Chapter 42 - Brunette Bitch

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Chapter 42 - Brunette Bitch

All of the guys went home yesterday. I'm going home today, September 11th. It was all over the news. The whole world's going crazy.

'Niall's old bully stabs Katie. Hear the crazy story behind it' and 'See the shocking footage of how it all happened.' Apparently a pap was in that crowd and recorded the whole fight.

Niall keeps apologizing since I have no privacy, but really, it's no big deal to me. I've already given those paparazzi a piece of my mind.

The doctors said that I have to stay rested. I can't do any big lifting or any major exercise for awhile. Or any "sexual activity" that they just had to throw in there. I mean, seriously. I was just stabbed in the stomach and they really think I'm stupid enough to do that? And the last thing that I am is horny. Doctors are stupid, my main point.

Niall kisses my forehead as Chris parks the car. Then he begins to apologize AGAIN.

"Niall, shut up! I have told you half a billion times that I'm just fine," I laugh. He sighs.

"I'm sorry.... twice," he chuckles.

I roll my eyes and open the door. "C'mon, Maura. We gotta have a girlies day, whatcha say?" I propose. She grins, closing the car door. She nods while a soft chuckle passed her lips. I clamp my hands together, smiling. "Alright. It's settled. Boys," I turn to Chris and Niall who just got out of the car. "GET OUT OF OUR YARD!" I yell.

Chris and Maura laugh yet Niall narrowed his eyes at me while a sneaky smirk took up his lips. "Make me," he dares.

"Niall James Horan, hell hath no fury as a woman's scorn, now get your butt out before I kick it out!" I warn, knitting my eyebrows together angrily while I give him "the look."

You know the look. The woman look. Like, your mom's given it to you. It's kinda like the if-you-mess-up-my-clean-kitchen look mixed with if-you-don't-shut-the-hell-up-don't-tell-your-father-that, with a hint of put-that-damned-glass-in-the-dishwater-not-the-sink. You know?

"Go see Denise and Theo. She told me she was off of work this week since they had a temporary shut down," Maura insists.

"Alright," Chris sighs.

"Yeah, I have to get out of here before Katie bites my head off," Niall laughs, coming over to the passenger side. As he opens the door and begins to get in, I reach over and pinch his side. A squeal feel from his lips as he fell into the car, hitting his head on the side of the car.

"OW! I told you, stop pinching me!" he hissed, holding his head with one hand while his other rubbed circles on his side.

"Son, lesson number one in relationships with woman. Don't tell them not to do something. They'll do it anyway. Number two, don't ever insult them or tease them. Hell breaks loose. They'll make you suffer, getting even," Chris advises, looking at them.

I reach over and touch Niall's shoulder. "Listen to your step father," I say before turning. I adjust my bag on my shoulder.

My bag held my things that I used at the hospital. Ya know, my clothes, my toothbrush and toothpaste, my phone, a couple of magazines: People, Seventeen, Vogue.

"C'mon, Maur-ie!" I grin, starting to the front door. She chuckles, following by my side. The car starts up while Niall closes the door.

"How about I show you Niall's baby pictures?" Maura grins devilishly. I return it.

"I thought you'd never ask these past weeks," I tell her before we laugh. I open the door and hold it open for her. She steps in before I follow.


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