Twenty Three

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Jo's pov
(Half way through the show)

Ever since Harry's been put into the band, we've been really distant. We haven't been talking like we used to. It feels like something has changed.

"Do you wanna go do something tonight?" I ask flipping through the magazine that I've been flipping through for a month.

"Not really" Harry sits like a zombie in front of the TV.

"We never go out and do things anymore." I throw the magazine onto the table in front of us.

"Thats because I've been so busy with the band and the show that when I'm at home, I want to relax. Why don't you understand that Jo?" Harry raised his voice a little at the end of his sentence. Scaring me a little.

"I hardly ever see you anymore. It's like we're not even a couple! I see you in the morning, you're gone all fucking day and when you get home you sit in front of the god damn TV until you go to bed!" I lose myself in the heat of the moment.

"Sometimes I wish we weren't in a relationship!" Harry yells at me.

     I feel my knees buckle under me and my eyes start to pool with tears. How could he say that?

"You're sleeping on the couch." I storm into our room, throwing his pillow into the hall. I don't care if he freezes, I'm taking the damn blanket.

"Baby I'm sorry. I didn't mean it" Harry pleads as I push him back into the hall way and slam the door in his face, locking it so he can't bother me anymore.

     I hear Harry talking outside of the door as I pull open the blinds because it's raining. I open the window just a crack to be able to hear it.

     I press play on one of my many Spotify play lists. The slow music enters my ears and I cry.

     I watch the rain fall down as I slowly drift off into a very uncomfortable sleep.

Harry's pov

I really didn't mean what I said. It's just that she's always nagging me about taking her out.

She doesn't understand how hard my days are. We record all day and we practice for the show. The same songs over and over again.

And management isn't any better. They want us to move to America because One Directions getting really big.

And when we move, they want us to leave everything behind. Which includes Jo. They want me to be the heart breaker of the band. I don't want to be the womanizer. That's not me.

But will management care? No. They only care about their own damn selves.

Our move is scheduled for next month. They've had it planned since we got into the band. Ever since I found out, I was devastated that I would have to leave Jo.

The only person that knows is my mom, but she doesn't know that I haven't told Jo yet. I love her with all of my heart, every fibre of my being loves her. I don't want to have to leave this all behind.
Jo's pov

I woke up and turned to cuddle Harry, only being met with the cold mattress beside me instead.

I remember everything that happened last night. My chest hurts all over again as that one sentence echoes inside my brain.

"Sometimes I wish we weren't in a relationship" I repeat running my hand trough my messy hair.

I slowly walk over to the door, quickly unlocking it. I hold the handle, not wanting to see Harry.

When I finally bring myself to opening the door, to an empty apartment, with a pillow on the hallway floor in front of my door.

I pick up his pillow and hold it to my face. It still smells like him. I hold it close to my face and fall to the floor sobbing.

I dial Anne's number into the call queue and I hear the phone ring in return.

"Is there something wrong?" I hear Anne's worried voice in my ear, only causing me to cry harder.

"Me and Harry had a really bad fight last night an-and I just needed to talk to someone" I plead for her comfort, she's always been so good at comforting me after me and Harry fight.

"I'll be over in 15 love. Hold tight. I love you" I hear her grab her car keys and leave the house.

"I love you too mum" I say and hang up the phone, once again, being met with an empty apartment being filled with the sounds of my sobs.

Ok so this chapters on the shorter side, but that's because I wasn't sure on how to carry it on. But please don't hate me for this, it just has to happen. Anyways, see you lovelies soon


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