Chapter 15 - Fucking Media

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I hide my face in my hands. To cheer me up, we went out for ice cream. But that only reminded me of Niall and the ice cream shop in Bradford, and now the paparazzi have me cornered.

Literally. I am against a wall as they scream at me. My friends were trying to get to me. Notice I said trying.

Tears prick my eyes.

They were screaming everything possible and shoving cameras in my face, microphones, even flashing pictures. Finally, I just slid down, hiding my face, with my knees pulled up to my chest.

"Is Natie broken up?"

"Why did Niall ask you why you kissed him at the airport?"

"Are you pregnant?"

"Did Niall break up with you?"

"How are things in Uni?"

"Is it true that you are an alcohol?"

"What is your opinion on politics?"

"What did the lads get you for your birthday?"

"Is it true that you're pregnant with Harry's child?" What the hell?

"Why did you and Niall break up?"

"Is that your true hair color?"

"Is it true that you broke up with Niall Horan because he cheated on you?"

"How did your mum die?"

"Is it true that your father abused you?"

Finally, I broke. Tears streamed down my face. I grit my teeth. Suddenly, I'm on my feet.

"SHUT UP!" I scream. "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU STUPID LITTLE BASTARDS!" I scream. They gasp, somewhat silencing. "IT'S NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS HOW MY PARENTS DIED AND IF MY FATHER ABUSED ME BECAUSE NO THE HELL HE DID NOT, MAY HE REST IN FUCKING PEACE! Now you can take those shitty cameras and shove them right up your ass because its not one damned bit of your business, you fucking idiots!" I scream and tears trail down my cheeks. I throw my hands up. "Do you know how fucking stupid that is?! Media! It's bullshit! It's fucking stupid, idiotic bullshit! It's ruined everyone's lives and maybe that's why the damned celebrities out there try to stay away from you!" I grip my hair. "It disgusts me! All of you should get different jobs, ya little cunts. Who gives a fuck about celebrities besides house wives who sit at home all day?! It's no one's business if I broke up with Niall or he broke up with me or what happened between us or if this is my real hair color?! And why the fuck would I be pregnant with Harry's child, are you stupid?! I'm not pregnant. I'm not dating Niall and maybe if he would JUST FUCKING UNDERSTAND THAT I DON'T NEED BETTER, THAT WE BELONG TOGETHER, AND THAT ZAYN FUCKING MALIK WAS WRONG, GOD, I HATE HIM, the dick!" I scream, falling to the ground and curling up. I rock back and forth, sobbing. My face in my knees. It was silent and I heard footsteps.

Someone pulls me against them. I look at the person to see Brian and I immediately throw my arms around his torso, burying my face in his neck, sobbing. He had me on his lap, stroking my hair.

"What are you staring at?! Get out of here!" I heard Melanie yell. Then footsteps trampled after hesitation. A lot of the people in the ice cream shop stared at me, but hell, I don't care.

"It's okay, Katie. Everything is gonna be just fine." Brian kisses my forehead.

"No, it's not!" I cry. "Everything is just wrong. And it's all Zayn's fault!"

~Harry's P.O.V.~

Zayn's been pretty sad since the Skype call. Which is normal. I can understand why Katie's is so mad though. And, Jesus, now we find out that Eleanor is her cousin, too? Jesus Christ! I just can't believe it. Zayn's whatever and Eleanor's whatever had Katie! Just can't believe it. It's just...

And neither of them new it. Zayn was surprised and Eleanor was surprised. And what will happen when media finds out?

Lord. Anywho, Liam and I were watching tv since we were bored.

"Liam, I don't think it's very interesting to see who Dr.G dissected this time." I groan, looking at him.

"Fine, then you pick." He throws the tv remote to me. Someone's moody.

I roll my eyes and flick through the channels.

No. No. No. No. Weird. Nah, seen that. Nope. Uh-uh. Seen it. Stupid. Ugh, Disney! No. No. N- HOLY HELL!

"What the?" Liam starts.

"LADS, C'MERE! HURRY!" I shout.

"Wh-" I heard Zayn say before I cut him off.


All three boys came soon after. I turn the volume up.

"Yes, I said that right, folks. Katie Walker had a mental break down at an ice cream shop in London." A blonde woman, with way too much make up said. Pictures of Katie cornered to a wall, pictures of her hiding her face, her curled up on the floor. They all flashed up so that they were beside her.

"She was there eating with Danielle Peazer, Eleanor Calder, and Perrie Edwards, the One Direction girlfriend and fiancés, including Amy and Eryn Terrice, friends of her and the boys, and a few of her friends from New York that came to see her on her birthday, who are unidentified. The paps were said to have cornered her. About ten minutes later, Katie began to scream at them. Here is footage of the entire scene that one person managed to tape."

The lady goes off and suddenly comes on a clip of Katie screaming at them. Our jaws drop.

I glance at the others. Zayn and Louis were in disbelief. Liam had a look of grief. Niall was... well he looked as if he were going to cry by the end.

Katie curled up on the ground and soon, Brian pushed his way through. The video ended.

"Yes, yes. Shocking. I think I know the questions everyone is asking right now. What happened to Niall and Katie? How did Zayn have anything to do about it? Has Katie gone crazy? Why does Niall think he doesn't deserve her? Who knows? This is Del-" Louis quickly turned off the tv.

That's when Zayn went crazy, while Niall was crying, holding onto Liam.

"DAMMIT! I'M SO FUCKING STUPID." Uh-oh. This isn't going to end well.

The last time he got upset like this, he punched multiple holes in the walls, flipped over the sofa, coffee table, and broke a lamp.

"Zayn, calm down!" Louis shouts as he tries to calm him down.

"NO, LOUIS!" He flips the coffee table, "THIS ALL MY FUCKING FAULT BECAUSE I GOT MAD AND FOR SOME FUCKING REASON," he smashes a glass cup, "I HURT NIALL, I KEEP HURTING BOTH OF NIALL AND KATIE. THEN NIALL WON'T ACCEPT THAT I WAS WRONG," he threw the remote against the wall, "NO MATTER HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES I TRY TO GET HIM TO BELIEVE IT! LOOK AT HIM," he breaks a mirror, "IT'S MY FAULT HE'S LIKE THAT!" He flips a chair, "IT'S MY FAULT THAT KATIE BLEW UP! SHE HATES ME NOW! SHE FUCKING HATES ME!" He rips a pillow in half, "SHE SAID THAT I WAS DEAD TO HER AND," he flips the couch over, "I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT I BROKE THEM UP BECAUSE I WAS UNCOMFORTABLE! It's all my fucking fault," he hisses, smashing a lamp, throwing it against the wall. Tears dripped down his face. "MY FAULT! MY FAULT! NOT NIALL'S! MY FAULT! I'M AN IDIOT!" He screams. Paul comes in just as he grabs another lamp.

"ZAYN, STOP!" Liam, Louis, and I scream as Niall sobs against Li.

Paul went wide eyed as Zayn threw it against the wall. He ran towards him just as Zayn pulled his arm back to punch the wall. Paul tackled him to the ground.

"GET OFF OF ME, PAUL!" Zayn hisses as angry tears fall.

"Zayn. Zayn, calm down." Paul says softly, pinning him to the floor.

"No! It's my fault! It's all my fault!" He cries, struggling beneath him.

"Zayn. Zayn. Listen. Calm down." Paul insists.

It took awhile to get Zayn calm again.

Oi, what's happening?

You Save Me - Niall Horan FanFic (Sequel to If I'm Louder)Where stories live. Discover now