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Jo's Pov

I wake up from that dream, this girl blatantly stole him from me, and he didn't even turn back around.

     I try not to let it bug me that much because, he doesn't like me like that, we're just friends, and it was all just a dream. It meant nothing right?

As I get ready for school I pay attention to trying to look cute without making it obvious I'm trying to look cute. I loosely curl my hair, going for the second day curl look. I put on a cute pink top and some black skinny jeans.
I do a slight eye shadow look with a little eyeliner and mascara. I look cute

   My first class, which is gym, goes by way slower than I'd like, all we do is play badminton for and hour and sat on the floor listen to him talk for what felt like an eternity. Which in reality was ten minutes. I hear the bell ring and I shoot up to go get change, letting my hair out of its loose ponytail and quickly putting on my outfit.

     I tie my converse and I ran out of the gym. Harry's standing by the front doors but he hasn't seen me yet. I slowly start to walk up to him. Getting there faster than anticipated.

     "Hey Harry" I say and he looks up at me with his green eyes. I instantly got butterflies in my stomach

     "Oh, hi Jo" he said as he pulled me into a hug. I really wasn't expecting that.

     "Is everything ok? Like are you ok?"
I say lightly rubbing his back.

    "Everything's been better, I've been better" I feel so bad for him and decide to change the subject.

    "I just need to go to my locker, is there anything you need from yours?" He shakes his head

   "No but I'll still come for a walk" I lead the way down the hall that connects to the hall with our lockers

We walk down the hall talking in a voice just above a whisper, because there are classrooms everywhere. I kneel down and open my locker,
"Hey Harry" I say looking up, finding him staring at me

"What's up" he pushes him self up from leaning on the lockers

"Can you go to the door and see how cold it is" I'm too lazy to get up. He gets to the door and opens it, letting the cold air hit me like a bus.

"Jesus that's cold, close the door!" I say, he chuckles and slowly closes the door. I dig through my locker looking for a sweater, anything that'll keep me warm.
"Ughhhhhhhh!!!" I sigh laying down on the dirty tile floor.

"What's wrong now" he says sitting by my head, against the lockers on the other side of the hall.

"I can't find a jacket, not even a sweater!!" I sigh again, but being my overdramatic self, sighed very loudly, causing a teacher to come out of their class to shush me. Harry laughing at me trying to be as quiet as possible.

"I might have something that you could wear" he says standing above me, his locker right above mine. He opens his locker and his binder falls on my leg, making him instantly pick it up and rub my leg.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry" he says trying so hard not to laugh too loud. Me trying not to scream.

"Ow!" I say curling myself into the fetal position, pretending to cry, making Harry hurriedly put his binder away and grab his jacket and a sweater, rushing to me. He rubs my back and keeps saying on how he's sorry and that it'll feel better.

I start laughing and he stands up.
"Really Jo?! I thought you were really hurt!" I kneel in front of my locker again, this time closing it. I turn around, still on my knees.

"Oh Harry, please forgive me" I give him my best puppy dog eyes.

"I forgive you, now let's go get coffee, I have a test next class, and you know how much I need coffee" we stand up and start walking back towards the front doors

"Oh right, here take this" he turns and hands me his jacket

"I can't wear your jacket, give me the sweater" I say trying to hand back the jacket while trying to steal his sweater

"I insist, and this is my favourite sweater, I'd rather wear this" he says pulling it over his head, and shaking his hand through his hair to mess it up again

"I'll wear this then" I push my arms through the sleeves, it's way too big, the sleeves going right past my hands and it ending right above my knees. It smells so good, must be the cologne he wears. I zip it up, and pull up the hood,ready to brace the cold.

The walk there was more silence than talking, since I could barely hear anything through the hood, it wasn't an awkward silence though, it was kinda comforting.

We get to the coffee shop and stand in line, me pulling down the hood and Harry chuckling while looking at me

"What do you want Styles" I stand on my tippy toes and deepen my voice, trying to be intimidating

He raises his hand to my head and smoothens my hair down, and pushing a tuft of hair behind my ear.

"That's better" he turns to the menu and squinting his eyes. He's so cute. That reminds me. I have to find out who sent that text.

We get our coffees and find a table in the small dining area. We both hold onto our hot drinks as we try to warm up.

"So, how've you been" he breaks the silence, looking at me past his cup

"I've been meh, schools tough, dealing with something" I look into his eyes, feeling a little better about the entire situation.

"Spill, I need something to take my mind off this test, it's starting to stress me out" he combs his fingers between his hair, breathing deeply.

"Well, I got this text the other day" I pull out my phone and start searching for the message.

"From who? About what?" He sits up straight

I slide my phone across the table, his picking it up. His eyebrows rising as he reads on

"Who is this?" He says slightly raising his voice.

I grab his arm and look him in the eye
"Harry, please, calm down." I move my hand into his and slowly rub my thumb against the back of his hand. He isn't getting mad cause he likes me is he? Probably not, if my best friend told me they were getting texts from random people telling them to stay away, I'd be pretty angry too.

  Harry noticeably calms down under my touch, he's shoulders sink a little and his eyebrows go back down
"Jo, do you know who this is" he repeats again just with a quieter and softer voice this time.

"I'm sorry Harry, I have no idea." I say and pull my hand away. I pick up any drink and take a big gulp, it burns, but I deal.

"No, you shouldn't apologize. I should, I'm sorry this is happening to you Jo"

"It's neither of our faults Harry. Neither of us are doing it and we don't know who it is." He shoots up and pulls out his phone. He scrolls through his phone. What is he doing?

Hey guys, I'm back. This has been in my drafts for a while, I just forgot to upload, please forgive me! It's exam week, so of course I'm writing more chapters cause I'm such a bad procrastinator. I'm probably going to fail my geography class, but that's cause my teachers an ass who doesn't know how to teach. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter, see you soon my lovelies

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