Chapter 13

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Astrid's POV

"Fish, could you help me to our room? I think I need to rest for a bit." I hear Ruffnut ask.

"Sure thing Ruff." Fishlegs replies, and proceeds to help her up. The soon disappear around the corner.

"Shall we get going guys?" Hiccup asks as he also stands up.

I thought we were going to the beach, but Hiccup took us deeper into the cave system. Soon we came to a big cavern, and I saw an underground lake. On that lake I saw the longboat.

"Wait, how did the boat get here?" I couldn't help asking. Hiccup simply chuckled while answering "I first thought that this was a lake as well, but look to the left. There is an alcove. It's actually a passageway towards the open sea."

I have to squint, because of the darkness, but I can make out a bit of sunlight on the water's surface. Hiccup goes around the water's edge lighting some torches embedded in the ground. Soon the cavern is relatively lit, and we proceed towards the boat.

The long white dress that I'm still wearing was getting heavy as we treaded through the water. This was just impractical so I decided to rip off the part below my knees. After that I was in a much happier mood. I looked up to find Hiccup staring at me. "What?" I can't help but ask.

I hear Hiccup simply chuckles. "Still as feisty as ever." He says, and proceeds to climb over the side of the boat. I feel my cheeks heat up while I begin my climb.

When we are all aboard the ship we decided to split up. Snotlout, and Tuffnut went to get the supplies from the hold, while Heather, Hiccup, and I gathered the supplies on deck. In the corner of the boat I notice the bag I had with me when we were caught. I couldn't help but exclaim with excitement. I can now change into my regular clothes.

"Hey Astrid look what I found." Tuffnut comes back up holding an axe. Not just any axe, I immediately recognize it as the one the guards took off me. "My baby!!" I say giddily making a dash for my weapon, and hugging it.

The deck is suddenly filled with laughter. I turn, and see Hiccup holding his stomach, from uncontrollable laughter.

"Oh... Astrid.... HAHAHA.... did.. you... HAHA... just refer to your axe as... HAHA... your baby?" Hiccup says in between fits of laughter.

I simply raise an eyebrow. "Thrust me Hiccup this isn't the weirdest thing." I tell him. "That's right" Heather interjects. "Snotlout calls his mace Daisy."

Heather's statement prompts another fit of laughter from Hiccup. Snotlout soon joins us on deck, and takes in the situation. "Guys why is Hiccup having a laughter attack?" He then proceeds to ask.

"Heather just told him about Daisy." I say, and I watch him pale. "Heather how could you!!" Snotlout exclaims. "Now he knows that I sleep with Daisy!!"

"Oh... My... THOR!! This just made my day!!" Hiccup chuckles.

Snotlout who heard Hiccup's statement flushed with embarrassment. "He didn't know about me sleeping with my mace did he?" Snotlout asks. "Nope, that was all you Snot." Heather says trying to hold back her giggles.

Once the laughter dies down we begin to tally the supplies. "A few crates of dried meat, furs, and other clothing, as well as several barrels of water." Hiccup mumbles. "It won't be enough with winter coming fast."

"So how are we getting more supplies?" Snotlout asks.

"We'll trade for them." Hiccup replies.

"Eh, Hiccup, we're still fugitives. That kind of needs to be fixed before we can do anything." I remind him.

"Don't worry Astrid. Remember I told you I had some friends?" Hiccup tells us. "It really shouldn't be a problem. I just need to send a letter to an old friend, and then we can have the wedding, get you guys pardoned, and get supplies in one run."

I see Hiccup rummaging through one of the crates, and he comes back with several pieces of blank paper. He quickly begins to write on those pieces of paper.

"Cuz, what are you doing?" Snotlout asks.

"I'm sending out messages to my friends to inform them of the situation. We're going to need all the help we can get." I hear Hiccup tell us.

"Ok, so your writing letters. How are you going to deliver them?" I can't help but ask.

Hiccup smirks, and then lets out a loud whistle. The cavern only magnifies the sound, and we had to cover our ears. Soon flapping could be heard, and several Terrible Terrors came swooping in. They proceeded to fly around Hiccup, while he gave them each one parchment.

"Iggy, take this to Eret." He says handing the red orange Terror a slip of paper.

"Sharpshot, this is for Taavi." He says handing a piece of paper over to a green Terror who promptly flies off.

"Pain, take this to the Bog." He tells a purple Terror who was busy eying Snotlout.

"Now where did Sneaky go?" Hiccup mumbles as he looks around the boat. "Ah" He says, as his eyes settle on me.

"What is it Hiccup?" I ask while following his eyes. He seems to be looking at the top of my head. I slowly raise my arms above my head, and feel something resting on my hair. Grabbing the thing on my head I pull it off, and see that it is a light blue and yellow terror.

"Astrid meet Sneaky." Hiccup laughs, and takes the Terror from me.

"Take this to Ingvar." He tells the Terror who takes the piece of paper in his jaw, and flies off.

Hiccup looks at us, and shrugs. "I call it Terror mail. They are pretty fast."

Just then a scream could be heard from the corridor. I suddenly see Toothless gliding in fast with Fishlegs on his back holding on for dear life. "A little less Fury please!!!" Fishlegs yells as he is suddenly deposited on the cavern floor with a yelp.

"There you guys are. Hiccup I asked your dragon if he knew where you guys were, and the next thing I know I see my life flash before my eyes." Fishlegs starts to ramble, while I see an amused look on the Night Fury.

"Fish, you're rambling again." Hiccup tells him. "What was so urgent that you actually climbed on a dragon?"

"Ruffnut's water broke!!!" Fishlegs yells frantically.  

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