Chapter 17

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Astrid's POV  

To say I was surprised to see Gobber here was an understatement. "What are you doing here Gobber?" I ask as he walks off the gangplank.

"Well lassie, looking for you, and that Dragon master." Gobber says. "I never thought you would be so easy to find. I'm glad to see ya doing well."

"You too Gobber." I tell him sincerely. Gobber then notices my wedding band. "Ya got married lass?" Gobber asks me.

"Yeah Gobber. Four days ago actually." I tell him as I show him the ring. Gobber's eyes widen as he inspects my ring. "Ya married the Dragon master lassie?" He asks, and I nod.

Gobber suddenly takes off into a sprint, going faster than I have ever seen him hobble. In the square I see him spot Hiccup who had his helmet on, and was putting saddlebags on Toothless. Before anyone could react, Hiccup was tackled to the ground then swooped up by Gobber, and crushed in a bear-hug. Gobber was laughing, and twirling still clutching his victim in a bone-breaking hug.

Surprisingly Toothless had not stopped the tackle, and as Hiccup was being twirled around I noticed the dragon had a smug look on his face.

What Gobber said when he set a dizzy Hiccup down surprised all of us who were watching the spectacle. "I'm so glad to see ya Hiccup."

"Huh?!" Hiccup said as he slipped his helmet off to stare at Gobber. "How? How did you know?"

"Lad, I can recognize your work a mile away. Ya were my apprentice since ya were a wee lad." Gobber happily states. "That wedding band certainly has your flair. So ya finally got the girl you've been pining over." Gobber adds, and laughs as Hiccup begins to imitate a tomato.

"It's nice to see you again Gobber, but what are you doing here?" Hiccup asks confused.

"Well, Stoick, and I got into a bit of a fight. I then took off searching for the lass here, and the Dragon master. Surprise was on me when I found out it was you all this time." Gobber tells Hiccup. "Ya certainly aren't a toothpick anymore lad, and Dragon master. That's a story I've got to hear."

"Why don't we talk about this a bit more at home." Hiccup says to Gobber. "But you'll have to fly with one of us." He adds.

"Lad, ya want me to fly one of those beasties?" Gobber asks looking unsure at the assembled dragons.

"You can fly with Heather or me Gobber. Windshear, and Stormfly can carry you easily." I say. "Besides Fishlegs has Brigid, and Tassels to carry, while Ruffnut has the twins, and Toothless is already carrying a lot of weight."

"Hey Astrid, why can't Gobber ride with me." Snotlout asks from atop Hookfang.

"Because Hookfang still sets you on fire, and Hiccup probably wants to talk to a non-crispy Gobber." I retort, and to prove my point Hookfang lights up, and promptly sets Snotlout's pant on fire.

"I'll ride with ya lassie." Gobber quickly says as he watches Snotlout yell, and run to the nearest body of water.

After saying our farewells to the villagers, we quickly take to the sky. Gobber holds onto me very tightly. Soon we level off above the clouds, and Tassels decides to do some acrobatics in the air before snuggling back against Brigid.

"Never saw that dragon before." Gobber mumbles.

"Hiccup says it's a Triple strike of the Strike class." Fishlegs who was flying next to us supplied.

Gobber then yells to Hiccup. "Ya gave a Strike class dragon to someone with Thornston blood lad. Are ya mad!!"

"Brigid knows the rules. No burning down my mountain, the surrounding forest or sink my island." Hiccup yells back.

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