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Jo's pov

We kissed. Our lips moved perfectly in sync with each other. I've wanted this for so long, I've literally dreamt of what this would feel like. This is better than everything I've ever thought of or dreamt. Because it was real. No waking up. No having to pinch my arm to make sure I wouldn't wake up. It was real

After a couple of minutes that felt like a couple of seconds of kissing, we pull away, breathing heavily and resting our foreheads resting against each other.
"Woah" we both mutter at the same time.

I definitely felt something, but was that the same for Harry?

Harry's pov

I don't know what took a hold of me, but as soon as her small soft hand rested itself on my cheek, I couldn't help myself any longer. I leaned and kissed the girl I've been crushing on for what feels like forever.

But as I was kissing the girl I've thought about kissing for months, I also realized that I'm kissing my best friend. It's wrong, but god, it feels so right. I know I feel something, is it the same for Jo?

We pull away breathing heavily, i rested my forehead on hers and said the first thing that came to mind

"Woah" we said at the same time.

     Jo's phone buzzes and we both look at it
?: you're going to regret that.

    I take her phone and do something I should've done a long time ago, I block the number.
"Don't worry about her anymore." I take her hand and we start walking back to her house.

    What does this mean? Are we a thing now? Was that just a spur of the moment kiss? I'll talk to her about it tomorrow, I think we both need time to think about this

Jo's pov

My phone vibrates in my hand, and Harry grabs it, not before I can read the text. What's she going to do? She can't hurt me. Right?

I don't know what Harry's doing to my phone, and I don't really care to be honest. I can't stop thinking about that kiss. It was amazing. God I sound cheesy, but it's true. The way we moved together and the way it felt, it didn't feel real. Too good to be true I thought.

He takes my hand and we start walking back to my house. I wonder what he's thinking. Does he think it was a mistake? It'll change everything yea, but it'll change for the better. I hope.

     About half way back home I break the silence
"Harry" we stop and just look at each other in the middle of the street
"What" he's looking straight into my eyes, trying to read my emotions.
"What does this make us?" I look down to the ground.
"I-I don't know Jo" he lifts up my chin with his finger
"I just don't wanna lose you, you're one of my best friends" I feel my eyes start to prick with tears.
"You won't. That won't happen. No matter what happens. Ok?" He wiped away my tear with his thumb.

      We continue to stand there in silence. I hug him and I feel him wrap his arms around me. Making me feel safe. Protected. I really hope I don't lose him.

       Once I got home I went straight into the shower. I stand there letting the hot water hit the back of head and cascade down my back.

       No matter what song I sing, what I try to think about. My mind keeps going to him, to the kiss and what might happen. I might lose him and our friendship. I might lose that deep connection I haven't had since I met Layla.

      But then there's the other option. I get him in a way I never thought would be possible. I might get to feel his love, have someone love me like I haven't been loved. I might get to love him back. We would have a happily ever after.

      I get out of the shower once it started to run cold. I wrap my hair in a towel and do the same with my body. I lay on my stomach, and grab my laptop, I put on Netflix and start watching something I've been meaning to for a while, I press play on the pilot of Supernatural.

      Before I know it, I'm already on the third season. I look over to my clock. 3am. Oh my god. I didn't even realize the time. I've been so caught up in the story of Sam and Dean. John and Mary made some fine looking sons, god they're hot.

I get up and free my body and hair of the towels, yes I've been laying there for hours on end in my towel binge watching Netflix. I throw on an old jumper and some shorts, I curl up under my blanket and slowly fall asleep.

One minute we were on the couch, cuddling, watching a movie. The next he was up and yelling at me. I didn't understand
"Harry. Please stop. Sit down. I'm sorry" I say feeling tears rolling down my cheeks.
"Whys he texting you?!" He screams tossing my phone at me. It hits the couch next to me. There was a text from one of my old friends. The text said 'Jo, I love you.'
"Harry I swear there's nothing going on. I don't know why he said that" I say standing up, placing my hand on his bicep. He pushes my hand off.
"Call me when you decide you want me, and only me." He says calmly grabbing his jacket and walking out the door
"But I do only want you" I cry as he drives away. Leaving me alone and crying. This shakes me to my core. I cry and shake on my living room floor, leaving the movie we were watching playing in the background.

I sit up in my bed shaking and crying. That dream was so vivid. It felt so real. He just left, just like that. It wasn't real. I have to keep reminding myself that. It wasn't real. No matter how many times I tell myself, I can't calm down. What if one day we were together and he just left. That would leave me completely shattered.

Hey! What do you think will happen? Will they get together? Live a happily ever after? Read on to find out. I have so many chapters ready to publish and I hate it when people hardly update so here!! see you soon lovelies

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