Chapter Eleven - Spring Break part.2

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Reagan's POV

Do you want to know the worst way to wake up? The annoying sound your phone makes when somebody keeps texting you at two in the morning! Over and over again. Can you guess who that somebody was? I bet not because it was a lot of somebody's...

Some how my phone number got leaked and fans keep texting me. At first it was kind of cute, though not really, but it's been two hours of nonstop noise and it passed cute a long, long time ago. At one point I was tempted to throw my phone across my room. 

But wait, it gets worse. So for starters, I was up since two a.m. with people texting and also some people attempting to call me. Then out of nowhere, Live While We're Young starts playing on my phone. That's my ring tone for Seth, Lilian, Mom, Dad, and Ryan. So I finally reached my hand out of my bed at about 4 a.m. and answered.

"Hello?" I say in a groggy morning voice.

"Hey sis!" Ryan said in a not so sleepy voice. He actually sounded awake.

"What?" I asked already really annoyed sitting up in my bed and turning on my lamp.

"It's Tuesday morning!" He screamed and I pulled the phone away from my ear a little, "You have rehearsal with all the boys today."

"It's Tuesday already?!" I almost screamed, "And why are you telling me this at 4 in the morning?!"

"Louis said they wanted to work on something big." Ryan said as I slowly stood up and turned on my bedroom light. I cringed at the sudden brightness and jumped back onto my bed, covering my head.


"Oh, and Clare and Niall are picking you up in 30 minutes!" He said cheerfully.

"But I-" He hung up before I got to finish complaining.

Oh god. I have been up since two in the morning. Yet, I have to get ready in 20 minutes, try not to fall asleep on the way to the studio, dance for two hour's, eat breakfast, dance for five more hour's depending on what the 'something big' is and depending on when we have lunch. And that's just half the day not including the fact that this 'dance class' is with five boys ranging from 18-21 that are crazy all the time.

Is it alright if I'm a little bit scared?

Oh great. I just waisted two minutes comprehending what was happening in my life. I set my phone down on my bedside table and stood up, walking over to my bathroom, I turned on the light and the water in the shower. I walked back out and into my closet to get some clothes picked out. I had to pack  extra dance clothes, and two other outfits because I wanted to be prepared for whatever the guys had in mind.

I walked back into my bathroom and took a really quick shower then got changed into a pair of leggings, a t-shirt, and  tied one of my favorite sweatshirts around my waste. Walking out of my room, I slid on my black and blue Supra's and went into the kitchen. I only had five minutes till I had to be down in the lobby to meet Niall and Clare. 

I grabbed some yogurt out of the fridge and a spoon out of the drawer. I sat down on my favorite chair in the flat and turned on the tv. It was E! news talking about the boys. And me...

Oh god, I can't handle this. I turned it off and finished my yogurt. Throwing my container away I grabbed my bag and headed for the door.

In the elevator I pulled out my phone and saw that I was right on time. I stepped out of the elevator and into the lobby where Clare was waiting at the door waving to a small group of fans that was outside.

"Where's Niall?" I asked walking over to her and waving to come teenage girls. A few of them scowled at me and turned away. That kinda hurt.

"He went across the street to the bakery." Clare said turning to me. "Don't mind them." She said putting her arm around my shoulder.

And sure enough, about a minute later, Niall comes charging through the crowd of fans and into the van as Clare and I pile in after him.

"So," Niall said.

"Why am I up at this time?" I asked.

"You'll see," Clare answered.

By this point I was actually worried. What was going to happen today? I don't know if I'm ready for whatever it is. We pulled up to the building and got out. It looked like everyone was there, because there were more cars than usual. We walked into the building; everyone was serious. I was really worried now.

 "We told them," Eleanor said as I walked into the dance studio.

"Told who, what?" I asked setting my bag down and walking into the crowded studio.

"The fans," Louis said.

"About you; your job," Zayn finished.

And that's when I realized what they were talking about. The moment I had been dreading since I got the job. Telling the fans. The public now knew and I couldn't go back now. What were they going to say? What were they going to do? Was I going to get even more hate? Was I going to need a body guard like the rest of the people in the room do? I started breathing heavier and I could't feel my legs.

I wasn't ready for this. And that was when my whole world went black and I fell to the ground. The last sound I heard was people yelling my name, but that quickly faded away.

When I woke back up, I was in a small waiting room with only one person in it. My best friend in the whole world, the girl that stuck by me through thick and thin; Lilian.


Author's Note:

I so sorry for the short part, but I feel that it needed to be ended and I didn't have any more to put into this chapter, sorry.

Some upcoming events are art, Lilian and Seth, Lou and Lux, and maybe another surprise  thrown in there. Hope you liked it! Lilian is over to the right!

Again, sorry for it being short.

Thanks for reading,

E. :)

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