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Jo's pov

I see Lexi start to walk our way, over swaying her hips and flipping her blonde hair. This won't end well.

I take my head off of Harry's shoulder and he's about to ask why but he sees her too, he rolls his eyes and makes his fingers a gun and pretends to shoot himself, making me chuckle.

"Well, well, well. Look at what we have here." Lexi says her voice an octave too high.

"Just go away Lexi." Harry pulls me back so I'm leaning on him again. She lets out a frustrated sigh.

"I'm not going anywhere. I told you to stay away from him. But look at where you are now. In my spot. In Harry's arms. That should be me" she screams and yanks me out of Harry's arms and shoves me down the bleachers, sending me down the many rows of hard plastic benches and metal stairs.

"What's wrong with you. Get away from me! Don't you ever talk to me or Jo ever again" I hear Harry scream and him running down the bleachers to get to me.

    Lexi just screams and storms off. Everybody that was in the gym starts crowding around me, I only focus on Harry as I start to get dizzy and everything starts to get dark. Harry's face and his words are the last thing I remember.

"Jo please stay awake. Stay with me. Jo!" Harry was starting to cry, and then  I felt my eyelids close and my hand let its tight grip on Harry's shirt loosen, letting my hand drop. Everything went dark.
Harry's pov

    I pull Jo up into my chest and I see people around us start pulling out their phones, probably to get pictures. All kids ever want these days are good Snapchat stories.

"Somebody call 911 god dammit" I yell frustratingly, my voice booming throughout the entire gym.

      I just sit there with her in my arms, she isn't moving. But she is breathing, she probably just hit her head really hard on her way down. I can't believe that she did that, how could she just push Jo down because I chose Jo over her.

     I feel a tap on my shoulder and I look up, meeting the eyes of a paramedic.
"Can I check her out please?" He asked looking at my tear filled eyes, his eyes are full of sympathy after seeing mine full of sadness and pain.
"Of course, just please help her and keep her safe" I pleaded with the paramedics in front of me.

      They lifted her gurney into the back of the ambulance leaving me there alone. Watching the vehicle with the girl that I care so much for unconscious in the back.

"Harry Styles please come to the office, Harry Styles"

I huff and start making my way to the front office.
Jo's pov

Me and Harry sit on this hill in the middle of no where overlooking the city, the bright city lights illuminating the streets. It's beautiful. He slips another kiss in while I stare at him and the city in awe.

       Our lips start to move harshly against one another's, Harry's hands find themselves on my waist and we lay down.

      We continue to kiss for what feels like forever, but in a good way. My mind starts to wander off into dirty thoughts, of how Harry's hands would feel against me, how another part of Harry's beautiful body would feel inside of me.

    Before I could stop myself, I hear myself say the words
"Take me" Harry smiles against my lips and nods
"I thought you'd never ask" He says as he starts undressing both of us

The feeling inside of me as he stares at me, lust filling his eyes, is indescribable. I feel like the only girl in the world, I feel self conscious, I feel amazing, like there's a fire inside of my chest getting bigger and bigger each second. I feel like I'm not good enough for this boy in front of me, but as soon as his lips find their way back to mine, all of those thoughts rush away and the only thing I can think of right now is Harry.

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