Thirty two

115 4 0

Harry's pov

I walk into the gym with Taylor by my side. I don't even like her, but management made me take her.

I look to the left and see her. Fuck she looks so good. She put my favourite coloured lipstick on her plump lips.

When my eyes meet her bright green ones, she instantly looks away and grabs the guys beside her's hand, the guy leans into her face, kissing her cheek. Oh how I wish that was me.

I bring Taylor over to a table and sit her down. After about a minute of sitting in silence, I see Jo get up and walk out of the gym.

I get up to follow her.
"Where you going babe?" Taylor's annoying ass voice filled my ears as I stood up
"I need to go outside for a minute. I need some air" I say coldly as I start walking, adjusting my suit buttons as I do so.
"Don't go out the front, remember there's paps."

I walk to the side door, hoping she was headed towards here or the back of the school.

I see her turn the corner with her hand on her stomach and her head down. She's trying to calm herself down. I wonder what's she's thinking about exactly.

I jog to the back of the school, trying to catch up to Jo. I stop about ten feet behind her, just watching her breathe. She keeps switching between smiling and crying. Girls, amIright?

"Jo." I breathe out just enough for her to hear. I see her breath hitch and she holds it, not turning around and focusing on the back of her eyelids. If I'm right, she's trying to pretend that she's just hearing things.

     I say the words I've been longing to say over the past two years.
"I guess we were meant to be, I've come back to you. You were right." The day she said that has been burnt into my brain, I remember every single detail, down to the simplistic pandora ring that Jo had on her right ring finger.

     I see her release the breath she was holding as she realizes that I'm actually there, talking to her directly.

"Harry. I'm not even going to pretend that I don't miss you. I miss you more than words could ever say. Hell, I'm pretty sure I still love you. But I can't." She sniffles every second word as she sobs, trying to get each word out.

     I feel my heart break once again, why can't she? We still love each other right?

"W-wait. What? Why? Huh?" I say whatever comes to mind, even if it sounds dumb.

"I'm with Hayden, you have that blonde chick, who I'm not too sure who that even is. There were so many girls you were with when you were gone Harry. Seeing a new headline that you and some girl were seen leaving one of your guys' apartment literally broke my heart every single time. I'm happy Harry. So are you."

"Oh Jo. None of that was real. They were all faked. All for the press, they love that shit. None of them meant anything but business. Even Taylor, who's inside right now, it's all for the cameras. I still love you."

"But Hayden." She trails off looking at the grossly white wall beside us, when we were in high school, we would be leaning against this wall making out.

"What about him?"

"He's my boyfriend Harry! I love him and am happy with him! I can't ruin all of that because you came back for our high school reunion. You're just going to leave again!" She starts raising her voice at me, her eyes tearing up again at the end of her sentence.

"What if I said I would take you with me?" I recommend anything that'll let me have her again.

"We tried that last time Harry. Management said no."

"Me losing you made me realize how much I need you in my life. I've been so miserable without you these last two years I barely even knew what to do with myself. You're my everything Jo." My voice cracks but I don't even care.

"I can't Harry. I have a life here, I have my family, I have Hayden. I can't just leave all of that behind." Tears slowly stream down her face. My thumb instinctively going up to catch them and keep them from messing up her makeup she probably spent forever doing. I know she hates when that happens.

"What if I left One Direction to move back out here?" My hand cups her cheek that lays on my palm.

"Fuck no Harry. You guys are way too big. You guys are doing so good. You have your dream, you are living you dream." She lifts her head out of my hand, me sighing at the loss of contact.

"I don't care about all of that. You are my dream, you are my future Jo."

"No I'm not. You're going to go back to America, you will continue to make music with One Direction, you will find a famous girl to fall in love with and start a family. You'll forget all about me."

"I don't want that! I want you. I need you. I don't want anything or anyone else. Only you."

"Absolutely not. You're not giving all of that up Harry! I'm not going to let you." She crosses her arms, getting all sassy.

"Why's the real reason you're not melting between my finger right now?" I know she's hiding something, I can tell by the way she's standing and the way she's speaking. It's not normal.

"What are you talking about?" She shifts her weight from one leg to the other, while moving her fingers on her arm. A sure sign she's hiding something, I know her too well.

"Tell me Jo" I bring my face close to hers, tempting her.

"I'm scared. I'm scared to fall back in love with you and lose you all over again Harry. I can't mentally handle that heartbreak again. I didn't leave my room for a month after you left." She looks at the ground.

"If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, then it was meant to be" And with those words, I lift her face up with two fingers, bringing my lips to hers and connecting them.

So I actually enjoyed writing this chapter, I don't know why, maybe cause since I started writing this book, I knew exactly what I wanted to happen, except for that whole Jo in a coma thing, I have no idea what happened there... but I know exactly what I want to happen next and how or whatever so I'm excited. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you lovelies soon


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