Chapter 16

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Astrid's POV 

The following morning both Hiccup, and I were escorted by our friends, and the villagers to get ready. I had to go through the whole bath scene again, while Ruffnut, Heather, and Camicazi were trying to stop their sniggering at my expression.

After the bath I was to be dressed in my wedding gown. Now that I thought about it, that would be a problem since I had made it more 'practical' when we were searching the longboat. Ruffnut must have guessed what I was thinking, because she simply laughed.

"Don't worry Astrid. You won't have to wear that dress that they put you in on Berk." She tells me, making me all the more confused. There was suddenly a knock on the door, and Camicazi went to answer it. When Cami returned she was holding up a white dress, and had a smirk on her face.

"Taavi just delivered this." She tells me, and shows me the white dress. When I see it I'm left speechless. The dress was long, and had a V shaped dropped waist, which was accentuated by a long gold colored corded belt. The bodice had a gold embroidered pattern, and the dress also had a demure neckline, with long fluted sleeves, and a very elegant train.

"We got it out of Hiccup last night." Ruffnut told me. "Apparently he asked Taavi last week to arrange a dress for you, and he even provided your measurements."

"Wait how did Hiccup get my measurements?" I ask getting suspicious.

"Don't know." Ruffnut responds with a shrug of her shoulders.

"But at least your future husband has style." Camicazi adds.

Soon it was time for the wedding to take place. Ruffnut, Camicazi, and Heather walked next to me, guiding me towards the square. As we got there I saw that the square was decorated with banners, and flowers.

I saw Vikings, and dragons waiting, while Ingvar was near the small shrine to Var.

"You look beautiful, Milady." Was said from my right. I turn slightly, and see Hiccup who was wearing an emerald green tunic, and brown leather pants, coming to stand next to me. He offered me his, which I gladly took, and proceeded to lead me down the path towards the shrine.

I couldn't help but think as I continued to walk, that this wedding would be unusual, because I had no parents to handle my dowry, and Hiccup couldn't actually retrieve the ancestral sword from Berk. But my worries were for naught, because Ingvar used one of the lesser know marriage rituals to bind us together.

Our hands were bound together by a cord, when Hiccup presented me with my wedding ring. The band was gold, and had protection runes etched into it, and a blue gem, which matched my eyes was fastened in the middle. As I put his wedding band on his finger Ingvar proudly proclaimed us wed. Cheers could be heard from the villagers, while the dragons were sending bursts of flames into the sky.

The wedding feast that would follow will last for four days, and Snotlout, Eret, and Camicazi were already busy opening the barrels of mead.

The feast progressed into the night. Tuffnut, and Cami were having a drinking contest, while Snotlout was arm wrestling with Eret. Soon it was time for Hiccup, and I to be led towards the marriage bed by six witnesses.

Soon Ingvar, Ruffnut, Fishlegs, Snotlout, Heather, and Eret let our way by torch light to the room Hiccup stayed in inside Ingvar's house. As we entered I saw that candles were spread around the room, and flower petals were scattered on the bed. Hiccup proceeded to remove the flower crown on my head, and the witnesses left the room.

I was guided towards the bed, where he laid me down. "You are as beautiful as Valhalla's Valkyries." Hiccup whispered in my ear then proceeded to give me a passionate kiss.

The following morning I awoke as the rays of sunlight hit my face to find Hiccup snuggling up against me. "Morning Beautiful." He says sleepily while pulling me closer. I couldn't help but giggle. He clearly wasn't a morning person.

"Morning Honey." I tell him, and proceed to sit, and stretch out. "We got to get breakfast." I say while turning towards him, and see him smirking at me. "We have all the time." He purrs, then proceeds to give my neck kisses. "Everyone is probably still hung-over, and the party will last another three days." I can't help but giggle as Hiccup drags me back down.

It was midday when Hiccup, and I finally emerged from the room, and proceeded to the Great Hall. As we entered we were met with sleepy, hung-over Vikings. "Wow, you were right. It looks like the majority of the village just awoke." I tell Hiccup who can't help but smirk.

"Yeah, and it's no thanks to you two." Came from behind us. I turn, and see Snotlout, and the rest of our friends blearily making their way in.

"Us?" I can't help but ask, while raising an eyebrow.

"Yes you two. Both of you kept the village up last night!!" Snotlout elaborates while waving his arms erratically. "I finally thought I would get some decent sleep when you both start again this morning."

At Snotlout's statements both Hiccup, and I blush. Just then Ingvar, and Taavi entered. Ingvar proceeded to clap Hiccup on the back, which just made him blush more.

"Well none of us have to ask how the wedding night went." Ruffnut simply comments, while wiggling her eyebrows suggestively towards me.

Just then a small red blur flew into the Great Hall, and happily attached itself to Hiccup's head.

"Hiccup, why do the Terrors like your head so much?" Fishlegs asks stiffening a yawn. I turn, and watch as Hiccup pries the Terror off of him. "I honestly have no idea Fish." Hiccup says as he takes the scroll, and reads it. The Terror happily goes to get a fish from the bin, and flies out the door.

I see Hiccup's eyebrows shoot up, and he excuses himself to go talk to Ingvar, and Camicazi. The scroll wasn't mentioned for the next three days of the feast, but I noticed Hiccup sometimes deep in thought, while looking at his map.

After the fourth day all of us were packing up the supplies we traded for to take back to the caves. It was then that I noticed Trader Johann in the port. As I went to say hello to Trader Johann, I recognized the other figure who must have traveled with him.

"Gobber?" I say as I stood on the docks next to Johann's ship.

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