Side story

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 AN: Hello everybody. I know many of you were sad for the ending of this fic, and some of you were hoping for a sequel. So far no sequel is in the works, but I do have something for all my lovely readers. This is a thank you for all your wonderful reviews and votes. This is a little side story that happens between chapters 22 and 23. I hope you'll all enjoy it.  

Gobber's babysitting misadventure   

Gobber, and Brigid send the others off after breakfast when it was time to leave. "Don't you lot worry, I have everything under control here." Gobber said as he, and Brigid waved goodbye.

When the dragons, and their riders were but small specks in the sky Gobber turned towards the little girl who had a put a piece of her blond hair into her mouth. "Well lass, what do ya do for fun around here?"

"I often just play with the dragons or uncle Tuffnut, Mister Gobber." Brigid said.

"Oh lass, just Gobber. Mister makes me feel old." Gobber tells her as they walk further into the cave.

"But you are old." Brigid states.

"You're picking up way too much of Hiccup's sass young lady." Gobber mumbled.

"Gobber will you play tea party with me?" Brigid asks giving her best puppy-dog-pout.

Gobber sighs "Oh why not lass. Now how do you play this tea party?"

Five minutes later we find Gobber sitting at a little table trying to choose between a bright green napkin, and a pink one, while Brigid placed the little cups on the table. Tassels was laying on her bed watching the whole thing. He let out a little yawn, and curled up into a small ball.

"I'll think I'll choose the green one lass." Gobber said, while putting away the pink one.

"Really?!" Brigid asked as she brought out a little kettle. "Uncle Tuffnut never takes the green one. He says that the bright green would clash with his olive green clothes. He called it a fashion faux-pas."

Gobber raised an eyebrow at that statement. Brigid went on to ask "Gobber what's a fashion faux-pas?"

"I have no idea lass." Gobber replied, while looking completely out of his element.

Soon Gobber, and Brigid were sharing imaginary tea, and cookies. "So lass tell me. How are you, and yer dragon getting along?"

"Great!! Tassels, and I figured out his tails abilities!" Brigid replies happily.

"Did ya now lass." Gobber says impressed.

"Yes, let me show you." Brigid says cheerfully. "Tassels numb!"

Tassels who was lazily watching them poked Gobber with one of his stingers.

"Oi what was that!" Gobber yelled, then promptly fell down.

"That's his numbing sting! It should wear off soon, because Tassels is still little." Brigid replied, and went back to sipping her imaginary drink while Gobber grumbled incoherently on the floor.

When Gobber managed to regain feeling in his body he told Brigid. "Why don't we go check on yer baby siblings."

"Yeay!!" Brigid shouts, and dashes ahead towards her parent's rooms.

"That girl has more energy than a Terror going after a pile of fish." Gobber said to himself as he watched Brigid run out of the room, and skip along the cave.

When the duo finally came to the room Gobber carefully opened the door, and tip toed in. Upon seeing Iona and Vari asleep in their baskets he whispered to Brigid. "Looks like they are sleeping lass. Let's quietly go back out."

As Gobber turned around his pegleg hits a stool causing it to fall, and hit the side of the basket Ruffnut used to put here spears in. The basket wobbled, and fell. The spears clanking loudly as they landed on the stone floor. Gobber cringed at the noise they made.

The sound of the spears hitting the ground was enough to wake the twins up. Soon the room was filled with the loud cries of Iona, and Vari.

"I thought we had to be quiet Gobber." Brigid stated dryly.

'For a three year old she definitely had a good grasp on sarcasm.' Gobber thought as he hobbled to the baskets to quiet the twins.

"There, there now. Please go back to sleep." Gobber said to the babies, which didn't work.

"Maybe you should sing to them Gobber. Mommy always does that." brigid suggested.

"It's worth a shot lassie." Gobber said, and took a deep breath.

"Well I've got my axe and I've got my mace" Gobber begins to sing waving his arms in the air.

"And I love my wife with the ugly face." Gobber sings, while Brigid mutters "How many women hit you when you sang that Gobber?"

"I'm a Viking through, and through...." Gobber ignored Brigid's comment, and continued to sing.

"Well I got my club, and I got my bludgeon." So far the twins were still crying.

"And sixty Berserkers locked in my dungeon." At this point Gobber twirls on his pegleg. "This song officially got weird." Brigid comments.

"I'm a Viking through, and through...." Gobber finishes, but the twins are now crying louder than ever.

"Eh, what now?" Gobber asked perplexed.

"Maybe they're hungry." Brigid suggested.

"Right ya may be lass. I'll just go roast some fishes." Gobber tells her. Brigid facepalms at that statement.

"Gobber, they're babies. Mommy still gives them milk." She tells Gobber who stopped, and looked confused.

"Where would I find milk?" Gobber asked perplexed. There are no yaks around here. Only a few chickens running around, and a whole lot of dragons."

Brigid gave Gobber a look that said it all.

"Oh no lass. Oh no. I ain't gonna do it. I'm not about to go milk a dragon!!" Gobber stated.

"My little brother, and sister will keep crying." Brigid simply said, and Gobber threw his hands up in resignation.

"Fine lass, but you watch the babes." Gobber stated, and left to find a bucket while muttering "Of all the crazy things I'd ever done. Milking a dragon takes the top!"

It was nearly twenty minutes later when Gobber came back looking completely battered, and burned, while triumphantly holding up two bottles of milk.

"Gobber your mustache is on fire." Brigid stated as she saw some smoke, and small lit patches of mustache hair.

Gobber quickly pats the burning areas with his hand, and then proceeds to feed the twins. After the feeding the babies quiet down again, and slowly fall back to sleep. Gobber ushered Brigid quietly out of the room. When they are outside Brigid turns to Gobber, and says "You'll need to feed them again later in the day, and tomorrow, and the day after until mommy comes back."

Gobber gets a horrified look on his face as he realizes that he'll need to milk a dragon again.  

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