Chapter 1

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Astrid's POV

It has been 5 years. 5 years since that fateful night. 5 years since Hiccup was declared dead.


When I woke up the sun was hitting my face, and my vision was still groggy. My head ached, and I noticed that I was laying on the ground. I suddenly remembered the events of last night. The cove, Hiccup, and an unknown dragon. 'Oh Thor, Hiccup' I can't help but think. I look around, and spot my axe laying 5 feet away. Is I went to get it I noticed a glint in the water. That glint turned out to be a dagger. As I looked at the hilt I saw the initials H.H.H.III carved into it. 'Hiccup's dagger' I realize.

Now taking a closer look around the area I noticed scorch marks on the patches of grass, black scales scattered about, and claw marks on the walls of the cove. What really caught my eye were the patches of red on the grass. I couldn't help but think 'Blood, oh Gods, blood."

I ran as fast as I could out of the cove, towards the village. As I reached the chief's house I urgently banged on the door. As the door finally opened I blurted out "Chief....Hiccup....forest....dragon."

"Slow down lass" Stoick said taking in my frazzled appearance.

"Last night I followed Hiccup to a cove in the forest. I saw him near a black dragon." I tell him still out of breath.

"Lass Hiccup is in his room." Stoick said.

"Please believe me chief. I know what I saw. The dragon knocked me out. When I woke up I found this." I said showing Stoick the dagger with his son's initials. "There was also.... Blood." I tell him.

Stoick quickly runs upstairs screaming "Hiccup!!!" He found the bedroom empty, and quickly called for a search party.

"Astrid show us where you found that dagger." Stoick tells me.

I lead him, and the search party to the cove, and I watched as Stoick took in the scene of scorch marks, scales, and blood.

He sank to his knees, mumbling "Hiccup, oh Gods. My son is dead."

"Chief." I say cautiously approaching. "He may not be dead."

The chief turns to me, grief and anger are visible in his eyes. "A dragon always goes for the kill!!!" He yelled at me. "My son is gone, and it's your fault!!" As he yells this I take a step back.

----End Flashback----

After that day nothing had been the same. The chief treated me with disdain, because to him I could not save his son. The rest of the village didn't really care for Hiccup, and some were even relieved that he was gone. That was until the next dragon raid when they learned just how much they needed him. Gobber could not keep up with the weapons demand, and all the villagers learned that night that Hiccup was the one who always worked so fast.

For a week Stoick had shut himself in his house ignoring his chief duties. Spitelout had to take over for that time period, but no one liked his attitude.

The chief announced after that week that dragon training would be canceled for the year, and that we should hone our skills for the next competition.

Three months after Hiccup's death the Outcasts attacked, and tried to raid us. My parents were slain in the battle, and I was left an orphan.

Six months after Hiccup's death the dragon raids suddenly stopped. This put the whole village on edge. After weeks of no raids we slightly lowered our guards.

One year after Hiccup's death Trader Johan came with his wares, and his long-winded stories. One of those stories was about the Dragon master. A man who rides a Night Fury, and commands an army of dragons. The villagers thought that this was a hoax, and that no man could control those 'beasts', but they were soon proven wrong when the Dragon master came, and blasted open the cages in the arena. Freeing the dragons which we had captured during the raids.

Women were considered of marrying age at 15, but with no family to negotiate my mundr, I was left with less than desirable prospects. I was now 20 years old, and had rejected all my suitors. This caused the my tribe to resent me, because they feel that I had brought shame upon my name, and family.

My best friend Ruffnut married Fishlegs, and is now 8 months pregnant with their second child. Their first was a daughter named Brigid. Snotlout is engaged to Heather of the Berserker tribe, and sister of Dagur who had become the chief. Tuffnut has not yet found someone to marry but is currently helping Gobber in the forge. Although the weapons created weren't as durable as when Hiccup was his apprentice. I had given Hiccup's dagger to Gobber who now carries it everywhere on his belt.

It is now almost sunset when the guards spotted ships approaching on the horizon. As the ships neared several insignias could be distinguished. I couldn't help but think 'Why would all these tribes come here?'

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