Side story 2

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AN: You guys voted for it and you guys got it. Here is a new side story in commemoration of 1000 followers on Wattpad. To think that I only had 12 followers when I started this story three years ago. :)

How to mend a Valkyrie's heart: 4 years later

It was a morning like any other as Hiccup and Astrid were cuddled up under the furs of their beds. Both were sleeping soundly as the door to their room was nudged open by a black scaled paw. The dragon tiptoed into the room with a bucket of water in his maw and a little auburn-haired girl following closely behind.

"Shhhh" She made a shushing gestured and then raised her hands.

The Nightfury crouched down in an attacking stance and dumped the water on Hiccup and Astrid when the girl gave the signal.

"AAAAAAHHHH" Both adults shouted, having been roused from their very pleasant dreams. They were soaking wet and Astrid glared at Toothless who hightailed it out of the room.

"TOOTHLESS YOU USELESS REPTILE!" Hiccup shouted as he rubbed his eyes. Meanwhile, Astrid set her sights on their daughter who couldn't stop giggling.

"Zephyr Haddock you are in so much trouble young lady!" She shouted while trying to get out from under the wet fur blanket.

"Uh Oh....." The girl said before she too hightailed it out of there.

Astrid huffed as she and Hiccup finally made it out from under the wet covers. "When I get my hands on her!"

"I think we should probably change out of our wet clothes first." Hiccup suggested and Astrid shot him a smug look.

"Why Hiccup, if I didn't know any better I'd think this was all a ploy to get me out of my clothes." Astrid laughed as Hiccup's cheeks turned red.

"Uhmm... eh.... Uhmmmm" Hiccup sputtered for a moment as Astrid shrugged off the wet tunic and let it fall to the floor. Her husband gulped as she grabbed some linen to use as a towel. She wrapped it slowly around herself before raising a brow. "I'm going for a bath. Why don't you join me, dear husband?" She suggested as Hiccup scrambled up.

The pair had soon made their way to the bathing area in the cave and were about to get cozy when they stopped in their tracks at the sight. Astrid's eyes had widened in shock while Hiccup shouted "TUFFUNT!!!!"

His voice carried through the cavern corridors as an echo and soon Tuffnut came running. Both Hiccup and Astrid still had horrified looks on their faces as the blond reached them.

"Yo mah man." Tuffnut greeted. "I was just helping Ruff make breakfast."

"Tuffnut why are there several turkeys in the bath?" Hiccup asked tersely.

"Oh, those are Chicken's new friends," Tuffnut explained. "You wouldn't believe the drama it caused with the other chickens when she befriended these guys."

"But why are they in THE BATH?!" Astrid nearly shrieked.

"Well we can't have dirty turkeys roaming around," Tuffnut cocked his head to the left in confusion.

"I thought I said no more birds in the bath," Hiccup muttered.

"Well, you said no more chickens in the bath. Nothing about turkeys." Tuffnut stated.

"Tuffnut...... I am seriously contemplating having Toothless or Stormfly eat these birds." Hiccup muttered.

"No need to get grumpy mister. You aren't the only one that wants to get laid." Tufnut rolled his eyes before whistling. The turkeys lined up and followed Tuffnut out of the room leaving both Hiccup and Astrid sputtering.

To mend a Valkyrie's heart (HTTYD fic)Where stories live. Discover now