Twenty Seven

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Jo's pov
(Half way through the month)

     Today marks 15 days until Harry leaves to start his new life.

     Despite the limited amount of days that we have, we've had the time of our lives.

We would stay out all day doing crazy things and have even better nights at home, if you know what I mean.

Today, we decided it'd be best to just chill today. I haven't been feeling too good lately, I'm chalking it up to the fact that Harry's leaving and I can't. I just can't.

We lay across the couch, with my head in his lap, silently watching Titanic, my almost all time fave.

My mind wanders to this past half month, it's been absolutely insane. Harry had to quit his job at the local bakery and I quit mine because I was bored of it, and I really wanted to spend as much time as possible with Harry.

Ever since the bridge, we've done all sorts of things. Like, we threw a huge going-away party at Harry's childhood home, we did super touristy things in our home towns, we even discovered a secret little grotto somewhere in the woods.

Harry presses his lips against my temple

"What's going through your pretty little head?"

"Way too much. I'm just thinking about how great this past half-ish month has been, and the five years before that.... how all of that's ending in 15 days."

     I trail off, turning and facing Harry. I look up into his eyes, which still manage to shine in the dark.

"What if I came with you?" My face is full of hope as I thought of the possibility of us not ending what we have.

"You think I haven't tried? I was talking to Simon when I found out I would have to leave, I wanted to do everything in my power to have you by my side. But, management wants me to leave you behind so that I could be the 'heartbreaker' of the band. They wouldn't let me take you." He cups the side of my face and gives me his 'I'm sorry' eyes.

During this past half month, I've been on the receiving end of those eyes. I have come to know those eyes. I have also come to hate those eyes.

That is the worst look you can get from someone in anticipation of the worst thing coming your way.

That look, those eyes, remind me of the time that I was 13 and my parents had to tell me my hamster, bean, had died. It was the worst thing that could happen to a 13 year old.

But this, this was way way worse. I was losing my best friend, my soulmate, my lover. This is the worst thing that could happen to a 20 year old.
(Harry's last day)

     Needless to say, I've been dreading today.

     Ever since we went to bed last night, like to sleep, after, you know, we have stayed in the same position.

     My head lays on his chest, enjoying every second that his scent fills my nose. His arm, laying loosely along my back, from time to time, playing with the curls in my hair. My arm limply holding onto his chest, not willing to let go. With our legs in a relaxed knot.

     Most of the night was silent, we're really just enjoying each others company while it's still there.

We planned on sleeping, but it just didn't happen. I wasn't able to sleep, I was dead tired, but I didn't want to miss a second that I could've been cuddling Harry. Who knows if we'll ever have this again.

I'm basking in Harry's presence when my thoughts were cut off by his alarm. At the first sound of his 6am alarm, my heart dropped. This means he has to get ready to leave.

Harry turns off the alarm, throwing his arms around me, he hugged me like he hasn't seen me in years, it's like he was desperate for my touch.

I throw my arms around his torso and buried my face into his neck, inhaling deeply. My fingers trace over his tattoos for the millionth time and we stay in this position.

I was twirling my fingers in his curls while he did the same to mine. Our little hug sesh was cut short by yet another alarm, this time a 630am alarm.

"You should get ready" my voice was tired and shaky.

"I don't want to. I want to stay here with you forever. I never want to leave" Harry pouted as he dramatically threw his head into my lap.

"I don't want you to go either. But you have to. So get your lazy ass up and get ready!" I rolled his body off of mine so I could slap his ass

"Did you just slap my ass?!" Harry jumped up onto his knees

"Maybe I did" I got up and ran to the kitchen, knowing Harry was close behind

     I open the fridge and grab the ingredients to make tacos, sure, it's almost 645 in the morning, but it's Harry's favourite so, might as well.

     I feel familiar arms snake around my waist, feeling his hot breath fan across the back of my neck.

"Are you making tacos?" He kisses my neck softly.

"Matter of fact, I am, do you have a problem Mr. Styles?" I put the meat in the pan, before turning to face Harry.

"There is absolutely nothing wrong with eating tacos at 645 in the morning with the one I love" he kisses me, this time passionately.

"I love you too baby." I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him even closer to me.

Harry moves us over to the counter, lifting me up by my thighs and resting me on the counter.

I wrap my legs around his toned torso and lock my ankles together behind his back.

Harry reaches over and behind me as he turns off the element.

"The tacos can wait till later" With those words, Harry pulled off my shirt.
Suh dudes. Get ready for the regular I'm-sorry-I-disappeared-and-left-you-with-nothing speech. I honestly just haven't had the interest to continue this book, like I know where I want it to go and how I want it to end, but I don't know how to get there. Hence, the time jumps. It's not that I've been super crazy busy, schools been hectic but that's school. Anyways, I'm sorry and I'll try to get the ball rolling again to continue writing, but you know me. Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed the chapter and I'll see you lovelies soon


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