Chapter 6

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AN: Ladies and gents. Because my plans have been postponed for an hour I'm currently being poked, and prodded by my friends to upload a new chapter. So without further ado (if they stop poking me (-_-) ) here are the next chapters for your reading pleasure. XD

Hiccup's POV

After that day Toothless, and I were welcomed with open arms by the villagers. I told them our story again in the Great Hall, but made them promise not to give my location away. Taavi, and I quickly became friends, and Toothless adored him as well, but that was probably because Taavi kept feeding him fish.

The Northlanders where far away from Helheim's gate, and didn't get raided by the dragons very often. They had captured a few Terrible Terrors, and I showed them how to train them. Taavi was now accompanied by an orange Terror who he named Smokey. His father Ingvar had a blue Terror called Lazy, and even Johann took a red Terror, which he named Skulk.

But I knew I couldn't stay here. If anyone not from the tribe were to discover Toothless, and I we would be killed. Those helping us would receive the same fate. So I decided to move to an island 3 hours away by flight, where Toothless, and I had discovered a giant cave system within a mountain. The streams of water which flowed from the top of the mountain ended in a giant underground lake. The caves would be perfect to make into a home, and we would not be far from the village if we wanted to trade or just visit.

It took a month of flying to, and fro carrying building materials, and supplies. Soon I had a kitchen, a forge, a bedroom, some guest bedrooms in case Taavi or any others wanted to visit, as well as a bathroom, and store room.

The day I was officially leaving the village was an emotional one. Taavi was clutching my legs together not willing to let go.

"Why do you have to leave Hiccup!" Taavi wailed.

"Taavi you'll see me again." I say while lifting the boy up.

"Really?" Taavi sniffled.

"Yes I'll come, and visit. And you can visit me as well." I tell him.

"Daddy!! Can I, can I, can I?" Taavi asked excitedly.

"I don't see a problem." Ingvar replied. "And you can send messages with the Terrors."

"So big brother won't be going away forever?" Taavi asked innocently.

"Of course not little man. You'll defiantly see me again." I tell the boy, while giving him a big smile.

As I mounted Toothless, and took to the air I waved goodbye to all of them.

Taavi, and Ingvar did come to visit, and were astounded by my home. The mountain of itself was easily defendable, because it was very steep, and the cave entrance was located high up the mountain. It was a natural fortress. The forest surrounding the mountain contained some changewings which I had befriended. Their nests were located in the forest, so they guarded the island well. As long as I didn't threaten their nesting ground they left Toothless, and I in peace.

It had already been six months since we left Berk, and everything was great. Toothless, and I decided to go on a flight one morning. As we were soaring through the clouds I feel Toothless suddenly stiffen. His ear plates were twitching around, and he started flying in a particular direction. I tried snapping him out of whatever trance he was in but it wasn't working. Soon I saw entire flocks of dragons carrying livestock. We neared an island with an active volcano. Lava was pouring out into the sea creating giant columns of mist, which shrouded the island. "Helheim's gate" I whisper breathlessly realizing where these dragons were heading to. "What dad wouldn't give to see this."

Toothless landed in an opening, and I could see the dragons throwing their catches down a giant hole. "They're not eating any of it." I whisper. Suddenly a giant roar was heard. "Toothless" I shout, this time successfully managing to snap him out of the trance. Toothless looks around frantically, and quickly backs away from the giant hole. The roar comes again, and the dragons cower. Suddenly a large head emerges from the steam, snapping at the dragons. It spots Toothless, and I and tries to eat us, but Toothless fires a blast which hits it's eyes. The giant beast roars, and is now very very angry. The dragons quickly fly out so that they not get eaten. Toothless, and I follow. I see a green Gronckle who can't fly fast enough, and is about to be swallowed up.

"Toothless!" I yell getting his attention. We pivot in the air, and Toothless sends a blast towards the giant dragon. It leaves the Gronckle, and turns it's enraged eyes towards us. As we fly out the volcano it follows sending giant blocks of rock flying everywhere. The dragons who were still close to the island saw what we did for that Gronckle, and started firing blasts at our pursuer. Enraged the giant dragon spread its wings, and took towards the sky as Toothless, and I vanished into the clouds.

"Toothless hit its wings. We need to weaken them." I tell him. We soar in the dark, and Toothless lets out plasma blasts, which hit the beast's wings head on.

Enraged the giant dragon lets out a stream of flames, lighting up the clouds. As we dodge I notice that Toothless's tailfin caught on fire.

"It's now or never bud." I tell him, and steer past the monster, taunting it to follow us in a dive.

As I hear the gas build up in its mouth I have Toothless pivot, and fire directly at the gas cloud. The gas ignites, and the beast is now helpless as it plummets to the ground.

When it hits the ground it creates a giant fireball. Toothless, and I try to escape the flames, but with his tailfin inoperable it is very difficult. The safety line on the saddle breaks as we hit the giant tail, and I fall off heading straight for the flames. The last thing I remember is seeing Toothless dive after me.       

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