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Jo's pov

Unfortunately, Valentine's Day fell on a Tuesday. Meaning, Harry and I can't just lay around in our pyjamas and watch movies all day. Instead, we have to go to the hell hole we call school, great.

I walk into the familiar, off-white building dreading the day ahead, sure, I'm ecstatic about me and Harry finally being an *official* thing, but god, do I despise school. I don't even mind the work, it's the teachers here, and don't get me started on the students.

I head to my first period half asleep, drinking my tea periodically from my travel mug. I twirl the heart ring that Harry gave to me last night, instantly perking me up. I daydream while watching it sparkle from the very minimal light coming in from the window beside me.

"Jo?" The teacher called from the front, I only just now noticed that everybody was looking at me, instantly embarrassing me.

"I'm sorry what was the question?" I said apologetically. The rest of the kids laughed at me. I told you, these kids suck.

"When was the First World War ?" He smirked that gross smirk when he thinks someone will get the question wrong.

"1914-1918" I say cockily and start playing with the ring, reminiscing on last night, I wanted to stay there for an eternity. The teacher scoffed and turned back to the board, continuing the lesson on whatever it was he was teaching.

      The lesson continued to drag on as I waited impatiently for the bell to ring. I had spare with Harry next, at least I get to see him. I scroll through my phone that's tucked in between the pages of my text book, hiding it from the teacher. My phone buzzes and I read the name on the screen, making a smile creep onto my face

Harry💕: I'm a little late, but good morning babe, I'll see you soon
Me: good morning Haz, ugh why can't this class just end 😩😩
Harry💕: I don't know love, but we're going to W. Mandeville so get your coat, I don't want you to freeze
Me: awe Harold, always looking out for me
Harry💕: of course

     I decided to put my phone away before Mr Wilson the history nut decides to confiscate it.

    After sitting in a dazed state in class for another half hour, the bell finally rings and I couldn't get out of there fast enough. I basically run to my locker, eager to get my hands on a coffee and a muffin from that coffee shop Harry's taking me to, you know, the one that's just a little ways away from the school.

      I dig through my tiny locker, putting my history book where it belongs, grabbing my jacket and standing up.

    As I stood up, I'm met with something in my face. I stood up in a way that made me hit Harry, almost sending us both to the ground.

"Oh god Harry, I'm sorry" I say laughing and kissing him, earning a few jealous glares from the girls around us.

"I knew you'd jump my bones, but we've only been together for like a day, chill" he said laughing as I slapped his back.

"I hate you" I said putting on my jacket and waiting for him to be ready.

"You wish you could" he said smirking, grabbing my hand and dragging me outside

We sat down in the little coffee shop and bakery, I got a blueberry muffin and some normal coffee.

"So, I was thinking" Harry plays with his coffee cup
"Oh no, Harry's thinking?!" I ask with fake concern
"Oh shut up" he laughs looking up at me with those amazing green eyes
"But, do you wanna come over this weekend?" He takes a slow sip from his coffee and stealing some of my muffin, after all, he did pay.
"How about you come to mine? We have to name the puppy and nobody else will be home so no one to bug us" he realizes that I said no one would be home and shoots me a wink. That boys too cheeky for his own good

Harry walks me to my math class and stole the rest of my muffin. That was a good muffin. I plop my books down on the table and Alex immediately turns up from her notes and asks her usual question
"You and Harry dating yet?" She turns back to the notes, not wanting to miss a single word
"Actually, yea" I laugh as she shoots up and squeals. Making kids turn around and the teacher to shush us.
"Are you serious?!" She whisper yelled
"Yea actually, we are" she's more excited than I am. Actually, that's impossible.
"Well tell me, how? When?" She gets all giddy

I start thinking about last night, talking as I go. Starting with the puppy, then the rose petals leading to the back yard, the collar telling me to go to my room, how beautiful the ring was, I handed the ring to her. Then how pretty the dress was, and the dinner, the fireworks and the kiss. That was easily the best night of my life.

After math it's lunch, so I go to my locker to be met with Harry staring at me from my locker. I sit on my knees on the ground and open my locker.
"Didn't know you'd be on your knees for me so soon" he laughs and takes a couple steps back
"Harry!" I yell and go to hit him, being met with air, making him laugh even harder.
"Oh shut up" I say shoving my binder in my locker and shutting it.

We walk hand in hand into the cafeteria, a couple people cheering and clapping. There's a lot more people who shipped us than I thought, mainly my group of friends, and Harry's but a couple people I didn't even talk to.

We sit down at our usual table and I hand over today's lunch, which was Caesar chicken wraps. They're so good.

After eating Harry and I head to the gym, sitting on the bleachers in the far corner, it's my favourite place to sit.

We just sit there in silence and then Lexi came up to us. Oh no.

Hey guys, sorry it's been a while, I've just been busy. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter, see you soon lovelies

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