Chapter 18 - He Doesn't Love Me

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~~Niall's P.O.V.~~

Five months. It's been five months. But it only hurts more.

The stage worker finishes fixing my mic. The lights go off in the arena and the music starts. The crowd only screams louder.

We rise up on the stage from the floor. Liam raises his hand-held mic to his lips. "How's it going tonight, Paris?!"

The crowd screams in response.

"How about we start tonight off with Half A Heart?" Zayn shouts, glancing at me. My smile falls. Even if it is fake. Dammit. The bastard.

Don't cry over her, Niall. Don't even think about it. She deserves better, dammit.


"Twitter questions!" Harry shouts.

"Let's see what you fabulous freaks are gonna ask us this time," Louis grins, winking at the crowd.

Gotta love Lou.

"From Sarah in row 324. What's your favorite dirty pick up line?" Liam furrows his eyebrows, "Dirty?"

"Ew! I wanna answer this one," Harry shouts.

"No! I wanna answer!" Louis whines.

"Both of you answer it," Zayn sighs.

"Okay," Louis looks out at the crowd, "I have two. I'm like a fireman. I find 'em hot and leave 'em wet," he smirks. A lot of the crowd fangirls over his seductive look. "My second is- I lost my teddy bear, can I sleep with you tonight?"

"But Boobear, I thought that was our special line?" Harry pouts causing girls to scream. Liam and I roll our eyes. Harry smiles and raises the mic to his lips, "Hey, you wanna do a 68? You go down on me, and I'll owe you one," he says before laughing. I roll my eyes. Oh Haz...

"I apologize to everyone for that," Zayn tells the audience.

"Next," I look at the screen, "From Andrea in row 246. Which is your favorite- Twitter questions or video diaries?"

"I liked the video diaries," Liam says.

"Yeah, it's a shame we can't do those anymore," Louis pouts.

"I like the Twitter questions. Because we still have them and plus, we can only make of what we have now, right?" Zayn smiles.

"Zayn, sometimes I don't know if I should write down what you say and make it a quote or throw my TOM at you," Louis admits, staring blankly at him.

"Shut up," he snaps.

"Next," Harry looks at the board, "from Lynn in row 13. Niall, why did you break up with Katie?"

My blood froze and my stomach dropped. All the lads silenced as did a lot of the fans. Tears prick my eyes. I gnaw on my bottom lip as I grip the microphone. I couldn't look at the fans. I dropped my head to look at my vans, hoping they wouldn't notice my tears. But I have to answer the question.

I raise the microphone, quietly clearing my throat. "Because," my voice cracks. Well obviously clearly my throat did nothing. I let out a shaky breath. Now everyone was silent. The fans knew something was wrong. It's obvious that I'm crying so I might as well look at the crowd. Tears blurred my vision. "Because..."

"Niall, you don't have to do this," Liam sighs, touching my shoulder.

"I broke up with her because... because she needs better...," my voice rises, "because I hurt her so many times and because I didn't deserve her and she just needs to fucking understand that she does need better and move on! She doesn't want to believe that Zayn was right and it hurts so damned much," I yell, nearly sobbing. It was almost hard to understand me.

You Save Me - Niall Horan FanFic (Sequel to If I'm Louder)Where stories live. Discover now