Chapter Twenty-Six

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No POV (third person)

"We're back and today we are joined with some very special guests!" said the tv interviewer to a camera.

The in-studio audience went crazy considering it consisted of mostly fans of the band, accompanied by their annoyed chaperones and glittery posters.

The members of One Direction walked out onto the stage area and took a seat on the large couch. Harry, closest to the interviewer, then Liam on his right, then Zayn, Niall and Louis. They waved at the fans as the screaming got louder and finally the studio was somewhat quiet.

Back in Reagan and Ella's small dorm room, where six girls were squeezed around a small laptop screen watching, the seventh one happened to be not squeezed around the screen, but sitting on her bed looking at the still unopened letter from Sarah.

"They're on!" Eleanor yelled and Reagan looked over, maybe a little more interested than she had been. Harry suggested that she watch and she had been contemplating it.

"Welcome guys!" the interviewer greeted the band.

"Thanks for having us!" Zayn said nicely after they all sat down.

"So, for starters, how does it feel to be starting off your tour in Boston?"

"It's great to be here and see all of our American fans," Niall answered smiling.

"Of course being back on tour is going to be quite fun," Harry added on.

"I've set up for some fans in the audience to ask you guys some questions, if that's all right," he asked the guys.

They all slightly glanced in Liam's direction and finally Louis answered, "That sounds good."

"Okay, the first question is from Lexi H., and she wants to know, what are all your favorite colors," the interviewer read off his iPad. The tweets were coming in fast, but he saved some random ones in time.

 "I'm quite fond of blue, myself," Zayn answered holding back an eye roll at the common question.

"Same, mate!" Liam said high-fiving Zayn.

"Um, I like a nice bright pink," Harry said as casually as he could, cracking a smile.

"Same, lad!" Niall and Louis yelled at the same time. They were clearly not wanting to answer these frequent questions, so Rea decided to submit some. Don't know why. She just wanted them to enjoy the questions they were being asked.

One of them asked about the envelope she still hadn't opened and another asked about who are their favorites of the musicians and 5SOS to hang out with. The last one in particular was interesting. She didn't know what got into her, but her fingers typed out, "Do you love me?" and she tweeted it.

"Okay, here's the next question," the interviewer said, "It's from Abby D. and she would like to know how many of you are single," he finished the question and  wiggled his eyebrows at the guys.

Liam immediately froze in his seat. He didn't know what to say. Harry hadn't told him about his encounter with Rea, but for some reason Liam thought she would be watching, so he did what Niall was doing. He raised his hand.

Literally everyone in the studio turned to Liam and some people even gasped. What was he doing?! They all knew about his past with Reagan White, the choreographer, but they thought he was over her and in a very happy relationship with Sophia. The truth of all this is, Liam isn't really dating Sophia and he is totally not over Reagan.

"Would you mind me asking who you are with or who you want to be with?" the interviewer asked the now all frozen band.

"I'm currently dating my wonderful girlfriend Sarah," Harry and Sarah shared identically huge smiles when he answered.

"I'm with my lovely girlfriend Eleanor," Louis never really liked bringing El into the spotlight, but if his fans really wanted to know if they were still together, he wasn't going to lie.

"I'm single, but I do have my eye on a cute blonde," Niall blushed and Reagan immediately dialed Lilian's number.

"Are you watching their interview?" Rea asked Lili in a quiet voice so she wouldn't interrupt the others

"Yeah..." Lilian sat dumbfounded on her couch staring at the television in front of her, "Did he just say he likes me? Or is that just the hormonal part of my brain talking? Oh, yeah, did I tell you he totally dissed me about a week ago?! I can't believe him!"

"What?!" Reagan said as quiet as she could.

"Wait, Liam's about to talk, I'll call you later okay? Love you, bye!" Lilian hung up and scooted closer to the tv set.

Rea hung up and peeked over Lotte's shoulder to have a better view of the laptop screen.

"Liam?" the interviewer asked again.

Harry and Zayn both nudged him and he blinked a couple of times before clearing his throat, "I'm... sorry, what was the question?"

"Who are you interested in?" the interviewer asked getting impatient.

Liam ran a hand through his light brown hair and took a deep breath. I don't care about what management is going to do any more. I love Reagan and I'm going to say it.

"I'm actually in love with one of my best friends who's been through a lot with us. She puts up with us being childish, she's creative and her freckles are the cutest thing on earth. But her eyes..." Liam swallowed and looked straight at the camera, "Her eyes are the most beautiful I've ever seen. Those and her amazing dan-" Zayn elbowed him and Liam coughed while sinking down into the couch a little.

"Sounds like quite the catch," the interviewer dude seemed quite please with his lengthy answer.

"Does she happen to have a name?" he asked and everyone looked at Liam again.

All the girls were smiling, even Rea was smirking a little, "Rea..." Sarah said looking back to see a tear rolling down her friends face.

"I don't know what to do," Reagan whispered, more tears falling down her cheeks.

"It's okay," Eleanor put her arm around Reagan's shoulder as Ella spoke up.

"You don't have to do anything right now."

Gemma and Lotte were still watching as Liam avoided the question and asked for the next one, "He didn't answer," Gemma whispered and Sarah put an arm around Reagan.

"The next question is from a Reagan W., and-" the dude was cut off by the gasps of every fan in the audience and the whole band saying a chorus of 'What's'.

"May I ask the question?" he asked the guys.

They didn't know how to respond, so they just nodded numbly and he continued.

"This is a strange question, but she asks, if she should open the envelope from Harold's Bird or not," he laughed and the guys turned their heads to him, "Whatever that means."

The looked at each other with faces of confusion, curiosity and sadness. After what seemed like forever, Niall answered, looking straight into the camera, "Yes, it would mean the world to us if you opened that envelope. Please just consider what's inside," he pretty much begged Reagan.

Rea slowly stood up and walked over to her bed where the white envelope was laying there. So small and delicate. What was in it that could possibly mean that much?

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