Chapter 20 - The Phone Call

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I can't take it. I can't. I need mom and dad. I need them. No one here needs me anyway.

But... the boys would be so disappointed.

I stare at the cocktail of painkillers in my hand. The bright colors making a rainbow.

It hurts so bad. Maybe if I take the painkillers, my heart won't hurt anymore. Oh, who cares? Everyone would be better off without me. Niall's better off without me.

And if I do this, I'll have mom and dad again.

But then I stop as I raise my hand to my lips. Ready to swallow the medicine with the bottle of rum in one hand.

I won't have mom and dad. They're in heaven. The ultimate sin is suicide. Taking yourself out before God has the chance. He's suppose to decide your time. Your way of death.

Whatever. I deserve to suffer. To burn in the degrees of hell. Though hell hath no fury as a woman's scorn, it's pretty damn close.

The painkillers touch my lips just as my phone rings. I jump, dropping everything. Shit!

Demons by Imagine Dragons plays. I reach into my pocket, pulling the phone out. I press it to my ear.

"Hello?" I croak. Who was calling? Few people call me nowadays.

Tears drip off of my chin only to splatter into the sink. God, I was a hot mess. My hair looked awful. My mascara was running. Tears stained my cheeks. My eyes were puffy and red. My face was blotchy. I look horrifying.

"I love you," that beautiful Irish accent runs through the speaker.

I stop. My eyes go wide. My body tenses. "W-what?"

There was a soft chuckle that made a smile run across my lips. "I love you. So much," he tells me.

"I... I love you, too."

"I can't live without you."

I look down at my feet, seeing all of the pills at my toes. "I guess you could say that I was hanging on by a thread but now," I bite my lip, taking a pause, "you saved me."

There was another soft chuckle. "No. You saved me. We saved each other. Well, technically Tyra Banks saved us."

I let out a giggle. "What do you mean?"

"You just," he laughs. "You had to be there."

"I'm sure I had to have," I bite the corner of my lip, smiling.

His tone changes, "I... I heard that you, uh..."

"Became an alcoholic? No," I frown. "I'm tired of people always saying that."

"Katie, be honest. Do you have a problem?"

I scoff. "No," I say, upset by his accusation.

"Katie, you can't lie to me. Tell me the truth," he pleas.

"I.... I mean... I-I guess," I sigh. Tears well up in my eyes. "Fine," I grip a handful of hair, "I'm awful. I've ruined myself, Niall. If you saw me-"

"Don't you dare say that I would be ashamed!" he snaps. "You know damn well that I'd never be ashamed of you. You just have a problem. A problem that I'm going to try my best to help you with."

I smile, "Thank you."

There's a pause, "You're welcome. I'd do anything for you, you know," you could hear the smile in his voice.

I bite my lip. It felt so surreal. Being able to talk to him again. Having him there.

"I..." tears well up once more, "I miss you," I choke out as I squeeze my eyes shut. My bottom lip trembles. A tear rolls down my right cheek.

"Baby, don't. Don't cry, baby. If you cry, I'm gonna cry," he whispers. His voice was strangled. Hoarse and raspy as well.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be....... I miss you, too."

I couldn't help but ask the next question, "Are... are we together again?"

"Yes. And we always will be. I love you to fucking pieces, Katie, I do."

I laugh slightly, before exiting the bathroom. I saunter over to my bed to lay down.

"I love you, too." I whisper.

"I'll be home in three weeks."

A smile lights up my face. "That's right," I remember, "You will be. And I won't be laying in this big bed lonely."

He starts to snicker, "Sonic would be happy to join you."

I shot upright. "Where did you hear that?" I ask quickly, turning crimson.

He snickers again, "You were really drunk and saying that I was good at sex so the girls called us. It's good to know that I fuck like a pornstar," I could hear his smirk.

"Oi! I've gotta stop drinking!" I whine, rubbing my eyes. He bursts out laughing. It made me smile and laugh along. He was happy again. Laughing that contagious laugh of his. The one I love so, so much.

"What else did I say?" I giggle as we stop.

"Well you started talking about the playboy in Ireland, then said 'Ellie?! Lesbians eat that?!' and 'ew. That's nasty. But I wouldn't mind doing that with you Pay-Pay.' I'm a little worried I have competition."

"Oh my God," I say, turning, "I didn't say that. You're a dirty lying bastard!"

"I wish," he laughs, "You always said that you'd never love another man, but not woman."

"Oh ha ha," I say sarcastically with an eye roll.

"I know. I'm hilarious," he says triumphantly. Someone's ego is a bit too big.

"More like hysterical," I smirk.

"Ouch," he chuckles.

I bite my lip, "It feels... amazing to be able to hear your voice again, Nialler."

"Babe, it feels like heaven for me. I missed you a lot. I'm just really... amazingly, extraordinarily, incredibly happy that when I get home, I can wrap you up in my arms and cuddle with you while I sleep off jet lag," he laughs.

I giggle. "I'll be here."

"Niall, as much as I love hearing you laugh and seeing you smile as you talk to Katie, we have to start the meeting with management," I hear Harry tell him.

Niall sighs. "Why do you have a meeting with management?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"It's about songs for the next album."

"Oh," I smile. "Go ahead. I'll be okay. I understand completely."

"Okay... I love you," he tells me.

"AW! OUR LITTLE NIALLER'S GROWN UP!" I hear Louis tease.

"So cute!" Zayn laughs as the guys make kissing noises.

I laugh. "Go deep throat a cactus!" Niall snaps.

"I love you, too, baby," I tell him.

"LOVE YOU SONIC!" I hear Louis tease Niall.

"Go fuck yourself!" I hear Niall tell him meanwhile I'm dying with laughter.

"Bye, baby."

"Bye, KareBear," Niall tells me.

I pull the phone from my ear as we both hang up. I hope this one isn't a dream. Because I've had this dream a few times.

You Save Me - Niall Horan FanFic (Sequel to If I'm Louder)Where stories live. Discover now