Chapter 12

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Hiccup's POV

As I finished reading the scroll, I curse out loud. The others all have questioning stares directed at me. "Well you lot won't be leaving anytime soon." I tell them.

"Stoick has declared you all traitors to Berk. He has placed a bounty on your heads. You are to be captured to stand trial on Berk. There it will be decided if you shall be branded Outcasts or killed. Your descriptions are already being circulated through the tribes" I tell them with a grim face.

I see their face holding various degrees of shock, horror, and anger. Snotlout looks at me, then suddenly speaks up. "Hiccup that isn't everything is it?" He asks. I wearily shake my head in a negative fashion.

"He has also declared that Astrid had shown dishonor on top of the treason charge." I tell them. They were all speechless. Astrid was shaking with anger "How have I shown dishonor?" The question was grounded out. Her fists on her lap were clenched that it was a wonder that they weren't bleeding.

"According to this, he is claiming that you were willingly fleeing a situation that would have benefitted your tribe." I tell her. "He has therefore declared that you will be nothing more than a thrall."

The outburst that followed after I told them that was very very loud. Astrid was sobbing into her hands. I quickly made my way to her to comfort her. "Astrid, don't worry. We'll fix this somehow." I tell her, while trying to comfort her.

"He... He took everything!!" She wails. "He literally made me a piece of property without any rights!!" At this point I hold Astrid as she sobs into me. "They can literally do anything they want to me if they capture me."

"Astrid" I say only to get a sob in return. "Astrid, look at me." I tell her. She slowly raises her head, eyes, and nose red from crying. "There are a few ways to get you your freedom back." I say to her.

"How?" She asks dejectedly.

"Well, we could either buy your freedom, or..." At this point I hesitate.

"Or what Hiccup?" Snotlout asked. The others were giving me curious looks.

"Or we prove that Stoick had no right to declare you a slave, because at that point you weren't part of his tribe anymore." I tell them.

"Wait, what?!" Astrid was now giving me a wide-eye stare. "What do you mean I wasn't part of his tribe anymore."

"Remember the offer you made me to safe your friends." I tell her a bit nervously. I see Astrid nod. "Well, when I freed your friends, and assured their safety, you...." I nervously rubbed my the back of my head as I explained. "You belonged to me from that point." I tell her.

"Cuz, you're a genius!!" Snotlout exclaimed as he caught on.

"Snot, dude, explain..." Tuffnut asks.

"Viking law states that it only applies if the person is still a tribe member." Snotlout tells them. "Astrid's offer to Hiccup came before Stoick's declaration. At that point she wasn't a member of the tribe anymore."

"And she did it in front of numerous chiefs, so there are plenty of high ranking witnesses." I add. "There is actually only one problem." I tell them. "I have to now actually demand that you Astrid fulfill your promise, otherwise it can be voided."

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