Chapter 1 - Back in England

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We had just gotten back from New York. We were all run ragged. Two weeks, doing everything possible in just one city each day and going to 12 of the cities in New York. We just got back from the airport last night. The girls crashed here.

I tug the covers up to my shoulders, opening my eyes. The lights were bright and I was beyond tired. Damn jet lag and it's time zones. The clock said it was two in the afternoon. I sigh and turn back over. I grin seeing my loving boyfriend there. I push myself up on my elbow so I can get a better look at him better while laying on my side. His lips were slightly parted as soft snores left his mouth and he occasionally mumbled about his day. It was weird he talked about his day, but I had to admit it was pretty cute. His hand was tucked underneath his head. His bicep flexed. His chest was bare and I giggled at the amount of chest hair. It wasn't a lot, but it was cute how Niall was so proud of it. His skin was pale. Barely tanned. He had the type of pale skin that would sunburn and freckle over if he got too much sun. The blanket rested on his stomach, right above his belly button. His free hand laid on the blanket over his stomach. His hair was tousled. His eyelashes fluttered every now and then. His adorable chin dimple and the few freckles on his neck and cheeks. His Adam's Apple was poked out.

Some guys Adam's Apples are different sizes. Niall's was big.

It amazed me how Niall could sleep. Sometimes he would sleep in boxers, pajamas pants, or nothing at all. I have a feeling right now, isn't the first two. I can't possibly sleep like that. I have to have layers.

I lean over and kiss him on the forehead. He smiles in his sleep. I lay my head back down on my pillow. My hand reached over and laid on his chest. My fingers playing with his chest hair.

A few minutes of that passed before Niall made that groaning dammit-its-time-to-get-up-already kinda noise that people make. He slowly opened his eyes, sighing. His hand left his head. He laid his hand on mine and turned onto his side to face me. His pupils were still tiny from when he was sleeping. He kept blinking his eyes. He looked adorable when he was sleepy.

"Mmmm, morning, darlin." He mumbles. His voice was raspy and scratchy. His accent thick with drowsiness. It was incredibly sexy. He tried to keep his eyes open, but failed. "Aw, fuck it. Good night." He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me close. A gasp leaves my lips. My hands on his chest. He digs his face into my neck.

My eyes getting big realizing I was right. Note to self: tomorrow wear longer pajama shorts.

"Niall." I drag out.

"Whaaaaaaat?" He squawks against my skin.

"Can you please, PLEASE put on some pants?"

He chuckles into my neck then says in a seductive voice "You know you love it."

My cheeks burn,"Niall!" I whisper-shout at him. I thwack his chest.

He laughs against my neck. I wiggle my lower half away from his.

"Kay, you're only making it worse." He groans, biting down on my neck.

"Okay, thats it! I'm leaving!" I pull my body his. I throw the covers off my body and stand back. I look at him to see him grinning, though his eyes held lust and wanting. "You are disgusting and it is too damn early and weird and bizarre to have morning sex when we're both jet lagged out and you're your pervy self. If you get hard, you're flying solo on this one." I give him a look.

He just chuckles, shifting to lay on his back.

"You're such a drama queen, Katie. Just lay back down." He looks at me with a cheeky grin.

"No thanks." I start to the door. I'm nearly to the hallway when I hear him mutter, "Normally you wouldn't mind a little Irish in ya."

I gasp and look at him. He howls in laughter.

"You're disgusting!" I grab a book off of the dresser and throw it him. He blocks his face with a pillow.

"I'm kidding. Just come back. I'll put some boxers on." He sits up.

Now, he was definitely teasing. Showing off his torso. That amazing v line and the trail of hair lining straight down the middle. His toned abdomen and chest. His biceps. That hair. The sexy look on his face. The way the blanket pooled his lap and almost showed too much.

"I doubt that, Niall. I know you. You're the biggest horndog of all. See you at lunch." I wink and walk away.

By breakfast, I mean the meatball sub that I brought back from Manhattan. And only mine. I found Liam, Eleanor, and Payton in the kitchen. Payton looked like she jst collapse when she sat down at the table. I hope she's still breathing. Eleanor was trying to stay away. Liam was sipping coffee.

"Good morning." I sigh, walking past them. I open the fridge, take out my food, and place it in the microwave.

"Why are you so awake?" Liam sighs, looking at me with tired eyes. He had bags.

Yep... jet lag kicked our asses.

"Only for my sub so I know no one eats it and I'm waiting for the Horny Horan to put clothes on. How does he sleep naked? I wouldn't be able to do that." I cross my arms, leaning against the counter.

Eleanor lets out a tired giggle. "Yeah, so um, I'll be sleeping on the couch." She trudges out of the room.

Then Harry fucking Styles came in singing and smiling. What the fuck?

"Hello, loves." He prances over to the counter, looking through the cupboards.

"Aren't you tired Harry?" Liam asks.

"I was smart enough to stay up all night before the flight so I could sleep every second." Harry smirks.

I walk over, grabbing him by the shoulders. I slap him across the face. "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DID YOU DO TO HARRY?!"

"Ow, fuck, Katie." He holds his cheek.

The microwave dinged. "Bye, bitches." I grab my sub and leave. I walk back to Niall's room. I see him rolled over, the covers pulled up. I could see the muscles in the top of his shoulders and upper back.

I start to go in, but then I think, am I really going to eat this across from the bottomless pit boy and expect him not wake up and steal some? No, I'm not that stupid.

I turn on my heels and walk to my room. You can't simple share this sandwich. Not, it's too good. I eat my breakfast and slide underneath my covers. It's too cold.

And this is where Niall came in. I sprint to his room to see him still there asleep. I slide in behind him. Thank God, he put boxers on. I slip my arm over his waist. My face nuzzles into his shoulder blade. I hear him chuckle, before he reaches behind him. He pats my thigh, giving it a squeeze. "Get on this side, princess." I grin and crawl over him. I lay down and cuddle into his chest. He kisses my forehead. His arms locking around my waist. "Much better."

I giggle, hiding my face in his neck. This was a lot warmer.

I will miss Manhattan again, but right now, I'm just glad being back in London. Jet lagged or not.

You Save Me - Niall Horan FanFic (Sequel to If I'm Louder)Where stories live. Discover now