Chapter Four - A Huge Bowl of...

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Reagan's POV

"Where do you want to go now?" Zayn asked turning to me from the front seat.

"I'm not sure. Are there any good places to watch a movie around here?" I asked the boys.

"Well, there's the theatre in the town over, but I think you'll like someplace else better." Niall answered with a smirk on his face turing back to Zayn.

"Yup," Zayn agreed. "It's a place full of fun and it's just outside of the city."

"Oh, cool. Where is it?" I asked.

"It's a surprise." Niall replied, laughing mischievously.

Then Zayn whispered something into Paul's ear. He was most likely annoying the hell out of him. I saw Paul roll his eyes then start the car. I'm guessing Zayn told him the place Niall had requested.

I was told to close my eyes to keep the fun alive by the boys many times even though I don't know my way around my street let alone London yet, but I kept peeking. I finally decided to give them a rest when Niall literally growled. So, I decided to put together all of the evidence they had given me so far.

- Has movies

- Lots of fun

- Right outside of London

- Surprise.

So, not that specific. I didn't know where anyone else lived except for Ryan and Sarah. But, I guess the boys knew where we were going, or at least Paul did, so I think I'm in good hands. I was getting antsy, so I finally took the risk and peeked out the small crack at the bottom of the blindfold that Niall had eventually put on me. Yes. A blindfold.

I slowly and quietly pulled out my phone and unlocked it. 5-2-9-9, or as I like to call it, J-A-Z-Z. I love to dance and jazz is the only dance word I could think of, on the spot, that had four letters.

You know that feeling you have when somebody is looking at you? I do. And I'm surprisingly really good at telling when someone is really looking at me, so whenever the boys were, I just hid my phone between my knees. Finally, I managed to send a text to Perrie.

To: Perrie <3

Hey, Niall and Zayn, r taking me to a place that has movies, is lots of fun, right outside of London, and it's a surprise. Could u please tell me if u know where their taking me, cuz I don't know where anything is lol

From: Perrie <3

Hey gurl. Srry, Zayn just texted me telling me not to tell u. It's a surprise! But I do know where u r going hehe :P

I was not happy with her reply, but I thanked her anyway.

Finally, the car stopped. Niall took the blindfold off and I glared at Zayn. He knew I was mad.

"Sorry." he apologized, "We want it to be a surprise. And you know we're not blind; we could see you texting."

"Fine, I except your apology, but can I at least guess?" I asked.

The boys looked at each other then back at me. "Fine." they answered at the same time.

Niall's POV

We got out of the car in front of his flat building.

*AN: sorry i'm not telling u who it is. u have to guess! luv u people!*

The paparazzi must have been following us because they were everywhere and we were also being shouted at by a crowd of fans. I could only make out some of the questions and comments.

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