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Jo's Pov

A month later (the first day of school)...

I walked into the school that kinda looks like a prison, there were bars over every window on the first floor and it was a dull white on the outside.I really didn't want to be here, well the best part is, I haven't seen my friends all summer. There are so many new faces, the older kids, and the kids from the other middle school, we merged, both middle schools in the school division were put together in one high school, Truman high.

     "JO!!!" Someone behind me yells, I turned around to see my best friend Layla, running towards me with her arms wide open. "Layla!" I open my arms and she runs into me with such speed and force that almost sends us to the floor.

         "Why haven't I seen you all summer?" I ask Layla as she fixes her hair and outfit. "I was in France. I went to visit family, remember? That's all I would talk about before school ended." She chuckled remembering how silly she sounded going on and on about France. "Right" I said nodding. She points to my sisters oversized university sweater "Omg, it's the first day of school and you chose to wear that?!"
"You know all I wear is my sisters sweaters, anyway what's the big deal?" "Jo" she said as she turned to face the rest of the school "This place is full of new cute boys, and opportunities" I roll my eyes as she finished her little speech thing "whatever it's your love life's funeral" we laugh as we walk into the bathroom, arms linked with each others.

         "So who's your home room?" She asked while checking herself out in the slightly dirty mirror.  "Uhhh, I think I have Mrs. Elliot. Who do you have?" I look through my bag, did I forget my gum? I really hope not, I always have gum. Where is it? Layla turns around frowning.

     "What?" I asked looking confused.
"I have Mr. Wilson, we don't have the same home room. Take out your schedule" she said taking out her own.
"Can I see yours?" She snatched your schedule out of your hand. "WHAT?!" She yells frustratedly. "What, what?" I try to sneak a peak at our schedules before she puts them away again. "We only have one class together. Career development." I rolled my eyes,slightly  annoyed.

      "Well, I guess I'll talk to you later, sit with me at lunch?" I asked as Layla slowly started to climb up the stairs "of course!" She yelled speeding up her pace as people started piling up behind her.

    I walked into the small class room, seeing a few of my old friends sitting in the back corner. I see someone that looks kinda familiar sitting next to an empty seat, which I take. I suddenly remember who this curly haired, green eyed boy is. I whipped out my phone and texted Blaire.

Me:why didn't you tell me Harry was in the same class as me?!
Blaire: Because, I didn't want to
Me: did you even know?
Blaire: of course I did dummy, remember the day you got your schedule, I took it and didn't give it to you for like an hour?

I actually did remember, I was sitting there begging her to see my schedule, she wouldn't let me until she was done.

Me: yea
Blaire: I was comparing yours and Harry's schedule with Gemma, speaking of, you're getting a ride with them every day. Dad and I both can't pick you up have fun ;)
Me: damn you

"Hello class, I'm Mrs. Elliot, I will be your home room teacher for the next four years, so buckle up, you're in for a ride" Mrs. Elliot said plopping all her books on the table wth a loud 'thud'.

"Because I am your home room teacher, you will most likely not have me for any of your classes here at Truman high." I felt my friend Tilly nudge me. I leaned back and she whispered in my ear "The hottie sitting beside you is constantly looking back at you" I looked to my left and saw that Harry was indeed looking at me, as soon as he met my gaze he looked away as to pretend that didn't just happen.

"We have many activities for you guys today,first up we have a game of hide and seek. You can hide anywhere, besides the teachers lounge and the elevator. Good luck!" Mrs. Elliot spoke opening the door for us to go and hide. I grab Tilly's hand and lead her to the best spot I could think of so far, behind the huge curtain in the gym.

We get to the gym, we ran as fast and quiet as we possibly could in an attempt to not be seen by the teachers, who were trying to find us. We slowly move the curtain in front of us before we walk into the dark place. As I'm walking towards the middle, I walk into something and fall down.
"Oh shit, I'm so sorry." A deep voice said to me. It sounds like he didn't fall which makes me feel even worse.
"No, don't be sorry, that was completely my fault for not looking where I was going." I said reaching out to the hand I could kind of see in the dark."I'm Jo" I say giving the poor boy my hand to shake."Jo? That name sounds really familiar. The names Harry" oh my god. I just walked into Harry Styles. The boy that I had met a month before. The boy that every girl is already falling for just because of his bright green eyes and his good looks.
"Holy shit. You're Gemma's little brother right" "Uh yea. Sorry, do I know you?" I could practically hear the slight smirk that is all too familiar to me already.
"Harry" I said slightly smaking his arm
He just laughed lightly as all three of us walked out from behind the curtain.


Ok I know, my chapters are somewhat short. But I'm trying to make them longer. I am not very happy with that ending.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll see you lovelies soon

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