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Jo's Pov

"Jo you should totally come to the movie with me and Gemma,it's going to be so much fun!" My older sister Blaire said while doing her make-up.
"I don't want to, what movie are you going to go see anyway" I said while watching my sister carefully apply some mascara trying not to smudge anything.

    "Oh you know, Paranormal Activity 3" Blaire turned around and smirked. My face lit up, "You didn't say you were going to see that! Those are my favourite movies! Can I come please!" I jumped off the bed in excitement.

     Blaire closed the tube of mascara and placed next to all her perfumes.
"No, you said you didn't want to go."
Blaire left the room, but with me right behind her. "Pleaseeee" I begged to my sister on my knees.

      "Fine, I guess you can" Blaire rolled her eyes at her pathetic looking little sister.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I
squealed jumping up to go get ready.
"Make sure you look good, wouldn't want to be seen in public with somebody that looks like, well, that" Blaire said gesturing towards her sister.
I rolled my eyes and stepped into my bedroom to get ready.

       Blaire and I got to the movie theatre, I almost instantly found Gemma's familiar face. But who was that attractive guy standing next to her? He looked around my age, which is 14.
"Gemma!!" Blaire ran up to her best friend and pulled her in tight for a hug. "Hey Jo, how are you doing?" Gemma pulled me in for a hug.

       "Everything's going good, I'm starting high school in a month. How crazy is that?" I said pulling away and looking around the mall.
"It's so crazy! It seems like just yesterday you and Harry over there were starting your first day of school, and now high school? Damn, makes me feel old" Genma stated frowning a bit at the fact that we're all growing up, fast.

       "Speaking of, Harry this is Jo, Jo this is Harry, my little brother" Gemma nudged the tall boy and he turned around. I couldn't help but stare into his bright green eyes. He outstretched his hand for me to take
"Names Harry" his voice was deep.
"Jo" I took his big hand in my small one.

        We got into the movie, Harry saw a couple of his friends and left Gemma, Blaire and I to enjoy the movie. I couldn't help but notice we were both looking back at each other quite often. I saw that during one of the scenes, the girl sitting beside Harry 'got scared' and hugged Harry's arm and didn't let go for a while. I guess he has a girlfriend then. After the movie, Blaire and I said our good byes to our friends and headed home.

        Blaire turned down the radio. "So,Harry, he's kind of cute isn't he?" Blaire turned to me and smirked.
'Yea he's actually kinda hot' I thought to myself.
"He's okay I guess" I shrugged and looked out my window listening as the radio played quietly in the background. "Really? Just okay? I thought you would have liked him!"

       Blaire sounded surprised.
"Well, it's not like I'll ever see him again. So why does it matter?" Blaire turned into a McDonald's parking lot "Want anything?" She asked pulling out her wallet.
"Just a Big Mac and fries, and the same drink as always please" I said knowing she knew exactly which drink I was talking about, which is half 7-up and half strawberry fruitopia. As she walked away I slowly turned up the music and started singing and dancing.

        Blaire came back about 20 minutes later, sneaking up to my window and scaring me. I was just trying to have some fun, belting out the lyrics to one of my favourite songs. I turned down the music almost all the way and I could hear Blaire's crazy laughter as she was almost on the ground at how I reacted to being scared. I jumped so high that I hit my head on the ceiling of the car.

       It's about a 20 minute ride home, so of course, we blast the music and are almost screaming the lyrics to random Jason Derulo songs that keep playing from Spotify. We do that the entire way home, every time we go on car rides that's what we do, that's why I love car rides with her so much.

     We pull up to our house, Blaire reaching over to turn down the music. "So how'd you like the movie?" She asks as we unbuckle ourselves.
"It was just as good as the others, I loved it!" I answer as we walk into the house.

    I lay in my bed for what feels like hours thinking about this Harry, he was amazing and I talked to him for like .5 seconds. How could I fall for someone so fast? And to think I will never see him again, what a bummer. At least I get to hang out with Gemma quite often, even though I say that Ill 'never see him again' Gemma and Blaire might just make us hang out once or twice. It's weird that Blaire and I have been friends with Gemma for years and I'm only meeting Harry now. Which is sad, I think we could have been really good friends and maybe something more if I had just met him sooner.

    After thinking of plenty of scenarios with Harry that will never happen, like him asking me out, our one year anniversary, our wedding, etc. And now that I really think about it, there's no way he would fall for me, I'm just here with my little past the shoulder length, dark brown hair, my really dark brown eyes to the point they almost look black and my on the verge of thick build. And there he is, tall, bright green eyes, curly hair and just all in all is a very attractive man. With those thoughts in my head, I slowly start to drift off into a deep sleep.

Hey guys, so this is the first chapter of You and I, in this book, Harry and the boys are not famous (yet), so no paps and no fans. (Sorry) I didn't name people who I envisioned as Jo or Blaire so you can decide who you would like it to be and yea, besides the boys and people you know are real people and know what they look like, like Anne, Gemma and maybe a few other people to come. Hope you liked my chapter and hope you like the next one. I'll see you lovelies soon

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