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Harry's pov

I sit with tears in my eyes and a pounding headache while weakly holding her hand. It's the next day and she still hasn't woken up, the doctors say it's because they sedated her so she would stay asleep. I don't know why though.

Jo's mom walks in looking as bad, if not worse than me.
"Valerie, you should really get some rest" my voice is raspy from crying and lack of sleep
"I could say the same to you Harry" she finishes off her fourth coffee of the day. It's only 1 pm.

I slowly feel my eyes start to close and dreams about my future with Jo start to fill my head
Jo's pov

Me and my friends sat in my room playing with our toys, there was Layla, my best friend, Tilly, my other best friend, Miles was there too. Blaire and Gemma were in Blaire's room blasting The Back Street Boys. I love Gemma, she's a lot of fun.

"Kids!! Come and get some cake!" I hear my mom call. Me and my friends look at each other before we all sprint down the halls toward the kitchen. We all get there and surround my birthday cake. I'm turning 8 today!

      Blaire and Gemma join us a couple minutes later, when they sit down they all start singing happy birthday to me
"Happy birthday dear Jooooo
Happy birthday to you!" They finish off the song, me smiling like an idiot as I blow out my candles. I would tell you what I wished for, but I can't tell you or else it won't come true!

We all eat our cake within 5 minutes.
"Are you ready for presents Jo?" My mom asks while she finishes the dishes.
I nod and I run to the living room, all my friends following right behind me.

I sit down and everyone crowds me, pushing their presents towards me telling me to open theirs first. I close my eyes and pick one. I open my eyes and see a pink bag that says 'happy birthday'
"She chose mine!" Miles saying getting happy.

I rip out the paper covering my present, I eagerly pull out the box.
"A Hannah Montana doll! Thank you so much Miles!" I squeal as I engulf him in a big hug, my mom taking a picture.

I choose another present and this ones blue, with Winnie the Pooh on it, holding Piglet's hand, wearing party hats. I quickly take the box out and it's make up from Claire's! My first makeup kit!
"That ones mine!" Tilly says, holding up the same set. We're twinning!
I hug her and my mom takes yet another picture.

    I take Layla's gift, you know what they say, save the best for last, Layla is my bestest best friend after all. This bag is small, but it does still mean a lot.
I take out the small box that was inside the bag, I slowly open it, revealing a really pretty half a heart necklace. I gasp, it looks like it opens. I open it, seeing a picture of my beautiful best friend.

    She takes a necklace out from underneath her sweater and opens hers, showing me a picture of me. She puts ours together, completing the heart. I give her the biggest hug I've ever given anyone, I love my best friend so much. I don't know what I'd do without her. My thoughts are kept short by the sound of my mom taking another picture and I pull away laughing.
Valerie's pov (Jo's mom)

I sat there on the opposite side of Jo's bed, facing Harry. He had fallen asleep a while ago, he's still holding Jo's hand. I'm glad my daughter found someone who cares for her so much, and so genuinely as Harry does. We all knew they would end up together since the day they met, they just clicked. They even look so good together.

Both of their eyebrows are moving, meaning their dreaming. I wonder what they're dreaming about. I get up to get myself yet another coffee, I'm too stressed to sleep and I can't stay up without my coffee.

I stand in line at the coffee shop in the lobby of the hospital, their coffee isn't very good, but it does the job. I order my coffee and sit down at the only open table.

I think about my daughter. The girl that pushed her is so going to regret that. All I have to do is go to the police, I can charge her, get a restraining order, maybe even take her to court. She deserves it. She pushed my daughter down bleachers. Fucking bleachers.

My thoughts are cut short as another woman my age asks if she can sit down, me just nodding, it hurts to talk from all the crying.

"I'm Hilarie" she says extending her hand
"Valerie" my voice is hoarse as I shake her hand
"If you don't mind me asking, why are you here?" She takes her hand back and drinks half of her coffee, she looks stressed. But I probably look worse, I haven't even looked in a mirror today

"My daughter was pretty hurt." I say tensing up and my heart aching.
"What about you?" I play with the kid of my coffee cup
"My daughter is pretty sick" she sighs and leans back in her chair
"Oh I'm so sorry to hear that." I genuinely say, my babies just hurt, but hers is sick.

"It's ok, I'm pretty used to it by now, still hurts though. She's been sick for a year and a half" she explains and I hold her hand over the table. We sit in silence, comforting each other. I'm grateful for this.

"I should probably get back to Jo, here's my number. Call or text me anytime you need to talk ok?" I scribble my number down on a napkin and hand it to her. She stands up and engulfs me into a comforting hug. I'm so grateful that I have someone who I don't know to well to comfort, and to comfort me.

I stand outside Jo's door, preparing myself. Even though I've seen her before, it's so so hard to see your baby attached to machines and wires. I take the deepest breath possible and step into the room. Her and Harry are still sleeping, and they're still holding hands.

My heart melts at the sight. I'm so thankful for Harry. I lay down on the cot beside my daughters bed and I slowly feel myself give into sleep.
A little pov change up, how do you feel about that? I think I like it, getting an outside perspective of the situation, etc.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter, see you soon lovelies

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