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Jo's pov

Harry was asleep on the chair next to me, and my mom was on the other side of the bed, just staring at me and Harry.

"He was here every day and all night." She said looking at him. I look at my boyfriend of almost three weeks, I was told I was kept sedated for a week, so that I could heal properly or something like that.

      He was here every day. He even slept by my side. At this moment, I knew that I could never leave him. He's too perfect, he cares so much and he's honestly really hot.

     But he cares so deeply and genuinely for me that he would sleep by my side in an uncomfortable chair for a week so he wouldn't miss a thing.

    He kept his promise. The promise we made in the field, when nobody else was around.


    We're laying in the field behind my house. Our heads are next to each other but our bodies are going in opposite directions. I start to think about the future, I'm scared he'll end up thinking that I'm not what he wants. That I won't be good enough for him.

"Harry" I turn my head towards him, my eyes meeting with his green ones as he was already looking at me, I feel my cheeks heat up
"Yes love" he says not turning his attention towards anything but me
"Promise me something" I turn my body ok it's side to face him completely
"And what do you want me to promise" he copies my movements
"Promise me you'll never leave me. I don't think I'd be able to handle that." My eyes start to fill with tears but Harry's thumb catches them before they fall
"I promise. But you have to promise too, I don't think I'd be able to handle that either." His hand still rests itself on my cheek.
"I promise." We just lay there in a comforting silence and I start to look at the stars again

*end flashback*

      Harry wakes up and instantly looks at me to make sure I was ok. This boy really does love me doesn't he. I know we've only been dating for 2 weeks, but we've had feelings for each other for a long time already, I think I love Harry.
Harry's pov

My eyes flutter open and as a habit, I look at Jo the moment my eyes open, to make sure she's still breathing. I look at her and her eyes were already on me, even though she's slept for a week and she's in the hospital, she's still as beautiful as ever. I think I love Jo.

     Valerie brought us take out Chinese food, I haven't eaten a home cooked meal in a week, but I'd hardly eaten this week anyway, I was too worried. But I do missed a meal my mom made. We sat in silence as we ate, it wasn't awkward though, we were all just focused on eating. They're releasing Jo later today, I'm so glad she's ok, I don't know what I would've done if something happened to her. I'd be crushed.

      As we finish up our meals, Mr Roberts walks in, with another flower. Every time he visited, which was like every other day, he would bring Jo another singular flower. They all sat in a vase that Valerie bought in the corner of the room.

"Hi Mr Roberts" Jo smiled and thanked him for the flower.
"I know you probably don't wanna talk about her, but I have to tell you." He sat down next to Val across from me.
"About who sir?" Jo tilts her head a little bit confused.
"About Lexi Jo." His fist clenched a little bit as her eyes widened.
"What about her." Jo said angrily, so I grabbed her hand and she relaxed under my touch
"You know how we have a zero tolerance for violence and lying,so instead of giving her a simple suspension, Ms Valens has been expelled. She no longer attends Truman high" he says and Jo looks at me with a happy look in her eyes

"You know what this means right?!" Jo asks me excitedly, her heart rate slightly elevates.
"What?" I squeeze her hand trying to calm her down.
"We don't have to worry about her anymore. No more texts and no more being pushed down bleachers!" Jo laughs and she's really happy
"I guess not" I laugh along with her

Not long after Mr R left, Jo's friends came over with Blaire. Miles held flowers as they all walked in with tears in their eyes, expecting Jo to still be asleep. I take the flowers from Miles and thank him, as soon as they see Jo awake, they all jump into her bed, this is the first time I've seen them this happy.

You're probably asking why we didn't tell them earlier, we wanted it to be a surprise for them, I wanted to see their reactions.

I look at Jo and she's smiling so big, she is so beautiful. I don't think I love her anymore. I know I love her.
Jo's pov

My friends smother me in hugs, I'm smiling like an idiot, even though I was asleep, I missed my friends. I open my eyes and I look at Harry, he has this look in his eyes that's been there for a while, I just don't know what it is. I've never seen it before me and Harry made it official and it hasn't left his eyes since. I wish I knew what it was

After a couple hours of talking with my friends, they leave and Blaire walks in with my mom.
"Hey pain in the ass little sister" she says hugging me
"Hey pain in the ass big sister" I smile as she hugs me tighter
"Watch your language young ladies" mom says crossing her arms trying to be intimidating, I got dressed and I'm ready to go. I can't wait to get home.

I sat in the back seat with Harry, as we were driving he was looking out of the window. I snapped a quick picture and posted it to Instagram with the caption 'he thought the view was pretty but I thought he was prettier'.

(Just imagine he's looking a little more towards the window)

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(Just imagine he's looking a little more towards the window)

He didn't even notice which made it even better. All he had to do was sit there and he made my heart race, i don't think I love him. I know I love him. All I have to do is tell him.

Hiya, this chapter sucked. I really didn't know what to write, expect a couple year time jump within the next few chapters. It'll go from freshman year to senior year.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you soon lovelies

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