Chapter Eighteen

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Reagan's POV 

~One Week Later~

I had been hiding out in Ryan's flat for about a week now, and I had only come out to get things from my flat. My phone had been exploading with calls, texts, and notifications about everything that just happened. It was all notifications about me quiting, the boys hating me, me having a fight with everybody, or Danielle and Liam getting back together and she didn't want me around. All fake by the way.

I know they don't hate me because they have been calling, texting, FaceTiming, and Skyping me non-stop. 

The only activity I've had on my social media accounts have been short and sweet. I went on twitter and retweeted some of what the band and the girls said. Then everybody got even more crazy with the tagging me in tweets and calling me.

I couldn't take it anymore so I finally tweeted something. 


rly srry for all the confusion, I will answer 1 thing. I'm the 1 that is causing this.

I'll come back on when I figure things out

I think that just made everybody more crazy and want to ask more questions. That was my most favorited and retweeted tweet ever. My phone was silent for about ten minutes before the crew started trying to contact me again.

I'm going to have to answer one of them eventually.

Liam's POV

It had been a week since Reagan had left and to be honest; we were all a mess.

I have slept a total of 27 hours in the past week, Niall has started pacing and eating at the same time, Zayn started talking to himself, Louis and Eleanor have been trying to figure out what was wrong and somehow make a plan to fix everything, and Harry has just been worrying about everyone. Especially Sarah.

Little Mix is on a break in their tour, so Perrie is coming over to comfort Zayn. We're all staying at the Malik's house for the time being and the paparazzi haven't been swarming as bad as they were before.

"Oh. My. God." Everyone stopped what they were doing as Louis looked up from his laptop with the most disgusted face.

"What?!" Niall, Harry, and Perrie yelled.

"What happened?" I asked standing up and walking over to Louis and El.

"We think we know who Reagan is mad at," El said taking Louis's laptop and turning it so we could all see.

I started reading the e-mail and then Harry and Zayn's phones went off.

The e-mail was from management. It said that Louis, Zayn, and Harry were not allowed to socialize with Reagan or any of her acquaintances anymore. It also said that she was going to get a call that she is going to have to quit from being our choreographer. It said it wasn't good for our image to be hanging out with them. Whatever that means. The last sentence said they would be monitoring our contact with her and her friends if there was to be any.

I was in shock, "Simon told them to do this," I said studded.

"Reagan knew he was talking to management about her, didn't she?" Zayn asked.

"She's smarter than we thought," Perrie said, with the saddest expression.

"But why would-," Niall started to ask, but his phone interrupted him. He took it out and started reading something on it. His face got more twisted as he continued.

"Management just e-mailed me the same thing except it says I have to tell Lilian off or I'll be cut from the label," he said numbly.

"They can't fire you!" I yelled without even thinking.

"They can't fire any of you," Eleanor stated.

"Can they?" Sarah finished from the corner of the room she was huddled in.

"They work for us, though," Louis said.

"But they also manage you," Eleanor stated sadly.

"But we can't just-," Perrie started to make a point, but Patricia came in the room holding the phone.

"Sorry to interrupt, but Simon is on the phone for Liam," she said hesitantly.

We had already told our families what happened and they were very understanding and they all seem to like Reagan even though they have never met her. I can't blame them, she's a great friend and an amazing dancer. She hasn't done anything bad to hurt our careers from our point of view and we all really like her.

I slowly walked over to Patricia, took the phone and put it on speaker so everyone could hear. Waliyha and Safaa came into the room and ran over to Perrie giving her a hug and welcoming her back. They must not have known she was here.

"Hello, Simon," I said dully into the phone.

"Liam, I need you to do something for me," he said harshly.

"If it's going to hurt Reagan or anybody she cares about, then no," I said before he could continue.

"If you don't break off whatever is going on between you and Miss. White by tomorrow afternoon, then I will make your life a living hell," his voice got louder as he spoke and then the line went dead.

 "It's official, I hate him," Zayn said harshly.

Louis and Niall were quick to agree. Perrie and Eleanor nodded their heads in agreement as well.

"What was that all about?!" Waliyha asked frantically.

We looked at Zayn's sisters. They had began to really like Reagan. They thought she was pretty and an amazing dancer. Zayn showed them her audition dance and they had been working on perfecting it to show her when they met her.

"Whats wrong with Reagan?" Safaa asked sadly.

Zayn walked over to his sisters and put an arm around each of their shoulders, "We don't think anything is wrong with her."

"But apparently Simon and management don't like that she works for One Direction," Perrie said putting a hand on Saffa's arm.

"And the fact that we are hanging out with her whole crew of friends," Louis said.

I was just standing there. Shocked that Simon would do something like that. I always thought he was on our side, but he turned on us. I was really starting to like and hang out with Reagan more. She was funny, pretty, cute, and patient. We always had the best time when we were practicing. I didn't realize how much I liked her until Simon told me I couldn't talk to her anymore.

I, Liam Payne, was falling for our ginger choreographer, Reagan White.


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