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Jo's pov

(Hit them with that two chapters in two days)

    We walk into the pet store, way over dressed. Earning some more weird looks for the second time tonight, but I don't care, I'm having a lot of fun. It would be better as a date, but whatever.

   I turn to Harry and grab his hand, dragging him to the puppy pen. I let his hand go as a reach for this puppy that ran to us as soon as he saw us. I picked him up and he started licking my face, his breathing getting quicker. Harry looked over at us and smiled, holding his phone up to take a picture. I hold the puppy and smile, Harry shows me the screen. We look so cute

"Wanna hold him?" I ask Harry holding the puppy out, he takes it and asks
"What kind of puppy is he?" I turn the paper on the pen around,
"They're corgis, I think corgis are my new favourite type of dog" I say reaching into the pen and petting a couple of other puppies. We spend about an hour in the pet store, looking at the cats,the fish and the reptiles.

     We walk out of the store and it's cold, so I wrap my arms around myself. I yawn and as my eyes are closed I feel something being draped over my shoulders, and I recognized the cologne on the jacket.
"Harry you need your jacket, it's cold." I say yawning again.
"You need it more than me, I'll text my mom to pick us up" Harry takes out his phone to text him mom.
(The reason Harry isn't driving is because they're 15 in the story, almost able to drive, but not quite)

     We walk across the parking lot into a Starbucks and sit down at one of the tables.
"You want anything?" Harry asks standing up
"Can I get the usual?" I say sitting up in my seat, we know each others Starbucks orders. Mine being a venti passion tango iced tea with two shots of raspberry and Harry's being a venti vanilla latte with a shot of caramel cream. He goes and stands in line. I grab his phone and go through the pictures we took today.

     After we finished our drinks, Harry's mom pulled up outside.
"Hey Anne" I say getting in the back seat, Harry sitting beside me.
"Hey Jo, you look nice" she said nodding and pulling out of the parking lot
"Thank you" I smile and look out the window

"Did you kids have fun" she turned onto my street.
"I had lots, what about you Harry" I unbuckle myself ready to get out of the car
"I had the best time" he laughed and looked at me
"Thanks Harry for dinner, thank you Anne for taking me home" I say opening the door and grabbing my bag
"No problem, good night" they both said at the same time
"Good night" I shut the door and
walked away

      I spent that entire night laying in bed thinking about him. I tossed and turned, what's wrong with me?

      It's Sunday and I have nothing to do, so I grab my laptop and watch some YouTube, Shane Dawson to be exact.

    I pause his 'Deepthroating with Cupcakke' video, I love them both, they're hilarious. I pick up my phone and check the time 12:00. I hear my mom call me from the living room. I throw my hair up cause it's gross and I put on a bra.

   I rub my eyes as I walk in
"What?" My eyes widen and I stiffen up as I see Harry standing in my doorway.
"Harrys here to see you" she walks back into the kitchen, probably going to the basement. 

"What are you doing here?" I ask closing the door and leading him to my room
"I was bored and was on a walk, thought I'd stop in" he sat down on my bed

"Oh" I laid down on the floor.
"What's up" he laid on the bed
"I've just been watching YouTube all day, I haven't been keeping up" I roll on to my stomach propping my head up with my hands

"Wanna come with me on a walk?" He stands up and fixes his flannel
"Let me get changed" I pushed him out of my room so I can change

"Me and Harry are going on a walk, bye mom" I yelled down the stairs to the basement and heard a little 'ok be safe' in return

    Harry and I ended up at the park, we're sitting on the swings when he broke the silence.
"Ever find out who texted you?" He turned his swing to face me
"Nope, and I have no clue who it could've been either" I say copying his actions.
"Well I have one idea, but I haven't checked to see if the numbers matched, hand me your phone" I hand him my phone

   I swing back and forth waiting for him to check the numbers
"No way." Harry says standing up
I plant my feet on the ground, causing my swing to stop
"What" I stand up to trying to reach for my phone
"I know who it is" he drops both hands and looks me in the eye.
"Well who is it?" I say

"Lexi." He sneers, handing me his phone
My eyes go to the top of the screen as I read the contact name. 'Lexi 💯' my eyes go down and see the number, it matching the one that's been on my screen too many times before. How could I not have seen this coming.

"I'm going to kill her." He says his hands bunching into fists, his knuckles turning white.
"Harry, calm down, at least we know who it is" I'm acting surprisingly calm, maybe it's because Harry's freaking out and needs me to be calm to calm him down. My hand instinctively goes up to his cheek, that usually calms him down. We both start to lean in and well,

Hiya! Left you with a cliffhanger there, sorry. I'll update in a couple of days, see you soon lovelies!

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