Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Night had fallen, and a storm raged over Berk. In the Great Hall the visitors had gathered. Most of the tribes of the Archipelago were present. To Stoick's right sat Camicazi, the chieftain of the Bog-Burglars. Next to her was Thuggary, chief of the Meathead tribe. On Stoick's left sat Snotlout who had to be present as the heir, followed by Dagur, and Heather, and other tribal representatives.

"Aehem" Was heard from Stoick as he cleared his throat. Silence fell within the hall as all eyes turned to him.

"While it is great to see you all I have to ask what this sudden visit is about." Stoick asked looking at the others who all wore a serious face.

"We have a problem. A very big problem." Thuggary begins. "The Murderous tribe has been eliminated."

At this Stoick's eyebrows rose almost to his hairline. "Yer telling me that the most infamous tribe in the Archipelago is no more!!" Stoick's voice boomed.

"They were eliminated in one night by a man called Drago" The chief of the Lava-louts said.

"Drago!! As in Drago Bludfist!!" Stoick asked, a look of schock crossing his features.

"Aye the madman himself" Dagur confirmed, which just made the situation more grave. For if Dagur 'The Deranged' called someone else a madman things must be very very bad. "Him and his damn dragon army!!" At this point Dagur had slammed a knife on the table.

"They are conquering more islands, and we are seeking the help from the other tribes to push Drago back." The chief of the Bashem tribe states.

"So far we have enough warriors to stop his fleet. It's his dragon army that we can't stop." Camicazi tells, and receives nods from the various representatives.

"It would be easier if we could simply fight dragons with dragons." Thuggary states offhandedly but caught Camicazi's attention.

"What did you say Thuggary?" Camicazi asked as the room went quiet again. "I simply said that it would be easier fighting dragons with dragons." Thuggary says not seeing where Camicazi is going with this.

"It's not like we have a dragon army." Thuggary continues. "But we know of someone who does." Camicazi stated. Stoick having caught onto what Camicazi meant began to object.

"Camicazi are you insane!! Why would we ask him for help!!" Stoick bellowed. "Who are you talking about Stoick?" The Thunderhead chief asked.

"Camicazi just suggested we ally ourselves with the Dragon master." Stoick angrily says. "He has raided us in the past. How could we trust someone who has allied himself with those devils."

"Well he doesn't actually raid us." Camicazi says. "I'm sure you all notice that he never takes our livestock." This statement earned nods from the others. "He only goes after the dragons we captured." Camicazi continues. "Frankly speaking he is the lesser of two evils. I'd rather be allied with the Dragon master, and have a dragon army at my back then face Drago without one."

Mumbles of agreement could be heard around the table. Dagur however chose to speak up. "An alliance sounds good, but we have no way of contacting the Dragon master."

"It would not be so difficult." The Northlander chief says. "Our tribe consists of mainly traders, and many of them do business with the Dragon master. We could pass the message along."

"And why is your tribe doing business with that traitor?" Stoick asked not looking very pleased with the information.

"The man is actually fair in his dealings, and who can say no when the offspring of lightning, and death itself is staring you in the face." The Northlander chief huffs out.

"Eeeh..." Snotlout said gaining the attention of the room. "What would you offer him?" Snotlout asked. "The man doesn't seem interested in gold or livestock."

"We could offer him something a man couldn't live without." Dagur states with a smirk on his lips. "That is if he's a man, and not a demon." Thuggary huffs out still not liking the idea.

"What could we possibly offer him for his alliance?" Snotlout asked getting irritated by Dagur's smirk.

"A wife." Dagur simply states earning grunts of agreement from around the table. Stoick who was deep in thought said "I know just the maiden." He then turns to Snotlout. "Snotlout go summon Astrid. There is something we need to discuss."

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