Chapter 53 - Heart-to-Heart

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"YOU GOT A TATTOO?!" Zayn shouts. He turns to Niall, "AND YOU LET HER?! ARE YOU DAFT?! SHE WAS JUST SHOT!"

"Zayn, I think that we both know that if I said she couldn't, she would have got it, anyway."

"Haha, he knows me so well." I wink at Niall, reaching over and giving his butt a squeeze. A blush rose to his cheeks. He looks at me with a grin.

"Okay, ew," Louis said, wrinkling his nose.

"I've been touching his butt all week. Get use to it." I cross my arms and smirk proudly.

"Apparently, partially disabled Katie is horny Katie," Niall laughs, slouching down in a seat on the couch. "She humped me the other day."

I blush and grin sheepishly. "C'mon, I was playing! Besides, you said that you wanted flirting and I gave you flirting."

"Flirting, not a form of rape," he smirked.

"Oh, shut up," I spat playfully. "I have to get out of this.... shirt, if you can now call it that," I mumble, picking up my paintings and walking down the hall. After I changed, I put the paintings up around the room. Smiling.

It was amazing how precise and detailed my father's drawings were. How he used to paint with such consideration and such tranquility. He loved painting. It was more than a hobby to him. It was a getaway. It was a type of release. I miss him.... so much.

I glance at my mother.

She was smiling big, showing off her teeth. Her hair was in a messy bun. One of her hands came up to rest on her left shoulder. Her nose was wrinkled up. A "oh my God, you're so silly," smile present. Her eyes had stars in them. One piece of her hair fell from the bun and curved with her face. She wore a shamrock green sweater that let the sleeve ride down on her right arm. It drooped off her left shoulder while the right side met her neck.

I smile, biting my lip. My mother was honestly the beautifulest woman in the world in my eyes.

"He- oh, dayum!" Zayn laughs, standing behind me. "You were right. Your dad IS phenomenal. He actually painted that?"

"Mhm," I hum. "He loved painting. Most of these, he drew." I look back at my cousin. "I only painted the horse."

He loved to his left, grinning. "I guess he was my uncle. Mum, she loves to draw just as well. I got my talent from her. I reckon that you got yours from your father." He looks back at me, "I feel that there's a reason you chose these five to bring back."

I nod and point to my mother, "Beauty," I point to the birds, above my dresser, "family and friendship," I point to the dream catcher, beside the window, "peace," I point to the horse of mine, "freedom," I point to the butterfly, "triumph."

He cocks his head back, "Okay, I understand the others, but triumph?"

"If you believe in yourself, no matter how you look or feel or are, you can make yourself better. The caterpillar makes a cocoon and nests in it. Later, it becomes a butterfly. It worked hard building the cocoon to be what it is. If you work hard, you can overcome anything. Triumph."

"Oh," he smiled.

"That's the five elements that I want in my life. I want to overcome everything bad. I want friends and family by my side so we can help each other when times get hard. I want freedom to come and go and be myself. Nobody else. I want to have peace instead of stressful days. And I want beauty."

"You're a smart one, Katie."

"I know. I wasn't accepted to the AP classes in University for nothing," I chuckle.

You Save Me - Niall Horan FanFic (Sequel to If I'm Louder)Where stories live. Discover now