into him. "Ems- baby, please." "Shhhh." With a grin I lean down, pinning his hips down with mine, pressing my lips to his.
I can feel him grow beneath me, and smile successfully as he groans and gets up while holding me up.
"Cal. Watch out for the others, I'll be back in a minute."

*Miley Cyrus - Adore You*

I play with the hair in the nape of his neck, my eyes glued to his full lips. Once he sets me down on his bed he steps back to lock the door which gives me a chance to slide my dress off, stretching like a cat in his bed in just my underwear. "Babe, put your dress back on." Instead of doing as he says, I grab his belt loops and pull him to me, opening his pants even though he tries to stop me. "Emilia, stop. I'm not gonna take advantage of your- fuck." He hisses as I pull down his tight black jeans just enough so I can massage his cock through his boxers, his head falling back. Gently pushing him onto the bed, I smirk as I leave a trail of sloppy kisses from his lips down his neck and upper body, down to the hem of his underwear. "Relax baby."
Pulling away his boxers and holding eye contact with him, I lean in and wrap my lips around his cock, Michael's body tensing up immediatly and his hands clawing into the sheets. Bopping my head up and down I know what I have to do for him to feel like he was loosing his mind. "Emilia I swear to god." His teeth are clenched as I swirl my tongue around his member one more time, then lift my head to look at him. "God won't help you, Michael." "No, but maybe he'll have mercy on me." "Oh he has baby." Sitting up so I can kick off my panties, I see Michael getting rid of his pants as well. Climbing back ontop of his lap, I line him with my entrance and give him barely enough time before I sink down, taking him all the way in, both of us taking a deep breath. "Shit kitten, you're so tight." His large hands hold my hips steady as he starts a slow rhythm before he can't take it anymore and turns us around so he can pin me down.
"You're mine." His hips slam against mine, a raw cry escaping my lips. "I don't want you to spend time with Liam on your own again." Another slam, he picks up his pace. "I don't share. You belong to me. You're my good little whore, and only I get to stretch your tight little pussy." His fingers pressing into my ribs so hard they leave bruises he holds me trapped underneath him, but I couldn't even escape if I wanted to. My legs shake as I claw into his back, moans falling from my lips as I try to hold against his insane speed. "You're mine. Say it." "I'm yours." Reaching down inbetween us to torture me even more, he's panting, sweat trickling down his forehead, his pink lips gaping open. "I'm gonna mark you as mine baby. They're all supposed to know." I can't feel my legs anymore, the sensitive skin on my neck raw from his demanding lips and grazing teeth.
Able to read my body with ease, Michael sees my trembling lips and my rolled back eyes and pulls me close, our sweaty, sticky bodies pressed against each other. "Cum for me baby."
With a cry I release the built up tension, rage and pleasure, my whole body shaking and my muscles tensing up. Michael's high follows immediatly after mine, throwing profanities through the room, his accent heavy and his voice raspy. I can feel him releasing inside of me. His thrusts grow sloppy as he rides out his high, then collapses next to where he pulls me to his chest, both of us falling into a deep and dreamless sleep.


I'm back! It's been a long long while, so I wrote a longer chapter this time. Also: ADULT CONTENT/SMUT. Hope you'll like it!
- Ems x

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