Chapter 41 - Saving Her

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~~Niall's P.O.V.~~

I sobbed uncontrollably. She died in the ambulance twice. They brought her back both times. That was yesterday. I didn't have the heart to call the lads and tell them. Mum and Greg had to. My whole family's been telling me that it wasn't my fault. But it is.

Rebecca did that to her because I wouldn't date her. I couldn't tell Katie that crucial detail when I told her about Rebecca. She's dead now anyway. I never wanted Beck to die. Yeah, she was a bully but she didn't deserve that. She only stabbed Katie because of me.

Katie went into surgery where she died on the table a third time from blood loss but they quickly brought her back with a blood transfusion. The surgery was a success. They patched up her stomach which was punctured all the way through. They stitched up her wound. She had this three inch scar across her stomach that I just knew she'd find another reason to be insecure about. But I think she's still gorgeous with it. They cleaned the blood off of her and fixed her neck. That didn't need stitches though.

She hasn't woken up yet.

It's my fault that she's here.

The tears drip down my face. The things she said race through my mind. She said that she loved me. That it wasn't my fault, it never was. And then she said that I would find another girl and that she'd be sure of it. What does that mean?

Her heart monitor beeps repeatedly.

"Niall, it wasn't your fault," Greg sighs, rubbing my shoulder.

"Yes it is," I croak. "She died three times because of me," I say, looking at him. "She beat my old bully up for me. Then when Rebecca insulted her mother... that gave her another reason. But I never even told her about the reason Rebecca bullied me," I look at the ground. "She was stabbed because of me and she shouldn't have ever even fell in love with me because I'm a failure. She should have saved herself for another man. I never even deserved to make love to her," I break down into sobs. "I'm awful," I cry out. "She beat the shit out of Rebecca for me and she nearly slit Katie's throat before stabbing her. And because I'd never date her."

He had a look of grief. "Niall, don't believe that."

"Christ, Rebecca should've killed me instead," I cry, hiding my face in my hands.

"Niall, don't say that," Dad warned as Mum, Denise, Greg, Chris, and Audrey, Dad's current girlfriend, stared teary eyed at me. And Katie was gonna meet her so soon. Just if it had been two more days. Nana couldn't come to see Katie.

I shoot to my feet, glaring at him. "DON'T ACT LIKE IT ISN'T TRUE! LOOK AT HER! SHE'S NEARLY DEAD BECAUSE OF ME! I'M A FUCKING FAILURE AND YOU KNOW IT!" I scream at him. My family gasps.

"Niall, you're just hu-"

"JUST SHUT UP! STOP LYING TO ME! I KNOW WHAT THE TRUTH IS AND THAT ISN'T IT!" I yell. My hands fly up to grip my hair. The tears drip off of my chin. I begin to pace the floor. "I'm such a dick. She's like that because of me. Because she was standing up for me. The person I love more than anything in the world might not wake up. My worst fear is coming true. I might lose Katie. And it is all of my fucking fault," I begin to hyperventilate. My fist makes contact with the concrete wall. I hiss in pain, ignoring as everyone tells me to calm down. The door slams open and before I can even look up, someone tackles me to the ground. I look up at Zayn who glared down at me just before all of the other lads, the girls, and Zayn's family run in, yelling for him to stop just as my family. I had them all fly out.

I stare up at him as he snarls. "You fucking bastard. YOU are the reason my baby cousin is lying in that bed, unresponsive?! YOU'RE THE REASON THAT SHE DIED THREE TIMES?! I FUCKING THOUGHT I WAS WRONG BUT APPARENTLY NOT! SHE WAS INJURED BECAUSE OF YOU, YOU FUCKING DICK!"

You Save Me - Niall Horan FanFic (Sequel to If I'm Louder)Where stories live. Discover now