Chapter 8

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AN: Hello my lovely readers. Let me thank you all for all your Favorites, Follows, and Reviews to this story. As a present I've decided to give you guys not 2 but 4 new chapters to enjoy today. So with out further ado. on with the show. Sit back, relax, read, and enjoy. XD 

Astrid's POV 

The Dragon master was hovering above the village square just watching us. I noticed the chief's clenched fists as he looked into the sky. He was getting pretty irritated. Suddenly he yells "Dragon master!! Why don't you come down here, and face us like a real man!!"

"Stoick!" Camicazi who is standing next to Gobber hisses. "We need him to like us!"

The black clad figure suddenly makes a hand gesture, and his three escorts descent together with him. Two Monstrous Nightmares flank the Dragon master, and a Zippleback lands behind him.

I watch the Dragon master dismount the Night Fury, and take out a scroll from his saddlebag. He then turns to face the gathered crowd. "I got your message. The question is, why should I accept your alliance?" he asks, his voice muffled by his mask.

Stoick grabs me by the arm, and drags me forward. I try to struggle, but to no avail. "Dragon master for your cooperation, we wish to give you this maiden." Stoick says as he throws me to the ground at the Dragon masters feet. "You may do with her as you wish."

I hold my head down in resignation, my bound hands digging into small jagged pebbles, tears slowly begin to slip from my eyes. I hear the crunch of stones next to me. A black gloved hand tips my chin up, so that I am staring at the Dragon master. From the slits of his mask I can make out forest green eyes. He wipes away my tears with his gloved hands, and stands back up. I watch as he moves back towards his dragons.

"He's refusing her. I told you the man was a demon." Thuggary says as he watches the scene unfold. I can't help but think 'This man isn't a demon. He wouldn't have wiped my tears away if he was.'

"Dragon master, why!!" Stoick yells, his face becoming red with anger.

The Dragon master stops, and turns to Stoick, his voice cold "You wish for my alliance, yet you try to persuade me by giving me an obviously frightened woman. Everybody can see that she did not agree to this." He hissed out. "You wish for us to be united against Drago, yet you would betray one of your own!!! How would such an act earn me your trust."

Suddenly I heard Dagur's voice from the crowd. "Well this was boring. Can we kill the traitors now?"

My eyes widen. My friends would be killed for helping me. I suddenly surge forward with speed I didn't know I possessed. My bound hands gripping the Dragon masters arm. He turns his head to look at me in surprise. Before anyone could say anything, I began to plead "Please Dragon master. I know you won't accept their alliance, but my friends will be killed for trying to help me escape." As I said this I gesture towards my bound friends. "I'll make you a new offer. If you save my friends I'll be anything you want. I'll be your wife, I'll be your servant, just please save my friends!!" At this point I was shouting in desperation. The crowd had gone silent listening to my plea.

A sigh came from behind the mask, as the Dragon master turns to look in Dagur's direction, who still had a knife to Ruffnut's throat, and the Berserkers who were restraining the others. He takes my wrist in his other hand. I let go of his arm, and he guides me to sit on the Night Fury. I see him turn back towards the gathered crowd. "I'll make you a new deal." He says, and then gestures towards my friends. "You will free them, and you'll have your alliance."

Stoick who was still angry yells "You don't get to make new deals!! Why should we let the traitors go!!"

"Stoick be reasonable!" Could be heard from Ingvar who was standing with the other chiefs.

"Yes Stoick, he is actually willing to accept the alliance." Heather says. Stoick then turns to her. "Don't you dare girl. Don't think I didn't notice your role in this!" He shouts at Heather who takes a step back. "You were the distracting us while they tried to make their escape!!"

"Besides he is outnumbered." Stoick says gesturing to the Dragon master, and his four dragons. "We can easily take him, and four devils."

Suddenly laughter could be heard from the Dragon master. "Did you really think that I would be so careless to come to a dragon hating village with only four dragons?" He asked, the mirth could still be heard in his voice. The crowd becomes a bit agitated at his statement.

"You Vikings are as stubborn as ever. There are only a few who have earned my trust, and respect. I'd much rather accept the lady's offer than ally myself with those who care so little for their subjects." The Dragon master's cold voice cuts through the agitated murmurs of the crowd. "Negotiations are over." He says, and then proceeds to let out a dragon roar.

The roar is returned, and I see Changewings appear on the roofs of the houses. The crowd of Vikings looks completely shocked. We've been surrounded by dragons the entire time, and hadn't even noticed. Three Changewings knock the Berserkers holding my friends out, before they could even react.

The Dragon master then walks up to Dagur. "You know, I really hate it when a man takes a woman or child hostage." He states, and then hits him with a lightning fast punch. Dagur having no time to react drops the knife, and releases Ruffnut as he stumbles back from the blow.

As Dagur is still in shock on the ground the Dragon master tosses the knife at Heather, who proceeds to cut the ropes holding Snotlout, and the others.

The Dragon master then addresses them. "Get to a boat, and out to sea, unless you want to stay here to die."

My friends nod a thank you towards the Dragon master, and then proceed to help Ruffnut towards the harbor.

The Vikings were still being surrounded by the Changewings, as a longboat was making its way past the sea stacks, towards the open ocean. I suddenly felt an arm wrap around my waist, and a warm body press against me. I hadn't even noticed the Dragon master climb into the saddle, to relieved as I watched my friends get away safely.

The Night Fury lets out a roar causing the Vikings to back away. As the Changewings take flight I hear the Dragon master whisper in my ear "Hold on Miladay." His voice laced with mirth.

Before I could figure out what he meant we suddenly shoot up into the sky. "GREAT ODIN'S GHOST!!!" I yell at the sudden acceleration, and press closer towards the Dragon master, who I hear snickering. I can't help but raise an eyebrow, and think 'Did the Dragon master, the scourge of Vikings just snicker?'

We level off above the clouds, and I notice that we are following the path the longboat took. I see the other dragons flying past us as we descent towards the boat.

We skim the water, and begin to fly alongside my friends. I see Brigid snuggling up to Ruffnut, while Fishlegs drapes a blanket over her shoulders. Tuffnut appears to be steering, while Snotlout, and Heather check the sails.

Brigid was actually the first to spot us. "Mommy mommy look, auntie Astrid." This got the attention of everyone on the boat.

"Greetings" I hear the Dragon master say from behind me. "How much supplies do you all have?"

"Not much, we were busy loading the boat when we got captured." Ruffnut says. "And we probably won't be welcomed on any of the other Viking islands. The chiefs would spread the word that we are traitors." Snotlout mutters.

"I'll take you to my islands. From there you can decide what to do next. Keep heading in this direction. I'll have some of my dragons come, and get you." I hear him state. The others in the boat stiffen. "They won't eat us will they?" Fishlegs nervously asks.

"Dragons don't eat humans." I hear from behind me. "I need to find a special dragon to carry her." He then says, and points to Ruffnut.

"Wait why?" Fishlegs asks confused.

"Sitting on the narrow back of a dragon wouldn't be very comfortable for someone who is pregnant, and I don't want to risk her getting hurt." Was the reply. "Just keep heading straight. I should be back in two hours."

The Night Fury suddenly begins to gain speed, and we soar past the boat, and into the night sky. My friends are safe, and I'll have to keep my word. I can't help but think 'What would the Dragon master demand of me?'

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