"That was a interesting class." Finn says as him, Poe and me walk out of the class together.
"Yeah." I laugh at the thought of James saying that stupid joke to his friend.
"Hey Rey what class do you have now?" Poe asked as we stopped at Finns locker.
I looked down at my schedule.
"Writin- ugh I have that class with kylo." I said instantly regretting signing up for that class.
"We don't have that class but we can show you were it is if you would like." Finn says shutting his locker.
"No it's alright I walked past it on my way to the office. But thanks anyway." I said waving to them and walked the opposite direction of them.
I had writing with Ms. Kanata.
I finally came across my writing class took a sharp breath in preparing myself for what I was going to deal with.
I walk in and all the seats at the front are taken.
Dang it.
I saw two empty seats in the back. I walked over to the desk next to a fairly pale guy with fiery red hair.
I placed my books down but once I did the guy next to me slammed his hand on my books and cocked his head at me.
"What do you think you are doing?" He asked. His eyes made me very concerned for my safety.
"Sitting down..." I said freezing in my spot.
Then the girl in front of the guy turns in her seat and looks at the dudes hand and then me.
"You're new here aren't you?" She asked. She had blonde short hair with black lipstick.
"Yeah actually." I said.
"Hux lay off the chick she's new." She said turning to the guy who just violated my books.
"Oh sorry. This seats taken. But that seat is open." He said pointing to the seat next to the one I was going to sit at.
"Ok." I say placing my books on my desk and sliding into my chair.
This is fine just keep your head down and you'll be fine.
I started to scan my schedule on my desk.
First period: Chemistry-- Windu
Second: Writing-- Kanata
Third: Lun-
Then I was interrupted by a huge slam on my desk.
I was unaware so of course I jumped.
I looked at the face that was connected to the giant hand placed on my desk.
It was Kylo. The loser from the office.
"Hey babe." He said smirking.
I rolled my eyes and looked back down at my schedule. He was insanely disrespectful of people's personal space and was very rude.
"What's up Hux. Phasma." Kylo said slumping into chair.
"Glad you showed up to class this time Kylo." Hux said leaning in his chair.
"Did you get in trouble for the graffiti outside the gym?" Phasma asked.
"Not really just detention." Kylo said picking at the desk with his pencil. He rolled his attention over to me of course.
He noticed a flier I had in my journal. It was a poetry slam on Saturday that I wanted to go to.
He pulled out the flier and scanned it.
"Heyyyy, what's this?" He said as he gripped the paper.
"Give it back." I said firmly trying to get back the paper.
"A poetry slam?" He said eyeing the paper and looking back at me.
"Yes now give it back." I said still trying to grasp the paper from his hold.
"Sounds stupid. I'd much rather go to a Iron Madden concert. Right Hux?" Kylo punched Hux in the shoulder. Kylo handed back the paper but now it was all wrinkled.
I slid the paper back into my journal and took in some more deep breaths.
Calm down Rey. You can't strangle someone on your first day of school.
Then a fairly small woman walked in.
"Good morning class. Today we will be talking about our new projects we will be starting today." I was assuming the lady was Ms. Kanata since her name was scribbled on the board.
The class groaned in unison sounding like zombies.
I actually didn't mind a project. It would give me something to do on my spare time.
"But you will be working with partners." Ms. Kanata said as the whole class cheered and high fives each other.
But the thing was I didn't have a partner.
I slowly raised my hand in the air.
"Yes." Ms. Kanata said pointing to me in the back of the class.
"I don't have a partner." I said putting my hand back down.
"I will volunteer as Rey's partner Ms. Kanata." Kylo says looking over at me and lifting a brow.
"Wonderful!" Ms. Kanata said as she handed out papers.
"Now class I want you to make a presentation about the history of writing. And also write something about how writing became a part of your life." She said handing me a packet.
"And once you consult with your partner what you will be doing, you are free to leave." She said walking back to her desk.
"Give me your phone." Kylo said holding out his hand.
"Why?" I asked cautiously.
"Don't flatter yourself honey I'm just putting in my contact." He said waving his hand.
"Oh.." I say as I pull out my phone and hand it to him.
Once he puts in the contact he hands it back to me and smirks.
"I'll pick you up outside the gym after school." He says standing up and exiting with Hux and Phasma.
I soon exited along with them after that. The rest of the day went by normally now that Kylo was out of my life for now.
But I did have to meet him after school.
I gathered my things out of my locker and
I made my way to the gym and waited outside.
I decided to call Papa because he probably wanted to know where I was going after school.
Dialing Papa
After about 3 rings he answered.
"Hello?" Papa answered.
"Hi papa. I'm going over to my partners house for a project. I will be home around 7:15."
"Ok dear. Be safe." He said.
"I will. Love you papa." I say as I hung up.
I turn and look around as I take in the beauty of the wild flowers around me.
Wow. This place is absolutely stun--
I was interrupted by Kylo honking the horn at me snapping me back into reality.
I turned and saw Kylo sitting in a black Audi with the window rolled down.
"Get in." He said through the window.
I opened the door and slide into the car. I buckled my seat belt and put my bag in my lap.
"Why are you always scaring me?" I asked.
He stepped on the pedal and we sped out of the parking lot.
"Because it's fun."
Blank Pages: ON HOLD ~ Reylo AU
Teen FictionMoving to Texas wasn't going to the be the greatest trip Rey has ever been on but it was going to be a wild one. Rey meets the Solo family but when faced with their son Ben, or as know as Kylo, she doesn't want any part of them.