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I'm sorry for all of these time jumps. This one isn't as big of a jump as the last one. Sorry if it's hard to follow.
Jo's pov
(A month later)

I stand in my kitchen, with my university letters in my hand. I applied to Pennsylvania State, Columbia University, UCLA, university of Manchester, Oxford and university of Cambridge. You can never be too careful. Harry applied to the same places too.

I hold the envelopes in my hand, I got the last one in today, as did Harry. He's on his way with Anne, we're gonna open our letters together.

   I jump out of my seat when I hear the front door open, I've just been sitting, staring at the envelopes. My hearts in my throat. I'm so nervous.

   I hug Harry tightly and he soothingly rubs my back.
"Don't worry, you definitely got in baby" I nod against his shoulder and
let him go, grabbing Anne and hugging her as well.

"Ok, you kids ready?" My mom stands next to Anne, she's almost as nervous as I am.
"I don't think I'll ever be ready" I chuckle, I really hope I made it.

"You guys should start with the American schools" Anne suggests and we just nod along. I pick up the UCLA letter first, Harry copying my actions.

I slowly start tearing the top and my hearts racing, I annoy myself and I just rip the entire thing open, the letter falling to the ground. Harry picks up mine and he hands me his, guess we're reading each other's.

"We regret to inform you." We both read. My heart drops, it's obvious I'm upset when Harry pulls me into a hug.
"Hey, dont worry, there's 5 other schools that would be so lucky to have either of us. Screw UCLA." He rubs my back soothingly

I grab his letter from Pennsylvania State, and it was the same thing. Both rejected. The feeling just gets worse each time you read those words 'we regret to inform you' it kinda stabs a little knife in your heart. Knowing that you're not good enough.

The letter from Columbia University is left. I open Harry's
"We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted..." I pull him into my arms and congratulate him.
He hugs our moms and starts to open mine.
"We regret to inform you." Harry said with a soft voice.

"I don't need to go there. I'd rather stay and go to school with you, than leave and never get to see you. I love you" his thumb caressed my cheek, it's comforting to say the least.

We open the letters from the schools out here, I was accepted to all of them, I just have to choose which one I'll accept. Harry was too, he was saying on how he wanted to go to Oxford.

    After hours of talking and going over pros and cons of each school, we finally decide that we're going to go to Oxford next year. I'm so excited I'm shaking.

"We're going to university!" I leap into his arms and our moms join in around us. I'm the happiest I've ever been, I'm going to go to a really good school, I have a loving boyfriend and I have a great family. Nothing can ever ruin that.

    I finish packing the last box with the rest of my clothes. My room looks so empty without my little decorations and my clothes all over the place.I'm sure going to miss being at home.

The front door opens and I hear someone run up the stairs. Harry, he's here to get me.

My door opens and I'm met with the face I've loved since the start.
"Looks weird in here" he looks around my room
"I was just thinking the same thing. Ready to go?" I give the last box to him cause I sure as hell don't wanna take down another box.

"Ready when you are" he carries the box down the stairs and sets it next to all of the other ones.

"My babies are going to university" mom pulls us into a hug after Harry walks back in from taking my boxes to the car
"I'll be home soon for a visit, we both know I can't live without seeing you for a long time" I hug my mom again and she nods, drying her tears.

"I'll see you soon" she whispers and hugs me one last time

"See you soon Val" Harry hugs my mom and we leave.

"Jo" Harry shakes my shoulder
"What?" I groan sitting up in my seat.
"We're finally here" I look up at the apartment block in front of me, my new home for the next few years.

It's a really nice building, a red brick exterior and the apartment itself is modern and nicely decorated with light grey furniture.

My stomach grumbles as I bring in another one of my boxes, we've been working for an hour and we're not even half way done.

"Somebody's hungry" Harry laughs his beautiful laugh

"Just a little" I hold my hands up with my thumb and index finger almost touching,but not quite (👌🏼 like this, but a little further away)

"How about we go to dinner then?" Harry asks and I'm already putting my shoes on

"Ok lets go" he laughs grabbing the keys of the counter and puts on his shoes next to me

"That was probably the best sushi place I've ever been to. Thanks babe" I kiss his cheek and he kisses mine back

"No problem, you've been working so hard all day, you needed a break" he takes my hand and rests both of our hands on his thigh, the other driving.

I turn up the radio and dance in my seat, Harry looking over occasionally and laughing at me, this is how the last four years of my life has been, me being my weird ass self and Harry sits there and laughs or he joins me.

I love this boy with all of me, he's the best thing that's ever happened to me.
Ok, I know, I've been gone, but I was grounded and got my phone taken away. But I'm back!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'll see you soon lovelies

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