Chapter Twenty-One

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Reagan's POV

My parents and I made a plan that if things didn't work out in London, then I would have to go to college. The thing about college is that I, 1. would rather travel, and 2. am done with school. All my stuff is packed in my room and today is loading day. Yay! I get to pack the moving van all by myself.

Ryan called this morning and went ballistic! He was mad at me for not telling him, but became even more mad when I explained why. He couldn't believe Simon would do something like that. Although he claimed he knew Liam was trouble from the beginning. Alexa was in the background the whole time telling him to calm down, but he kept saying Liam's name and every time it was like a stab in the heart.

I know it sounds cliche as shit, but I'm not lying. It really hurts to know your crush is a total jerk. Speaking of the devil, I scold myself every day for throwing my phone after that call. I don't have enough money to repair, let alone replace it, so I'm stuck working most of my summer at my old summer camp.

I was putting a box of my old journals in the van, and a paper fell out. I plopped the box in the back of the van and knelt down to pick it up. Un-folding it, I read the title.

My Bucket List

1. Go to a One Direction concert

I immediately stopped reading. The date at the top of the paper was 2011. I was the biggest 1D fan back then. I had beed offered a chance to go to a concert in New York, but I had a family trip that I had to attend. I was pissed for the longest time, but I think I've gotten over it.

I've seen videos from their concerts and they do and say all the same things every show. Plus the fact that I'm stronger than that and I'm not going to go and beg for my job back. I know that once I hear them start singing, I will forget that I ever met them and scream my head off like a crazy fangirl. Or just cry.

I'm also not sure if the fans hate me or not. I know they'll recognize me eventually over here and things will get crazy. They could want a picture with me for some reason, hate on me, or start asking loads of questions.

I shook my head to clear out the thoughts and threw the paper back in the box.

~In Boston~

(outfit #4)

Seth and Lilian met me at college and helped me unpack.

"So, are you over that whole Liam thing yet?" Seth asked me oh-so-casually.

Lilian's eyes got wide, "Seth!" she said slapping him in the arm.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to say anything. It kind of just slipped out," Seth apologized ripping the tape off a box.

"It's fine," I said putting a couple books on a shelf, "No, I'm not totally over it, but I understand why they cut me out. I was holding them back and hurting their image."

"How can you say that?" Lilian asked like I said I hated dance or something as she opened my suitcase.

I shrugged off the question as she pulled out the red flannel I had been sleeping in since I left London. She held it up in front of her and asked, "What's this?"

"Just a flannel I brought from my flat," I replied folding up an empty box.

"Is it yours?" Seth asked sitting on my unmade bed.

"I think so..." I answered hesitantly as I stood up and walked over to wear Lilian was sitting.

"It's a men's large," she said holding it out for me to see, "And made in the UK."

"Rea," Seth said cautiously.

"Seth," I mocked back.

"I think you've been-" Seth started to say.

"Sleeping in Liam's flannel," my best friends finished in unison.

Lilian dropped the flannel to the ground and we all took a step away. I sped over to my purse and knelt down as I started rummaging through it.

"What are you doing?" Lili asked.

"Looking for the note Sarah left me," I said flatly, spotting the small yellow paper.

"Why?" Seth asked narrowing his eyes.

"She said I could always talk to her," I said pulling it out, "I think management would know and get mad if I just called or texted her."

Seth and Lili rose their eyebrows and gave me looks like I was crazy. I flipped over the small piece of paper and found what I was looking for.

An address.

Sarah's POV

I was pacing the floor of Hailey's house. Things had not been fun the past month. The boys were getting ready for their third tour, but have refused getting another choreographer. El, Perrie, and I had been trying to help them with it, but failed. We had tried to reach out to Dani, but she had a job in New York for a few months and just had to take it. The boys have also been working on their next album all year and just need two more songs.

"The post's-" Hailey didn't even have to finish. I was already running to the door and grabbing the post from the mailman.

 "What's this all about again?" she asked for maybe the fourth time this week.

"I told you," I said leafing through the letters and stopping at the one addressed to Harold's Bird. I laughed, "I left your address on the note I left Reagan so she could contact me without management getting all up in our faces."

I held the letter out in front of me, then brought it to my heart. I knew she would figure it out. I guess all those criminal show marathons she made me watch paid off. I ripped open the letter and started reading.


Hi. I moved into my dorm today and met my roommate. I also need to tell you something. I didn't know until just today that I have been sleeping in one of Mr. Payne's flannels since I left. I'm glad I took a break, but this was never the plan. I hope you get this...

I might call Dani if I really need to talk to you guys or her...

Rea <3

I smiled. We're still close. I was worried for nothing. Now, should I tell Harry about this or not?

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