Chapter 14

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Astrid's POV

At Fishlegs statement we all race towards Ruffnut's room. As we near the room we see an assortment of dragons near the door, with Brigid in the middle holding a small yellow and brown dragon that I never saw before.

"Those guys weren't here before." Fishlegs says as he takes in the assortment of dragons.

"They usually cluster together when eggs hatch. I think they are doing the same thing here." Hiccup replies as he begins to slow down.

"Daddy, mommy is saying colorful words again." Brigid says as we come to the door. Slightly muffled yelling could be heard from behind the door, and Fishlegs shudders.

"Come on Fishlegs it can't be that bad." Hiccup tells him, and proceeds to open the door.

"SON OF A FROST GIANT, I'M GOING TO CASTRATE YOU 'DEAR' HUSBAND." Could be heard from Ruff who was laying on the bed. Hiccup promptly shuts the door again, and says "Okay, so it's that bad."

"Daddy, what does castrate mean?" Brigid asks curiously. The little dragon in her arms also tilts its head sideways.

", Brigid I'll let your mom fill you in." Fishlegs quickly replies.

"Come on Fishlegs, you actually have to go into the room, and be present for the birth." Hiccup tells him as he watches him worriedly glancing at the door.

"I know Hiccup, just hope I don't faint this time." Fishlegs mumbles.

"You fainted?" Hiccup asks curiously, and Fishlegs nods.

Hiccup then turns to us, and asks "Eh, which one of you is going to deliver the baby?"

I look to Heather, and Heather looks to me. "Hiccup I don't think we know how to deliver a baby. I was training to be a shield maiden, not a midwife." I tell him. Heather also nods. "I don't know either."

Hiccup sighs, and then responds "Well I'll have to do it then." At this all of us are looking in his direction.

"Hiccup have you ever done this before?" Snotlout asks.

"No, but Gothi did give me medical training. This included, and the nearest village is a three hour dragon ride from here." He tells us.

Before any of us could say anything we hear Ruffnut's voice from behind the door louder than ever. "FOR THE LOVE OF FREYA!! IF HE SAYS HE CAN DO IT, LET HIM!!"

Hiccup quickly springs in action. "Fishlegs go calm Ruffnut down." He says, and shoves Fishlegs through the door. "There you are 'dear' husband." Could be heard just as the door closes again.

"Brigid, stay outside with the dragons." Hiccup tells the little girl.

"Sure thing uncle Hiccy." Brigid replies, while resting against the side of a Nadder. She lets the little dragon go from her arms, and I notice three tails wagging happily.

"Uncle Hiccy?" Hiccup asks giving the girl a questioning glance.

"Don't bother Hiccup. Once she gives you a nickname she'll keep calling you that." Snotlout supplied holding back a chuckle as Hiccup lets out a groan.

"Heather, I need you to get a few bundles cloth, and fur from the store room." Hiccup tells her, and then he turns to Snotlout, and I. "Snotlout I need a basin of hot water, and Astrid I have some medicinal herbs in the kitchen. It should be in a box marked 'extremely unlikely events'." He tells us. I raise an eyebrow, but quickly leave for the kitchen, with Snotlout trailing behind me, but I could still make up what Hiccup said to Tuffnut. "Tuffnut you will find, and remove every weapon Ruffnut has stashed in that room."

As Snotlout, and I made it back to Ruffnut's room I notice Brigid sleeping against the Nadder who was preening her hair, and the small yellow brown dragon who was laying next to her. I still wonder what kind of dragon that is.

We come into the room, and I see Heather already there laying out the cloths, and Fishlegs who was gripping his hand in pain. Tuffnut was off to the side filling up a box with maces, daggers, and a spear.

"I'll just take these out of here." Tuffnut quickly says, and vanishes out the door.

Snotlout, and I set the items down where Hiccup indicated. He then told us to wait as he needed our help.

"Now Ruffnut, I want you to push." He tells Ruffnut calmly. Ruffnut who is once again squeezing Fishlegs's hand grounds out. "If this doesn't work Haddock you'll share the same fate as my husband."

After a few agonizing hours, and lots of threats from Ruffnut, the bawling of a baby could be heard. "It's a boy" Hiccup says, while wiping clean the babe, and wrapping him in cloth. "Now just the other one."

"Other one!!" Ruff yells.

"Yeah, it looks like twins." Hiccup nervously says.

Ruffnut turns to Fishlegs, who shudders at the glare. "" She says in a deadly tone.

It takes only a few minutes before Hiccup is wrapping the new infant. "A girl this time." He tells Ruffnut, and Fishlegs. As Ruffnut is holding the babies, and begins cooing over them, Tuffnut peaks his head in. "Is it safe?" He asks, and when Hiccup nods he ushers in Brigid, who is once again holding the little dragon.

"Brigid, meet your new brother, and sister." Ruffnut tells her, and shows her the babies. Brigid squeals, and is happily singing "I'm a big sis now."

Fishlegs who finally let his curiosity get the better of him asks "Hiccup, what kind of dragon is that anyways?" while pointing to the little dragon currently licking his daughter.

"That is a baby Triple Strike. He belongs to the Strike class" Hiccup supplied as he watched the two interact. "I found the little guy while out exploring. His parents must have been captured, because bolas were all over the island."

"Mommy, can I keep him?" Brigid asks giving her best puppy dog stare. The baby Triple Strike was copying her, with its tongue hanging out.

"You have to ask Hiccup honey." Ruffnut quickly states not wanting to look at those puppy dog eyes. Brigid, and the little dragon turn to Hiccup. "Uncle Hiccy can I?" Brigid asks.

Hiccup brushed the side of his head, and let out a sigh. "You two already bonded, so I don't see why not."

"Yeay!!! I'm gonna call him Tassels." Brigid exclaims, and bounds out the door, Tassels right on her heels.

"Hiccup" I say.

"Yes Astrid. What's wrong?" He asks curiously.

"You do know you just gave a Strike class dragon to someone related to the twins right." I tell him simply, and watch as realization sets in, and he begins to pale.

Hiccup then rushes out the door, while yelling "Brigid, there will be some rules!! I want this mountain standing for at least few hundred years!!!"

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