Twenty eight

113 4 1

Jo's pov

     Me and Harry sit outside of security. After he goes through, that's the last I'll see if him for god knows how long.

     We sit on a bench facing the rest of the airport, my head on his shoulder with my eyes staring blankly ahead. A couple of paps are hanging out outside, trying to sneak a few pictures of Harry.

     Harry has to go through security in 10 minutes. It's extremely surreal.

     We decided it would be best if we didn't stay in contact once he was gone, seeing as we will be broken up, we think it'll be too hard to fight the urge to be together.

     Harry mentioned something about management wanting him to be the 'heartbreaker' of the band, but I wasn't quite to sure what that entailed. I didn't really want to know so I didn't ask.

"Are you sure you want me to do this?" Harry breaks the silence for the first time in 5 minutes.

"We don't really have a choice do we? It's either you stay here with me and give up the biggest opportunity you will ever get, or you can go, leave me behind and live the life you've dreamt of since you were a kid. It's an easy choice Harry" I crossed my legs and turned towards him.

"But that means I have to leave the love of my life" he tucks a couple strands of hair behind my ear.

"If you love something, you have to let it go. If it comes back to you, it was meant to be, but if it doesn't come back, it wasn't meant to be" I kissed the tip of his nose.

"Trust me, I don't want you to go, but I love you, so I have to let you. We've had an amazing past five years, that I will forever be grateful for, but that's coming to a close. You're starting a new life in the spotlight and I don't know, maybe I'll study to be a doctor or something." I turn my body back towards the airport but keep my eyes glued to Harry's.

"But life won't be the same without you." Harry's eyes get red and slowly start building up tears.

"We will move on. You'll have your career to focus on and I'll have my studies, it's not ideal that we'll be apart, but that's life." I cup his soft face in my palm, feeling him relax under my touch.

"How am I supposed to move on? You're my everything. You are my world, my passion, my inspiration. You're incredibly beautiful and smart, you're sexy and you know me better than I know myself, you have been my entire fucking world for five years. How do I just forget it and move on? How am I supposed to do that knowing that we're both hurting without each other?" Harry makes my heart melt and race with each word, even after five years he still has that effect on me.

"Time heals all wounds my dear. We will never forget the time we've shared together, we will learn from this and grow as people, separate people." I intertwine our fingers and kiss the back of his hand.

"This is exactly why I fell in love with you, you're so deep and your beauty goes way further than the surface. You know exactly what to say when I need to hear it. You have been my number one supporter through everything, even when you were falling apart yourself." I feel a slight blush slowly creep it's way into my cheeks and nose.

"Shit. I have to go." The words I have been dreading to hear since I got the news echoes through my head, but never really sink in.

     Time seems to slow down as I feel my heart drop into the bottom of my stomach and shatter into a million pieces.

     My stomach twists in knots and does flips, instantly making me nauseous.

     The sudden rush of emotions takes over as I get a pounding headache, I feel every single thumping heartbeat radiate through my body, from my head, to my toes.

     My eyes are desperately glued to Harry's face, taking in every last feature I can. How his forehead creases when he furrows his eyebrows. The slight laugh lines that weren't there when we met. The soft welcoming look his eyes greet me with that are full of love.

     The perfect shape and colour of his perfect lips. I notice a slight tremble in them, he's trying not to cry.

     I feel my eyes burn from holding them open for so long. When I close my eyes, Harry's face stares back at me, every memory we share flash before my eyes.

     When I open them again, they pool with hot tears and my eyes meet Harry's.

     His beautiful green orbs are bloodshot and tears steadily stream down his perfectly sculpted facial features.

     That look alone was enough to break me down. I let sobs escape my mouth as I cling onto Harry's shoulders like my life depended on it.

     I feel his arms wrap around my small body. Enveloping me in warmth and love.

     Even in times of heartbreak and pain, he still manages to make me feel loved.

     We stand back up and wipe each others eyes.

     I grab his bag and we slowly walk over to security.

     Each step, taking us closer and closer to our end.

     Each step getting harder and harder to take.

     In a matter of seconds, I found myself standing in front of security.

"I guess this is goodbye." Harry's shaky voice managed to squeeze out.

"This is not goodbye, this is our see you later. We might be breaking up, but if it was meant to be, you will come back. I have a feeling that you will be coming back to me my love." My voice breaks with every second word, I'm extremely quiet but that's because I can barely even find the strength to breathe right now.

     Our lips meet for one last time while the security guards take his bags.

     Our bodies part as Harry is being taken through security.

"I'll see you later. Be safe. I love you." We said in unison as we both turned our backs and walked away.
Ok, this is kind of heartbreaking.
I am now sad. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you lovelies soon.


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