Chapter 4

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AN: Hello everybody. I know I said daily updates, but I completely forgot that I would be very busy tomorrow. So to make up for that I'll be giving you all tomorrow's update now. Hope you will enjoy it XD

Chapter 4

Astrid's POV

"Fishlegs, Snotlout!! What are...."I began, but Snotlout cut me off.

"We need to go now." Snotlout whispers. I nod, and heft the bag over my shoulder, and follow the boys out. We sneak along the back of the houses towards the docks.

I saw Tuffnut was stationed on guard duty on one of the hills. He quickly motions us towards a Knar ship when the coast was clear.

As we neared the ship I saw that it was loaded with some supplies. I place my bag on the ship, while looking around. "Where are Ruffnut, and Brigid?" Fishlegs asked looking around, worry etched on his face.

"Right behind you." Was heard followed by maniacal laughter. We all turn to see Dagur holding a knife against Ruffnut's throat, while another Berserker was holding a struggling Brigid. The struggling 3 year old had tears down her face, and was screaming to let her momma go.

"Now all of you will surrender, or my hand might just slip." Dagur said bringing the blade closer to Ruffnut's neck. We had no choice but to surrender. More Berserkers came out of the shadows, and tied us up.

We were marched towards the center of the village. As we passed the harbor entrance I saw two Berserkers tying Tuffnut up as well.

We near the center of the village where everyone is gathered for the Dragon masters arrival. Dagur laughs evilly, and says "Let's hear what your chief has to say about your treason." Dagur then calls out in a sing-song voice "Stoick, look who I found near the docks."

This grabs the attention of everyone present. Stoick makes his way over towards us. Gobber close behind. "What is the meaning of this!" He bellows. "Isn't it obvious Stoick. They were going to flee with our offering." Dagur says as he gestures toward his captives.

Stoick takes a good look at us. His eyes widen when they land on Snotlout. "Snotlout how could you!" He says getting angry. "You are the heir to this tribe. How could you betray us?!" At this point Stoick was red in the face, and his fists were balled.

"Why would I want to lead a tribe who would sell one of their own!" Snotlout shouts back at his uncle. "You would send Astrid, one of our best warriors to be possibly murdered, raped or made a slave!! I'd rather be a traitor!!" Snotlout is yelling at this point, and many of the villagers faces show shame.

"Why don't we just kill the traitors." Dagur says loudly to the crowd. "It would save us the trouble" At this point his knife is pressed against Ruffnut's neck drawing a trickle of blood.

Both Tuffnut, and Fishlegs began struggling against their captors, while they yelled "Don't you hurt my sister", and "Touch my wife, and die Dagur." The villagers had never heard Fishlegs threaten anyone before, and were shocked by the cold edge of his voice. Brigid still in the Berserkers clutches yelled "Go Daddy!!"

"Now now, there's no need for killing." Gobber speaks up trying to diffuse the situation. "Of course there is. They are traitors. We either banish them, or blood-eagle them." Dagur states. At this point Heather marches up to her brother, and smacks him on the head. "Let them go. They were just trying to help their friend." Heather yelled. "You call them traitors, but it's you lot who betrayed Astrid first!!" Heather yells to the crowd. "Sister dear, don't tell me you're in on this too." Dagur asks Heather with a deadly glint in his eye.

"You damned your yaks I'm in on it. I would have done the same for you if you were in such a situation 'dear' brother." Heather says folding her arms, and glaring at Dagur.

"Now all of you calm down." Just as Stoick says this the familiar whistle of a Night Fury could be heard.

"Night Fury! Get down!!" Gobber yells. The Vikings instinctively duck down, and cover themselves with shields. The Berserker who was holding onto Brigid ducks as well letting his prisoner go. Brigid quickly hurries towards her father, and hides behind his legs.

As no blast came the Vikings slowly stand back up again. They look to the sky, and see several dragons circling the square. In the middle, almost invisible to the eye, a jet black dragon hovered. It's rider clad in black armor, which gleamed due to the high torches. His face was covered by a black mask. He was surveying the village.

Stoick looked towards the black clad figure "He's here." Was all he said. Was all he said. I look towards the sky, the dread slowly creeping back 'Oh Thor no.' was all I could think.

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