Chapter 18

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AN: OMG 58 votes for this story!!!. You guys are amazing!!! Thank you all so much.

Hiccup's POV

I quickly head towards the forge to get my new sword inferno that I'd been working on. It was supposed to use Monstrous Nightmare gel to ignite the blade. From the doorway I hear Toothless croon. I look up, and see that he's giving me those big round eyes.

"I know bud." I sigh. "I really want them to stay here. They wouldn't be in danger then." I tell him, and decide to grab my spare inferno as well. It could come in handy.

As I came out of the forge, and into one of the caverns I had to stifle my laughter, because Gobber was currently being used as a cushion for a brown Hotburple, while the others tried to get the dragon off of him.

"Hiccup!" Fishlegs said sounding relieved. "Could you maybe..." He says indicating to Gobber's situation.

"Gobber, what did you do? I haven't seen Grump this affectionate in a while." I ask as I see that Gobber has given up struggling, and accepted his new role as Grump's body pillow.

"I just found this guy lazily walking the corridors, called him a magnificent creature, and patted its head." Gobber says, sounding a little winded.

"Then it's no wonder Grump's taken a liking to you." I chuckle. "He wasn't treated well by dragon hunters, and doesn't trust easily, but he defiantly took a liking to you after you treated him nicely."

"That's all well, and good lad, but could ya get me out from under here?" Gobber asks just as Grump decides to give him a lick.

I walk over to Grump, and stroke his head. "Grump, Gobber here will probably give you some tasty rocks if you get off of him."

The Hotburple immediately gets off Gobber, and was looking at him expectantly. Gobber sighs, but says "Come on Grumpy let's find ya some tasty rocks."

"That was all we had to do?" Fishlegs asks bewildered.

"Did you guys seriously try to lift a Hotburple from his napping spot?" I ask amused.

"" Snotlout said looking embarrassed.

As we make our way towards the entrance cave I can see Astrid, and Heather already waiting there with their dragons. It seems both of them were in a deep discussion about their different axes, and how to dismember something easily. 'Note to self: Never get wife angry.' I think.

I clear my throat to get their attention. "You all ready?" I ask, and receive nods. Before I could get on Toothless a shout of "Wait!!" came from one of the corridors. I turn slightly, and see Brigid, and Tassels coming towards us each carrying a leather satchel.

"Mommy made food for your trip uncle Hiccy." Brigid said as she gave us the satchels. "She also said she'll make sure the mountain is still standing now that uncle Tuffnut made friends with a Whispering death."

I had to do a double take. "I was gone for 15 minutes, how did Tuffnut get a Whispering death?!" I ask in complete bewilderment. The others avoid my gaze as I look questioningly at them. "Fine, let's go." I grumble, silently hoping I would still have an island in the coming days.

Soon Astrid, Heather, Snotlout, and I were high up in the clouds heading towards the mountain ranges. Snotlout caught up to Toothless, and I, and flew besides us.

"Hey, cuz." Snotlout whispers getting my attention. "Can we talk for a bit?"

"Sure Snotlout. What's on your mind?" I ask him.

"You don't consider yourself a Viking anymore right?" Snotlout asks looking nervous.

"Not really Snot. Why do you ask?" I reply.

"So you won't hate me if I'm not, you know...... a traditional Viking?" Snotlout asks looking unsure.

"Snotlout is this about you liking men?" I ask, and see Snotlout's eyes widen.

"WAIT, YOU KNEW!!" Snotlout screeched loudly.

"Snot you were checking out Tuffnut as he called Toothless's new yellow tailfin a fashion faux pas!" I say to him. "We'd have to be blind not to notice."

"And you don't hate me? I know this thing isn't really accepted in Viking culture." Snotlout sighs.

"No worries Snot. It certainly doesn't bother me." I tell him. "Besides I think you might want to talk to Gobber as well."

Snotlout gives me a wide-eye stare. "Gobber also......" He says, and I nod.

"I've known Gobber since I was little. He basically raised me. One day I just asked him why he never got married." I tell Snotlout.

"Cuz, I think that when we get back I'll tell the others. I don't want to hide anymore." Snotlout says looking determined.

The rest of the flight is carried out in silence. Soon we approached the mountain range. It's gray peaks were sticking out of the clouds, giving off an ominous vibe. As we flew along the mountain range we saw no signs of humans or dragons.

"There is nothing here." Astrid says frustrated as she scans the snow covered valley below us.

"Wait, what if the dragons are inside the mountain?" Heather asks as she points to some caves lining the side of the mountainous terrain.

"It's worth a look." I tell her as we head towards the caves.

As we land in one of the caves, I notice several corridors, which must connect to the other caves. "Stay close, but keep your weapons hidden. We don't want to agitate any dragons living here." I tell them.

We slowly make our way through the passageways of the cave with our dragons lighting the way. As soon as Toothless, and I enter another cavern I feel something heavy pounce on me. The weight makes me fall to the ground where I hit my head against a rock. I was slowly losing consciousness from the blow, and the last thing I heard was the worried yells from the others, and the sound of Toothless shooting a plasma blast.   

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