Chapter 9

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Hiccup's POV

It was already thirty minutes into the flight, and we should be reaching the caves in five, when I noticed Astrid shivering, and pressing closer for warmth.

"We should be there soon. You can warm up there." I tell her.

"Thanks, this dress wasn't designed to keep out the cold." She mumbles.

Soon the island was in view, and Toothless lands in the cave entrance. I dismount, and help Astrid get off the saddle. Toothless blasts the fire pit, and warmth begins to spread in this part of the cave. There were some dragons resting in the entrance cave, mainly some Gronckles, and Terrors but I saw Astrid stiffen as she saw them.

"Hey, don't worry. They won't hurt you as long as you don't hurt them." I gently tell her. She nods still a bit wary. "Just don't point any weapons at them, and you'll be left alone."

"Toothless, bud. Could you warm up the other areas?" I ask. Toothless takes one last look at Astrid before making his way deeper into the caves.

I gently grab her hands, and inspect the knot in the rope around her wrists. "I'm going to have to cut it." I say as I take out my dagger. Astrid tries to back away, but I have a firm hold on her. "Easy, I won't hurt you. I just need to cut the rope. You need to hold still." I tell her.

As I'm cutting the ropes I hear Astrid speak for the first time since the ride over. "I'm Astrid. What do you wish of me M'lord?"

For once my mind goes completely blank....

"W...What?" Is all that I say as I gaze at her through my mask. Her eyes were downcast. I say nothing more as I finish freeing her wrist.

"I keep my promises." I hear her say. "I'm a woman of my word. My friends are save, and I'll keep my promise to you." She says stiffly.

Then it suddenly clicked. The offer she made when I rejected the alliance. 'How could I forget that.'

I nervously rub the back of my head. "Look,... Ehmm.... I forgot about it." I tell her.

Now it is her turn to look at me with a wide-eyed stare. "You forgot!" She nearly yells.

"Can we talk about it tomorrow? I still need to get your friends." I say as I begin to lead her through the passageways. We come to a passageway with a lot of doors. "This part of the cave system holds the bedrooms." I tell her. I point to the first right door. "That is my room. Please don't go in there uninvited." I tell her seriously. Astrid nods, then asks. "Why so many bedrooms Milord?"

"Eh...... For now you can just call me Ryder." I tell her. "I usually have some friends visit who like to stay for a few days." I tell her. She looks at me curiously. "You are considered the bane of every Viking. I just don't see you holding any sleepovers."

At this I have to chuckle. "Aye M'lady, but I do have some friends. You'll probably meet them during your stay. All I ask is that you keep their identities a secret." I tell her seriously. "I don't want them getting into trouble."

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