Chapter 39 - Lonely

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"Well, you two were out late, now weren't ya?" Chris grins, eyeing the clock that read 12:10am.

"Where'd you take her, Niall?" Maura asks, grinning as she shifted on her seat on the couch, wrapping a blanket around herself. Niall closed the door behind me.

"I gave her an entire tour of Mullingar and I even took her to see Nana," he grins childishly.

Her eyebrows shot up, "Really? But you haven't took any of your other girlfriends to meet her," she says, startling me.

"Really?" I look at him.

"Well, none of them were special enough. Nana is special, and I could only bring home the best for her to meet. Someone perfect like you," he taps my nose, grinning that childish grin.

"Wow. If I thought you were a Momma's Boy, you're an even bigger, Nana's Baby," I crack, smirking. Maura and Chris both guffaw as Niall's face falls.

"That hurt, Katie," he huffed, turning.

"Well, I mean. You were talking about her like she's the queen. And the entire day, you were just acting like her baby. Admit it, you were Nana's baby boy when you were little," I laugh.

"I'm not ashamed of my Nana. I'll admit it," he says confidently, trotting up the stairs as I follow. A silence fell briefly. "And she doesn't want to admit it but I was her favorite, over Greg and all of my cousins," Niall bragged, with a proud grin.

"Oh, you're just a sweetheart, aren't you?" I hug him from behind once we reach his room and he walks over to his dresser. My cheek presses up against his strong back.

"Yeah, that's why I was her favorite," he chuckles, shifting through his clothes. "C'mon. You have to love Nana. She's the sweetest lady you'll ever meet. And she doesn't even act like she's nearly 85 years old. You'd think she was sixty, tops," he sighs happily.

"I know," I giggle slightly. I release him, allowing him to pull his shirt over his head. His strong, muscular, porcelain back faced me. His broad shoulders. The short, brown hair on the back of his head. God, he was beautiful.

I couldn't resist.

My fingernails skimmed his back as I touched the soft skin. He shivered as goosebumps arose. I grin, satisfied with my effect on him. I let my index finger trace his spine. A quiet moan came from him. I giggle and let both hands run up to his shoulders so that I could work out the knots.

"Jesus, are you stressed out or what?" I grunt. It wasn't exactly easy to massage his shoulders considering that he was so tall.

"It's been a lot lately," he murmurs before another quiet moan fell. I stand on my tiptoes and kiss the back of his neck. He cranes his neck around to glance at me out of the corner of his eyes. A grin plastered on his face. "Are you seriously about to give me a massage?"

"Yeah, your muscles are really tense. It's not healthy to stay like that. You could pull a muscle or sprain something. One time, Kevin (A/N: 'membah 'im?) was really stressed out with work because he had just been promoted to manager. He had to evalute everyone's work after it was turned in. He was really frustrated. He started to pop his knuckles then tried to pop his neck. His muscles were so tensed that they spasmed and he was stuck looking to the left. He had to go to a professional chiropractor," I reply. He chuckles and looks forward again.

"Lemme get dressed first," he says. I lean up and kiss his nape again.

"Okay. Gotta take care of my baby," I giggle slightly. He grins. I pass him to walk over to my side if the room. I open a drawer and pull out a big t-shirt. Reaching up the back of my shirt, I unclip my bra before quickly pulling it and the jersey and the tanktop off. I pull the other shirt on as fast as I can causing Niall to laugh.

You Save Me - Niall Horan FanFic (Sequel to If I'm Louder)Where stories live. Discover now