Chapter 30 - Oh my God!

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"Niall, talk to me," I whine, following him. He ignores me, huffing. I grab his arm. "Why are you so mad at me?"

He had been ignoring me for two days straight.

"Maybe because you told Greg and Denise about the make up!" he hisses, whirling around. He glares down at me.

I bite my lip, "I'm sorry," I mumble, guilty.

He narrows his eyes at me before huffing and turning to walk away.

"Ni-" I start before tensing. My voice caught in my throat.

Niall furrows his eyebrows angrily. "What?!" he hisses.

I couldn't speak. My body trembled. My stomach starts to churn. But I couldn't move. I could feel my pupils begin to dilate and shrink, like a needle stabbing in them.

Oh no...

My body went numb, shaking. I could feel acid coming up the back of my throat.

Slowly, Niall turns to me. His eyebrows arched. "Katie?" His eyes grow twice their size. "Shit!" His arms circle me. He sits me in a chair as I begin jerking around. "I'll be right back," then he was gone. He dashed down the hall and up the stairs.

Maura came into the hallway, only for her to see me, just as spots fell in front of my eyes.

"Jesus, Katie, what's wrong?" She rushes over to my figure. Then I jerk forward as my vision fades. I fall onto then floor, hearing a gasp and feel Maura touch my shoulder before pounding towards us are footsteps.

"Shit!" I heard Niall swear as vomit fills my mouth, nearly coming out as a stab inflicted my forearm. Maura didn't have time to scold him about language. A cool liquid went through my veins. My vision came back and my body stilled against the floor. A pained sound fell from my throat. On one side of me was Niall, who pulled me into his lap. Maura was amazed and confused on the other side.

"You still have seizures," she murmurs. I curl up against Niall's chest, forced to swallow the acid in my mouth.

"Rarely, but she has had a few more since she has Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome. Her neurologist gave us some kind of medicine to shoot in her vein if she has any," Niall explains. Maura nods. I bury my head in his chest, fisting up his shirt.

"Oi," I moan in pain. He brushes hair out of my face then cups my ear, holding my head to his chest.

"Poor baby," he mumbles, gently pressing a kiss to my forehead as he cranes his neck down.

"She needs to rest... especially after that," his mother sighs.

"I know," Niall scoops me up bridal style. He looks down at me sympathetically. I whimper, curling up in his arms. My head was pounding. I had a sour stomach.

"Niall, my head and my tummy hurts," I whine and squirm. My hands clutch my stomach as my eyes squeeze shut. I squint them open to look up at him, pouting like a sick child at her mother.

"Mum, can you get her some medicine to take?" he chuckles, pecking my nose.

"'Course, baby," she grins, walking away. Niall turns and carries me up to our room. He lays me across the bed, kissing my forehead. I curl up to a pillow.

"'Mere." He lays his hand on my forehead. "You're warm," he murmurs and climbs in beside me. He pulls my body against his.

"I don't feel so well," I whimper, turning over and curling up against him. A pillow against my stomach.

"I know you don't, darlin. I'm gonna take care of you," he whispers softly, knowing I have a headache.

"Here, I got some Tylenol," Maura hands him the two Tylenols before giving him a glass of water. Niall makes me sit up so I can take it. Just as soon as it's inside of my system, he makes me get underneath the covers. It's a good thing I only had on shorts and a big tshirt of Niall's. It was his Derby jersey. It smelled like him. He told me that I was possibly the only one he'd ever let wear his favorite- FAVORITE shirt.

You Save Me - Niall Horan FanFic (Sequel to If I'm Louder)Where stories live. Discover now