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Jo's Pov

Its been a few days since I got that text telling me to stay away from Harry, and in those few days, Harry hasn't gone to school, so you could imagine how sketched out I feel.

Tilly and Layla both keep reading the text over and over again trying to find out who it was. The number wasn't in any of our phones so we had no idea. "Maybe it's...", "Ooh maybe it's... No","can't be her", "I don't think she likes him" are all things we're mumbling as we come up with girls from our school.

We've exhausted all of our options on finding out who texted me. We listed off all the girls at our school that we could think of, we went through our phones looking for the number, we even asked other kids from our school if they recognized the number. I would usually turn to Harry in a situation like this but I feel like we've drifted apart and it's not like he'll answer me anyway.

  Both Tilly and Layla leave cause it's getting kind of late. I lay in bed staring at the text and did something I didn't think I would. I texted them back.

?: You better leave Harry alone, he's mine, we were meant to be together
Me: Ok who tf even is this?

I turn off my phone and drifted to sleep.

I wake up the next morning and big surprise, no reply, from the mysterious texter, or Harry. My heart sinks in my chest, I can't help but feel like I've done something wrong, something to get him mad.

I sit in English staring at his empty seat, I miss Harry. I also miss getting rides, since he's not here I've been either taking the bus or walking home.I miss seeing his green eyes and his curly hair, his voice, the smell of his cologne when he opens his locker. It's then that I realize, I'm in way too deep.

The bell rings and I jump, earning me a few weird stares. I was distracted thinking about him, thinking about the future we'll never have. Why hasn't he been here, why hasn't he answered my text, why do I love him?All these questions running through my mind, making me go insane. I feel my phone vibrate in my hand.

From ?
'Meet me in the bathroom at lunch, we'll talk face to face'

I didn't think I'd get a text back, I have one more class before lunch, which would be, health. I sit at a table with Layla, I'll catch her up on all of this.

I told her everything. I told her how I think I loved Harry. She knew I kinda liked him but those feelings have grown into so much more in just a couple of months. She didn't seem too shocked, she was just upset to see me feel so down.

The lunch bell finally rang after what felt for an eternity. I felt the nervousness slowly start to fill my body as I stuff my binder into my tiny locker. With each step I take down the hall towards the bathroom, I feel worse and worse. I'm so nervous I almost turned around.

I reach the bathroom door and slowly push it open, all the stall door were open and nobody was in there. I texted whoever this was

Me: I thought you said you'd meet me at lunch.
?: Who said I was telling the truth

I stormed out of the bathroom fuming. I called Layla

"They were a no show"
"Are you serious?" I could hear annoyance dripping from her voice
"Yea, and now I'm pissed off"
"We're in the caf, at our table, come and we'll talk more"

I hung up my phone and shoved it in my pocket, I wonder into the caf and sat down at our table and told my friends what had happened just moments ago.

I sat in my last class of the day, which was math, I swear one day math was going to be the end of me. I wasn't that bad at it, but my god was it boring. The teacher was even worse than the class, she was old and is very strict on what she likes and what she doesn't, no talking, no eating, no drinks, no phones. This class made me want to crawl in a hole and die.

I was silently doing my work at my desk when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and since I was nearly done the work for this unit, I decided to check it, sliding my phone beside my binder trying to hide it, but not doing my best to do so.

The screen said a name that I hadn't seen in a long time, and one that I certainly didn't think I'd see ever again. Harry.

Harry: I'm sorry I haven't been answering you for a while, and I haven't been at school. I've been dealing with some family issues. I should be at school tomorrow though

I grew so excited at the thought of seeing Harry tomorrow I zoned out at thinking what I'd do when I saw him. I know my heart would do flips in my chest but I couldn't let that show. I replied almost instantly

Me: It's ok Haz, but I really need to talk to you, wanna go for coffee during spare?

Me and Harry had the same spare, when he hung out with me, which it has been a while since, we would almost always go this little coffee shop which is just a little walk away from the school.

Harry: I would love that

I don't know why but that made me so happy, to dear that he would love to go get coffee with me. God I sound pathetic. I left him on read and went to sleep, excited for the day to come.

I had another dream about him again last night, this time we were at a party together, we were dancing swaying to the beat of the song, and then this girl came behind Harry and turned him around, she stole him from me. He didn't even turn back around. I left the party crying. And then I woke up.

Ok, I know, I'm a terrible person, and a terrible writer. I honestly forgot my password and I just figured it out. Ugh I'm terrible at this. I'm so sorry, I should be updating around once a week ish, but exams are coming up and I may be a little late sometimes, I'm sorry again and don't kill me.
I hope you enjoyed the chapter see you again

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