Chapter 45 - Happy Birthday

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~~Katie's P.O.V.~~

I pushed the covers off of my body. Being sure not to wake Niall.

Yesterday, after talking to Daddy of course, we celebrated me saving Niall exactly one year ago. Today, we're going to celebrate his birthday.

I look at the alarm clock after pulling the covers up to his chest. Seven o'clock.

We stayed up late last night, watching movies, kissing, cuddling, tickling each other, with a hint of flirting.

I smile at my beautiful fiancé. My lips gently touch his forehead.

I grin at his phone on the nightstand, seeing that all of the boys and girls sent him Happy Birthday texts.

I tiptoe out of the room before quietly closing the door as I exit into the hall. I met Chris and Maura in the kitchen.

"Alright, let's get this party started!" I grin.

Maura laughs, "I'll cook breakfast. You make the cake. The box is in the pantry. Icing in the fridge. Greg and Denise are bringing Theo over in half an hour. Bobby is stopping by later."

I wrinkle up my nose. "Icing? Ew, no. Store bought chocolate icing sucks. I'll make my own. My mom had a special recipe, you know," I grin, winking. I bump hips with her as she laughs.


The cake sat on the counter. Rather big, yet he eats a lot though. It was a yellow breaded, chocolate icing cake that read "Happy Birthday Dummy!" in green and red icing with a big heart around it.

Yes, I wrote it.

Greg, Denise, Theo, Chris, Maura, and I wore hats that I made them put on.

"Ugh, you left me!" Niall whined, stepping inside of the kitchen with his eyes on me.

He was shirtless, wearing a different pair of pajama pants than yesterday.

Everyone else yelled "Happy Birthday" while I, however, grabbed a dishtowel, screaming.

They look at me funny, watching as I run over with it. "You whore! Don't you know that young ladies aren't suppose to show their ninnies?!" I shout, covering his chest with the cloth. That makes everyone else burst out laughing. Niall, however, blushed crimson, looking at me incredulously. I grin, giggling.

"Young lady? I'm insulted, KitKat," he scowled playfully, as I pulled the dishtowel away. I giggled.

"Whatever, I'm special," I say, sticking my nose in the air as I turn away, grinning.

"A little too special, might I add," he laughed, tickling the back of my neck. A squeal left me as I slap a hand of my nape. A shudder goes through me.

I huff, looking at him. "Then I'll just take my cake and leave," I taunt, poking my tongue out at him.

His eyes light up. "Cake?" He walked past me.

I sigh, rolling my eyes. "Sometimes I believe that he loves food more than me."

His family grins at me while he laughs. "Nonsense!... okay, maybe a little bit." I scowl, glaring at him. "I'm kidding!" he laughs, "Lighten up." He leans down pecking my lips before he sits down at the table.


You'd be surprised how many friends of Niall's came by to giving him a present or just wish him happy birthday.

"Get dressed!" Niall whines as I come out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel. My hair was up in a towel, as well. "Stop prancing around in that when you know that I can't do anything about it!" he pouts, giving me big puppy dog eyes.

You Save Me - Niall Horan FanFic (Sequel to If I'm Louder)Where stories live. Discover now