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***Three Years Later***

I bite my lip, grinning.

I've got my grades back up to all A's at university. I've overcome alcoholism. I've set things straight in New York so that everyone knows that Jake lied. I've gotten closer to my cousins, even Doniya.

I've accomplished a lot.

And now I've accomplished graduating college.

It's finally paid off. Studying late at night. Freaking out over tests. Working my ass off for projects and assignments. Stressing over finals. I've finally finished school.

The black gown went down to my ankles. I wore eyeliner and mascara.

"Ugh, you're so gorgeous," Avery sighs. Yes. She was accepted to the University of London. Only one year behind me. If I had finished school like a normal kid, I would have joined university after senior year and a whole nother year but I finished junior year and waited a year.

My hair fell down my back in curls. I put my black graduation cap on. The tassel hung on the right side of my cap.

I gave Avery a hug before walking across the campus to where the ceremony was held. When all of the graduates were in a line, I discovered that I was in between Stephen Wallace and Adrianna Walkins. It was a rather long line.

The ceremony was long and boring, but I held my smile. School is hard and I'm finally graduating college, the last step. Of course, I'm ecstatic.

When my name was called, I stepped up the steps of the stage they set up. I walk across to the podium where the principal of the college stood. The vice principal handed me a piece of paper, rolled up with a ribbon tied around it. I shake hands with the principal before he took my tassel and moved it to the left side of my hat. I pass him to step off the stage and take my set beside Stephen.

"Adrianna Walkins."

A smile took up my face.

Once all of the names were called, the principal smiled, resting his hands on the podium. Bleachers full of people sat behind the chairs of college graduates.

"I look out and see some faces that were new, four years ago. I'm proud to say that all of these graduates came teenagers and have now left adults. Some of them pushed everything aside and worked hard for this. Studying and working hard, barely leaving time for themselves. One of those people," he licks his lips. His hair was graying out from a black color. He had dark eyes and a proud smile, "are here today, making it to the real world. She's been through a lot, some that has affected her grades year one, but she pushed through it and fixed what she messed up to make it to this day. To make perfect grades in the end. And I know that that had be one of the hardest things that she's done. She serves an example for everyone. And that's why she's presenting the graduation speech," he lets out a laugh. "Katie Walker, come up here." Everyone claps.

I smile and stand up.

"Good luck," Adrianna smiles.

"Don't stutter!" The boy beside her spoke. I laugh and nod, walking between two rows of chairs. I meet the principal at the podium. He wished me good luck before walking away. I sigh, smiling. I look out at the crowd, leaning against the podium.

"Hi," I spoke. My voice was tiny. I clear my throat and speak up. "They told me to write a speech so that I'd be prepared but I knew that, even if I did, I'd forget half of it even if I brought it since my stage frights so bad, I might piss my pants," I grin sheepishly. They laugh. I look down at the stadium, "I wasn't trying for a joke, but alright," I shrug, chuckling. I drop my grin. "College.... let's be honest, college is hard. High school is hard. I have no idea how I ever made AP classes at my old high school in New York. School," I look up and swallow, "I used to hate school. I didn't understand the math. I hated writing papers for English. I couldn't stand sitting in History, listening to my teacher talk about the Cuban Missile Crisis or whatever else. Everytime we had Science experiments, there was a chance that I'd kill whatever plant we were observing or ruin a frog forever, may they rest in peace," I laugh slightly. My stomach churned seeing all of the people stare at me, "And my mother, she was the brains of my family. She came to me after seeing my 7th grade report card, for the first semester and she said that obviously something was wrong. She told me that I had to make better grades considering that high school was just around the corner. I told her that I couldn't do it... and she said, 'Nothing is impossible. If you work hard enough to get to your goal, you can reach it. You can overcome anything,' and she was right. She helped me. Everyday, she'd make me sit at a desk in my room with her and she taught me everything that I needed to know until I was making straight A's. I never understood anything until she helped me. Because of her, I knew everything that I needed to know to make the AP classes in high school. Sadly... she never got to see it," I look down at the podium, "before she passed away. I was always a smart child, making good grades and then middle school came. She got me back on track," I look back up. "But I ignored it after her death. I didn't do anything in school on purpose. I began to get in fights. I was suspended from school A LOT. And my dad came to me and said that even if my mother didn't get to finish her life, I shouldn't wreck mine before I get one. I listened to him. On an advanced program, I made straight A's in every class to graduate from high school in my junior year. I missed my Prom, I didn't get to graduate with my class, but I did get to see my father tell me that if my mother was still alive, she'd be so proud of me. And if either were alive," my throat starts to close. I take a deep breath, "I know that they'd be so proud. After my father's death when I was seventeen... I didn't know what to do anymore. I had to fly overseas to join a family that I didn't even know that I had. And down the line, I moved to London to live with five airheads," I smirk as I heard a few gasps and huffs.

You Save Me - Niall Horan FanFic (Sequel to If I'm Louder)Where stories live. Discover now