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Harry's pov

I sat in the front office bouncing my foot up and down.
"When can I talk to Mr. Roberts?" I ask for the hundredth time, growing impatient with getting the same answer.
"When he's done talking with-" the receptionist was cut off by the principals door being opened, revealing a crying Lexi.

My hands twist themselves into fists as she walks by, winking at me. I feel disgust boiling inside of my stomach.

"Mr Roberts will see you now" she said motioning to his door. I mumble a quick thank you and walked around the desk and into his office

"Good afternoon Mr. Styles" Mr Roberts slides a couple papers into a file and put it away

"Pretty shitty if you ask me" I mumble and earn a glare from Mr R.
"Language please" I apologize and lean back in my chair, already done with being here

"So, care to explain what happened in the gym this past lunch break?" He asks taking out a pen and another paper

"You may wanna sit back, it's a long story-" I start and explain from when Jo got that first text. I should've done more to protect her. I hate myself for letting that happen.

"And then she shoved her down the bleachers." I say feeling the tears prick at the back of my eyes

"Your story is very different from the one that Ms Valens told me mere minutes ago" he said crossing his arms and legs.

"What did she say" I raise my voice and slam my fist on the table, obviously getting angry. Who does this bitch think she is?

"Well Harry, she said that you harassed her for months, bullying her, calling her names and hitting her. And then she said Jo came at her and she accidentally knocked her over while trying to run away" he said looking me dead in the eye with no expression.

"That's complete bullshit!" I yell standing up pushing the chair over.
"What did I say about your language. And sit back down please" he said pointing to the chair on the ground

"You can ask anybody in that gym. She came after me and Jo!" I yell again getting worked up and I feel a single tear roll down me cheek.
"I couldn't even protect Jo. And she was right there in my arms." I say just above a whisper and I just broke down.
Jo's pov

I sit on the play structure behind my school and I cry. I just lost my favourite toy. I've looked all over, under the play structures, around them too. I've even looked on the soccer field!

     I feel a soft tap on my shoulder and I look up, seeing another little girl, just like me.
"Why are you sad?" She tilts her little head to the side and sits in front of me.
"I-I lost m-my favourite toy" I take crying breaks in between every word.
"What kind of toy is it?" She stands up and brushes off her overalls.
"It's a pink poodle webkinz" I sob as I remember my toy, her name was Pinky.
"I'll find it for you" and with that, the girl was gone.

     I sit and sob until I feel another little tap on my shoulder. I look back up and see the same girl as before, but her arms are behind her back.
"D-did you find her?" I ask hopefully. Her arm reaches out infront of my face, holding my pink poodle! I jump up and hug her
"Thank you so so much!" My mood changes instantly

"You're welcome. My names Layla" the girl swings her feet off of the play structure.
"I'm JoAnna" I sit beside her, wiping the rest of my tears away
"That's too long, I'm gonna call you Jo" I smile and nod
"I like that. Do you wanna be my best friend?" I ask and she nods, standing up.
"Yea, do you wanna be mine?" She asks and I nod too. We pull each other into a hug and we start to walk back into the school, since the recess bell had just gone off
Harry's pov

I sat in the uncomfortable chair in Mr Roberts' office, still crying. No matter what I did, what I thought about, I couldn't stop crying. Mr R had gone into the vice principals office to call Jo's parents, and Jo's sister, since she's listed as her emergency contact.

There's a soft knock on the door and then I feel a soft touch on my shoulder, even if the hand itself is big and rough.
"I called your parents, they said you could go to the hospital to be with Jo if you want" Mr R's soft voice covered the sounds of my sobs. All I could do is nod
"I'll give you a ride then, I can't let you take the bus like this" he says digging through the bag on his desk and grabs his keys.

I stand and follow him to his car, kids just staring at me as I walk through the halls with messy hair from playing with it and big, puffy red eyes, sore from crying. I throw myself into the front seat and get lost in the music as it quietly fills the car. That moment she was ripped from my arms keeps playing in my head, the sight of her helplessness as she tumbled down each and every stair.

I shake the thoughts from my head as we pull up to the hospital, another wave of tears hitting me, knowing that Jo's in there, in pain. I grab 5$ from my pocket and offer it to Mr R, after all, he did drive me here.
"I don't need that son, how about you buy yourself something to eat." All I did was nod and mumble a thanks as I shut the door.

I stand there, looking at the building, even after Mr R left. All I could do was stand there and look at the ugly white building that towered over me.

     Well, here goes nothing.

Hey guys, I know Jo's povs are a lil confusing atm, but they're dreams and memories, because you know, she was knocked out. But anyways, hope you guys enjoyed, see you soon lovelies

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